I got a "computer licence" from school that included "using the internet" somewhere around 1993 or 94. At the time I also got an email adress from the school but I didn't really use that one, but I did get my hotmail adress that I still use around 1998. My father started attending programming courses at around 89-90 so around then we also got our first computer, and he stayed on the cutting edge for the first few years, and I got my first own computer at around 1995, at the same time he built a home network for the computers, with a central server and Novell Netware for access to the computers.
I think the first one I had was a 486DX2 66Mhz which got upgraded to a Pentium 120Mhz model soon thereafter. I think I had a S3 Trio wwith 4Mb of memory. I had that Pentium for quite a while, but I did get a Voodoo 2 accelerator, until I got an AMD K6-2 450Mhz at around 1999. And another Voodoo2 card.
After that I got my fathers AMD Athlon 1Ghz and TNT2... That was the last computer I was really given, I was an adult after that and I had to buy my own stuff.
Heh, I still have most of those cpus lying around...