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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. First time in the history of the internet that the "Arguing on the Internet" picture is actually useful seems to simultaneously be the first time in the history of the internet that no one posts it. Nobody can find it.
  2. That's exactly the problem. I don't like gimmicky games. So your problem with it was personal, not because it was actually underdeveloped.
  3. Which is good, but still doesn't take away the fact that it feels underdeveloped. Not every game has the budget of a AAA game and yet they delivered a classic with limited resources. Perfect way to make a game if you ask me, maybe you have become accustomed to the glitz of the big developers.
  4. It would have been better if they spent some more time getting the gameplay right. You are going to rip on a game whose everything has been deified to dead by every living critic on the world. Good luck with that! And I should care.. because? Seriously, Portal was a cool quirky game, but it had an incredibly rushed pace and didn't really feel developed at all. It was ...gimmicky. Portal 2 looks like it's fixing that flaw. If by developed you mean expensive and flashy. By the graphic standards of today it may not be impressive, but Portal is a shining example of how simplicity can work better. That it's beauty.
  5. It would have been better if they spent some more time getting the gameplay right. You are going to rip on a game whose everything has been deified to dead by every living critic on the world. Good luck with that!
  6. Hmm, perhaps the real reason why cultures which accept polygamy engage in extremely patriarchal forms of behavior is historical coincidence rather than a fundamental characteristic of polygamy? Just maybe... I would like to say that is a coincidence, but most patriarchal cultures that had polygyny also considered women second class citizens. In fact the number of wives was meant to reflect the power and wealth of the husband. Polygyny might be the result of a patriarchal society.
  7. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/23/world/am...nted=1&_r=1 Discuss
  8. Saskatchewan, Canada: literally the caliphate? The answer may surprise you! The exception to the rule.
  9. In western nations Islam practitioners conform to the rules the same as the Mormons. It's a misogynistic stereotype to claim that all wives are "nagging." Further, it's interesting that you automatically assume that polygamy means having multiple wives... that's polygyny. Having multiple husbands is also a form of polygamy. Please cite some evidence for this. Ah, that's right, you can't, because it isn't true. Polygamy is the generic term for both sexes and male is usually the ones that are more excited by the prospect. Every culture that condones polygamy has stricter regulation regarding women, proper clothing, chastity and such or else is stoning time. No, it won't.
  10. Neither does religion, the originator is not often considered the one to follow. If we are looking at this from a cultural perspective, polygamy died with the Byzantine empire, which is the foundation of western civilization and it has now taken over the rest of the world.
  11. Most of the world cultures have the same stories in their religions, but the Christian are now the default.
  12. The Global Caliphate disagrees. Don't care, Jews invented polygamy not them.
  13. Most people think is like having your own private harem, when in reality it's having 7 nagging wifes. Polygamy and domestic abuse go together like horse and carriage, can't have one without the other So if I have a horseless carriage then I can have a harem? No, the horse is the woman and if you go without a carriage you have a bunch of horses running rampant. Point is that polygamy worked because of patriarchal societies, in this day and age is not something that is viable.
  14. Most people think is like having your own private harem, when in reality it's having 7 nagging wifes. Polygamy and domestic abuse go together like horse and carriage, can't have one without the other
  15. This is an issue between publisher and distributer, if they aren't making any money they should renegotiate or find alternate venues. Not rant against the consumer which is dumb since the consumer is always right.
  16. I thought about it. I did plead that I was a teacher and I was just trying to pick up a few school supplies during my very short break. Think of the children, officer! I usually just unbutton the top three buttons of my shirt and bust out some cleavage. Works every time. Pics please
  17. Gastronomy is considered a fine art Proper knowledge of cuisine and the proper way to serve them. This is high class of course but no reason why you shouldn't treat yourself to the finer things in life, or at least serve your cheap grog the proper way.
  18. Did you know that chemistry began in the kitchen? Maybe chemistry will help his cooking.
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