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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Just for the effect... http://youtu.be/oiSn2JuDQSc
  2. With SR4 they somewhat moved away from "porn" territory, which, supposedly was something THQ more pushed them to do than what the devs wanted to do themselves, and more into just straight goofball wackiness territory. Except they kept the sexual jokes and "The Penetrator" in the game. That's kinda why I'm boggled at it, the game. They have gimps and hookers and references left and right... hell even the DLC is "ENTER THE DOMINATRIX" and yet in game it feels like they try to say "SEX SEX SEX... aww we don't deal wit dat" I mean the entire backstory of Kinzie is that she got fired for being a dominatrix.... and yet her "super form" is basically her in a body suit and a hoodie. Hm, no, Kinzi got fired from the FBI because Matt framed her for all sorts of **** because she kept trying to catch him. That's why she hates his guts. The Enter the Dominatrix DLC is generally a lot of self-referential humour. The conversations between the gang as they talk about how the original "Enter the Dominatrix DLC" was reaaally supposed to go and why it didn't happen. It gets very meta, and very silly. But it did make me chuckle quite a few times.
  3. great movie, the entire vengeance trilogy is just so sad I wonder when Hollywood knows how to make tragedies again, because right now they only know the heroes journey. I finished watching dark angel (tv series) I love season one, the Character of Max is perfect, I don't think there would be anyone who is closer to my perfect woman, but by looks and personality. But the second season ****s it all up, it's plagued by terrible writing, clichéd storylines, exposition dumps, and very out of character dialogue. Seeing a strong woman turned into whiny weak girl was a real shame. Seeing sociopathic characters show feelings and care out of the blue doesn't make any sense. It had some interesting things, but the first season is much better in quality. If you want the "finale" , they did 3 novelisations. Well, one is the story of Max post first escape, up until her arrival in Seattle. The 2nd novel is 1/3 the final episode of season 2, and 2/3 what's going on after, and the 3rd novel wraps up what was actually going on with the weird eugenics cult. Edit: And yes, the 2nd season gets very weird and incredibly plot-holey. I mean, c'mon. One minute they had no idea what any of the escaped group looked like after all this time and the next "oh we've actually had clones of you guys back at base that we forgot to look at."
  4. Tried playing some Far Cry 2. Not really feeling any magic from it. Some stunning vistas, but the running back and forth and back and forth and back and forth isn't really catching me.
  5. Sad movie news.. Peter O'Tool dies, aged 81.
  6. Delved into the darkened depths of the attic to retrieve sundry Christmas decorations, of which I've been putting up in doses through the day between various other tasks. Not feeling the Christmas spirit, so much as slightly light headed and disconnected as I've been running around and juggling it all. Pondering on bills, presents to wrap, and why the spaniel has decided of late to keep running into my room, digging my sheets back and burying itself into my pillows. Also, the cat has had a very fun day. boxes to jump in and out of and dance along. Christmas tree to wind around, sniff at, pounce at lower branches and lick at, along with nibbling of power cables.
  7. "So this needs to be done, and this, and this. Oh and while you're doing this other thing can you also go out and do something else."
  8. Hm, got a whole list of various tasks, errands, admin stuff and all sorts to deal with today. Kind of half-heartedly making a start on it but finding the enthusiasm wildly lacking.
  9. Nope. No discount on AC4 on steam during the sale. It was on for 50% off at Amazon about a week ago. Yep, it was just on Amazon to Prime members. I have it under my Christmas tree thanks to that sale right now. I looked at it here, but for some reason they only knocked about £5 off it at Amazon.co.uk.
  10. TV Drinking Games Star Trek: Voyager Take one drink when: Something that ought to be irreplaceable is lost or destroyed. The show tries to interest you in Kes' love life. The holographic doctor does something adorable. Seven of Nine shows that she knows everything the Borg know about everything in the universe, but doesn't understand basic human stuff. Drink and chaser when: Janeway says she's not changing her mind about something, and then changes her mind 10 minutes later. Shipper bonus ****tail: When Janeway and Chakotay show obvious signs of romantic tension. Swig from bottle when: The crew wastes all their time worrying about their latest holodeck scenario when they're trapped hundreds of light years from home. Game of Thrones Take one drink when: Daenerys screams about her dragons, or anything else. There's pointless nudity to bribe us into listening to a lecture about the history of the Targaryens. Varys or Littlefinger tell the truth and nobody listens to them. Tywin or Lady Olenna put the smackdown on someone. Drink and chaser when: Someone makes a dreadful decision, that you can tell will lead to ruin even if you haven't read the books. Swig from bottle when: There's insane sadism, mutilation or general inhumanity depicted right on the screen. Arrow Take one drink when: Ollie being awesome dissolves to a flashback of Island Ollie being a twerp. Diggle proves that he's right about everything and totally the best at everything. Felicity steals another scene. Every time Ollie takes his shirt off for no reason. Drink and chaser when: Ollie looks guilt-stricken for his past mistakes, and/or someone is yelling at Ollie for being such a jerk. Swig from bottle when: Another DC Comics character is introduced, and is handled better than anything in Green Lantern. Blake's 7 Take one drink when: Avon says something brilliantly sarcastic. Vila is hilariously cowardly and lovable. Dayna comes out with some awesome new weapon. Travis acts like a maniac. Shipper bonus ****tail: Whenever Blake and Avon stare at each other and talk about how much they love/hate each other. Drink and chaser when: One of the computers on the show serves up an awesome burn to the stupid humans. Swig from bottle when: Servalan shows up wearing another amazing outfit and either kills someone or seduces someone or both in the same moment.
