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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I differ, they only become assimilated into the larger culture of the US. Hispanics already have an impact in the US, political representation, immigration issues, and even holidays. The support network as become the United States itself. Truly a mulit-cultural society wouldn't be able to exist without some ground rules and that means one government, otherwise it would be chaotic.
  2. Actually none of the trademarks of rogue where present on Diablo, it makes as much sense as calling it a dungeon crawler. Unless you are talking about Diablo 2 in which case disregard all that I've said.
  3. DMC reboot Brits are now on my **** list, nothing personal.
  4. The Hammerhead had none of the Mako's problems and it also didn't have any of it's charm. At least with the Mako you could go over vast amounts of space and watch a beautiful sky, and a recycled map. The Hammerhead is just another mini-game added to ME2, with all the chores of the Mako.
  5. You need conflict for a story and action is the easiest way to do it. Plus a game without conflict or competition would be boring.
  6. This is a very valid point that is often ignored. Which becomes murky once you consider the amount of time that you need to spend playing an MMO.
  7. I sent this quote to Bioware, they should contact you shortly.
  8. Correction, we all have half a million dollars except LoF. His is shared with the proletariat, forcefully.
  9. Are the ini files not set to read only? Are you accessing the ini files in your Documents\Alpha Protocol\APGame\Config folder? What program are you using to edit them. Also wanted to thank all of the posters here, especially MartinDee, for making an already great game freaking fantastic to play through. Runs, looks and controls like a dream now. You guys are awesome. The only thing I didn't completely get was accessing the Unreal model packages. I had hoped to edit Thorton's face to something more sinister for my rogue playthrough, but every time I try to open umodel, it immediately closes. That aside, I didn't see anything verifying that that was actually a viable method of accessing the textures so I might be barking up the wrong tree for that anyway. Notepad or other text processor.
  10. Shouldn't you play the game before you go spouting reviews.
  11. kudos to your earbuds
  12. Not only have the rules changed so has the pace. Before progress would take longer since it faced more challenges and education was a privilege, nowadays we are evolving at an alarming rate which has caused most of modern problem. We move and pollute faster than the world's ability to adapt. But I do believe that we are closer as a world and that in fact it's greed and warfare that have brought us to this point. But change is not always a peaceful transition, eventually I hope that we'll be able to reach stability as usual when our ability to fight effectively ends.
  13. Also true, but with this planet - as any other - facing ultimate destruction, a constant cycle of resetting our advancements is probably not the ideal way to ever get away from this rock. Not that I'm putting blind faith in finding another planet like ours within reach, but there are other ways to preserve our achievements (like sending an AI into space). All very sci-fi I know, but I would just like *some* legacy of ours to endure. I find your need for transcendence blinds you, there isn't even proof of life on the universe that would find our accomplishments. There isn't even a chance of our successors knowing our purpose on sending an AI into space. Plus, really hard to make an AI that contains all of our human knowledge. I actually find the resetting quite refreshing and necessary. Great advents in technology and culture are made around a great civilization, which in time becomes corrupt and falls leading to a renewal. This model is no longer true since now the world has become an information society, rampant with the trade of ideas. Only with a fullblown cataclysm that wipes every nation is this going to be lost. Loss of resources, famine, pestilence, these are already happening, what you call the apocalypse is merely an expansion which I assure you won't wipe us all out since there is a close relation to socio-economical factors. As long as modern society stands while it hits us the fittest will be the richest; you know the tune, schism amongst classes, social upheaval, crime, communism and such. It's kind of a dystopian future which will more than likely change society but in no way end it; it's not even a certainty that it will come to happen or that it will last.
  14. Civilizations have been lost before, what we found from them tell us that technology we though we invented was actually engineered thousands of years ago. Whatever is lost will eventually come back to us since the needs that humans face remain as constant. We also have the ability to change our environment; this what has set us apart, adaptation is a compromise between comfort and necessity. Anyone that can adapt to whatever comes is the fittest, preconceptions don't factor into it since it's the environment that determines it.
  15. Where does this morality come from? And who determines who should be preserved and who should not? Members of the G8? Yes that is indeed the real discussion here, and definitely not an easy one I will be the the first to admit. The way I see it, morality should be in function of the species. It should not be decided by the majority, which not only lacks the knowledge required for such affairs, it's also an undeniable truth that most people just care about themselves. So an elite educated in the well-being of humanity as a whole would be preferable. Alas, we're currently stuck in this idea that democracy is the ideal system for making decisions for all. Platonic idealists :sigh: Humans are always going to screw up sooner or later. In any case as soon as resources become scarce there is bound to be turmoil, the human population will shrink and whomever is left standing is the fittest. Simple
  16. I hereby claim complete authority on the subject! What happens here happens first, everywhere! I then call rule 34 on Obsidian. Counter that
  17. 80% played as male Shepard? What is this i don't even. The majority of gamers are male, still that doesn't mean that they did all their playthroughs as male. I was more shocked that people played Soldier more than the other classes combined (less shocked that Engineer was the least played one.) I've had a lot more fun with sentinel and infiltrator, especially in Lair of the Shadow Broker (as I finally seem to have actually learned how to best use all of the Sentinel's abilities, and it's less of a 'tech armor + locust + tungsten ammo + warp when I need it' show than it used to be). I have the one soldier char that I don't rate pretty high, but the Revenant is fun (even if not that 'good'). Probly because Soldier is great at shooting and with the cooldown as it is, shooting is what you do for most of the game. All other classes are fun but the Soldier is the most functional. Also, I hate that they took away heavy armor; bastards.
  18. Interesting, I will have to look at it more deeply before reaching a solid conclusion.
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