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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Depends on who makes it: http://www.shortmountaindistillery.com/ Still going to be an import for you though so it's going to be expensive. And alcohol taxes... :/
  2. I did, tried double the dose and still nothing, so she can't do much more. A bottle of rum is about 31$ so it was about 24$ worth of rum I drank, to be more precise The only way to get it cheaper is moonshine, and that tastes like ass normally.
  3. Did you clean out the PSU aswell or just the cpu, gpu and chassis fans?
  4. That will cure what ails you! And dosages may be increased at patient's discretion! Greatest problem is the cost, that's about 30$ worth of rum I drank, wich lasted for about 4-5 hours. The equivalent in morphine would be 0.5$ per pill. One is massively taxed, the other is subsidized.
  5. Your friend has impeccable taste
  6. Watched Police Academy for the first time since I was a youth, I remembered it as a funny film, but goddamn was there alot of things I missed back then. It's even funnier than I remember! xD
  7. Found a solution for the pain. About 5dl of rum, administered orally.
  8. ****. Morfine does nada. FML.
  9. Do you? True, there's no way of knowing, and he did say he had his own company. Who's not to say that he exports workers?
  10. Pulled another tooth, the dentist was really worried about it since the root is was really, really close to the nerve. I was told to contact them if I don't regain much of my feeling on the right side of the jaw/lips. Hard to tell as of yet, but atleast I got some real morphine tablets for the pain, and they're going to be needed I feel.
  11. I need to make a puppy meatloaf in a foil pan, just for Gromnir.
  12. I gained about 5-10C from changing thermal paste on my old CPU, so yeah, that sounds like a good plan. It did way more difference than cleaning out the fins.
  13. I get the same thing at times, I still find it worth it after a while though - getting some fond memories, and then go at it again.
  14. I used to listen to it every night as I went to bed for a while. I think it's time to do that again.
  15. I'm willing to send you a couple of caps if you do that
  16. Appreciate the list mate Longevity, price, capacity, speed, I would say. I'm primarilly looking to fill my m2 slot. Does anyone have any insight into the different NANDs and such? Those lists didn't go into any depth about such things. Also, just overclocked my RAM to 3200, the motherboard automatically set the voltage to 1.35V, I'm going to have to take another day to see if I can lower that somewhat, step by step.
  17. Yeah, and quite a bit of money too I might never go full SSD, I don't mind having mechanical disks as long term storage as long as they're the much much cheaper alternative. For the price of 3 TB SSD storage I can get 30 TB's of mechanical storage. I will be getting myself something like 200-500GB SSD once Vega's out though. While on SSDs though, can y'all give me some tips on what to look out for in SSDs, don't have much knowledge of them really.
  18. Maybe she couldn't do Star Wars without it?
  19. Built the compuer now today. Dear god is the 900d big. It makes my computer room look tiny! Had some issues with OC'ing in when I first tried to boot, some sort of autofeature. I disabled it and then it booted properly, I need to flash the BIOS I think, but I'm going to make a couple of attempts at getting the memories up to full speed first.
  20. Thank you, I intend to. As soon as I can get al the data moved from my old disk to my new one and reformat it. And install all the drivers I need. And flash the MB.
  21. Got my new computer up and running, feels good. Hate Windows 10 with every fibre of my body. Really hate that you have to opt out for all the data collection, instead of the other way around. Nice to have a fresh drive and such though.
  22. by the emperor, magic is herecy! i think an exterminatus is in order here
  23. Well, I don't have any problems with the repaired tooth, but ****, the one they removed is tormenting me. There were three dentists that tried to pull it normally but it wouldn't let go, so they split it and still had issues getting it out. It looks like I'm going to have to take a third day off, because it still bleeds when I get my blood pressure up.
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