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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Sky News - Putin underwear painting seized by police
  2. Heh, now this I find amusing: "Edward and Bella in Twilight meet all 15 criteria set by the National Domestic Violence hotline for being in an abusive relationship."
  3. I always liked Voltaire's response when the priest at his deathbed asked him to renounce Satan. "Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies."
  4. I managed to jump back into some TOR and dabbled along. Wrapped up the basic Makeb storyline for my Smuggler. Then got the "Oh, by the way, Makeb is still there." "But.. It exploded behind me as I was leaving!!" "Oh, no, that was just the piece of ground you were stood on."
  5. Hm.If I combine that with someone earlier mentioning Kari Wuhrer.. Or I could go amusing and throw this up for the weirded out childhoods..
  6. Well, much as it's called a Tomb Raider game, it's pretty much the set up for how she changes from "naïve archaeology student" to "kickass tough-as-nails-recognises-she-might-be-a-sociopath-adventurer".. That's the story it's meant to tell. The archaeology pseudo-mystical aspects of what's going on around the island are just there to open her eyes to the myths that are more then myths and lay that groundwork for future games to explore the actual Tomb Raider side of it.
  7. Heh, A nice fake trailer that might actually give folks a few thoughts about the potential.. http://youtu.be/U4U4he3GgC4
  8. Ah Japan.. http://youtu.be/zZGNk8pUj4Y
  9. Yeah. It's out in the US apparently. And Amazon and Game and a bunch of others are allowing you to order it. But they have no idea when they'll get it. A few of those "smaller" stores that sell via amazon have copies which are basically American imports, but as such have the price cranked up. It's a little odd.
  10. Hm. http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/266349-syrian-electronic-army-claims-to-hack-twitters-domain-information/ Apparently SEA are claiming to have hacked twitter following on from the New York Times.. Either way, I'd be careful if you log into twitter tonight folks..
  11. New Parent Idea: 1: Take picture of you pulling baby out of spacecraft in forest. 2: Hide picture in the attic for the kid to find when he's 10....
  12. I'm still waiting for word on why you can only buy a pc copy via steam's digital download or why that's more expensive then the physical version which no-one knows when it will actually be available. I like having a physical copy.
  13. I have been carefully building my personal library over careful years.. You think I'll let it slip out of my hands?
  14. I have to admit, it doesn't really matter to me where they're from. If they're female and pretty and personable, nationality or ethnicity really isn't something I give a crap about. The way Oby focuses on it, is kind of worrying.
  15. Hm. my mind is just bouncing between non-focus and rapid-fire scattershot randomness today. Been trying to research a few things and after reading a page a half dozen times it still isn't settling into my head and I find I've got a bunch of elements from other places wandering around in my head and spinning out. It's kind of "Science .. Science... Heretek meandering - ooh, sci-fi , Science, Black Crusade, Book thought, Where did I find that reference, Old Macdonald...."
  16. "Joss Whedon, George R R Martin and Steven Moffat walk into a bar. Everyone you've ever loved dies."
  17. I've read the first four books of that series. They do begin well, but they start to meander a bit towards the end of the third and into the fourth. Although I've heard the most recent ones are back on track. The story does get spread world wide, and you get a view of how Imperial China treats their dragons as compared to the Europeans... And I think it's the fourth or fifth book where they end up sent to the colonies of Australia...
  18. Don't turn up in just your underwear. Although I've heard with certain areas of industry it can be a good thing to get a feel for the "company culture" beforehand to get some idea of what they'll react best to. While a good suit and tie is the standard, some artsy companies feel better about certain more relaxed outfits. Or having little touches of uniqueness / personality. Such as semi-crazy socks or a tie that isn't totally bland. Preparation is a good idea, so when questions get asked you won't totally go into stammer mode as you try to think up responses...
  19. Well dang it, I've been using "The Hardy Boy's Survival Handbook" since I was a kid.. Although I tend to go by the theory that anything vitally essential should always be in your pockets when you leave the house. One of the reasons I'm loathe to go out without a jacket.. heh.
  20. Not to slide too far from survivial.. Just spent the day in bed, lurking in the darkness with a stabbing headache. A little bit better so I'm forcing myself up to get some food in me, drink a cup of tea, and since I'm upright run a check on mail and these forum boards..
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