  11. io9 - Yellowstone's Megavolcano is more than twice the beast it was thought to be
  12. I have to admit, I grabbed the email and GTN kiosk on ship, just for saving all the running around at times.
  13. Be careful getting stuck with Windows 8 on it. I know there was some grief over media player no longer comes bundled with DVD reading software as standard or some such. Also, for consideration, I know you said no minimum size for your screen, but will you have to show people any models or shiny images for your work? Or will you be able to project any presentations?
  14. Getting woken up in the early hours of the morning by a large dog bursting into your room, leaping onto your bed, and landing on sensitive areas does not make for a good start to the weekend...
  15. While I don't have a firm grasp on all the details, I have heard that wind turbines really aren't that efficient or that cost effective for the amount of power they do produce. They tend to be more of a.. feel good / pr thing that of practical use in providing power to a city. They can be good for small remote places that don't need much power, but you'd need a ridiculous amount of them to equal a small "traditional" power station.
  16. Researchers.. they look at anything.. BT News - James Bond is an Impotent Drunk
  17. Gravity. Not a bad film. The sound was pretty damn perfect and matched everything, and it's quite amazing to see a Hollywood film that only has two people in it (if you don't include a voice on the radio and a couple of other recorded messages). And some stunning vistas of space, and the Earth from orbit.
  18. Having a non-productive week due to a weird mix of procrastination and constant little things cropping up that seem to be sapping my time, effort and willpower away. Woke up early for some reason, got to watch the light of dawn slowly creep in and fill my room while trying to get back to sleep.
  19. How about Raja Raja Chola I (another one of those leaders who got 'The Great' added to their name after they died). One of the greatest Tamil Emperor's of India around 900-1000 AD, generally considered one of those all around polymaths who excelled in multiple subjects, but the important ones here was his grasp on strategy and his ability to use land armies and navies in combination, all backed up with political manoeuvres. Even as he expaned his realm as far as Sri Lanka in the south, he built hospitals and improved irrigation to ensure the health and feeding of his subjects and his armies. One of the things that history shows us is that this guy made sure to share the glory with his army and never stinted on looking after his soldiers. By the time he died, his titles included: Abaya Kula Sekaran - The one who protects Azhakiya Cholan - Handsome Cholan Ranamuga Bhimar - Bhima (valiant Pandava prince) in the Warfront Ravikula Maanickam - (Gem of the Descendents of Sun) Raja Sarvakngar(Sarvagnan) - Royal Omniscient Cholendra Simhar - (Chola Lion) Keralanthagar - Destroyer of Kerala(chera) Sanda Parakiramar - The famous one who performs valiant deeds in the battlefield Singalanthagar - Destroyer of Sinhalas Nithavinothar - One who does soemthing innovative all the time Nigarili Cholar - The incomparable Chozha Panditha Cholar - The learned Chozha Pandiya Kulanaasini - Destroyer of the Pandiyan race Mummudi Cholar - Chola worn all the three crowns of Chera, Chola and Pandya Jananathar - Peoples King Jeyamgonda Cholar - Victorious Chola Keerthi Parakiramar - The famous one who performs valiant deeds Chola Narayanar - Vaishnavite Chola Arul Mozhi Varmar (Arumozhivarmar) - The one who utters precious words (Arumai + mozhi) Sivapathasekaran - Humble Slave at Lord Siva’s feet
  20. Balls. My sense of time has been completely out of whack this week. Keep thinking its a different day to what it is, then to top it off was meant to attend a webinar this afternoon but I thought it started an hour later then it did. I think what's bugging me most about it, is that I went out of my way to have reminders for it. I had my computer, my phone, all beeping away through the morning and noon doing the "Remember, you have X thing at 1430".
  21. Hm, I never used paypal. I just relied on Amazon for the Kickstarter. I've always avoided paypal.
  22. Yeah, my mother was a major fan so I saw a lot of episodes. Gil was good. But Sarah was loathed and hated as a character, as a scientist, and as that stupid romance. Frankly, to go soap opera here, everyone I know who watched it thinks Lady Heather was far and away the better option and match to Gil. Plus that was one of the few "subcultures" they looked at on the show that had the most closely related to real truth in how they behaved.
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