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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Algebra to the rescue! A solution appears, apparently. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/...00917090835.htm
  2. Well, it'd be a shame if it didn't They got rid of the cards at least (well drawn though). Fingers crossed for the modding community
  3. That's not how it was advertised.
  4. They could have gone free to play, those guys stay online for a long time.
  5. But the general "public perception" still tends to be "games are things that kids play" even though a lot of games these days come out with various mature / 18 ratings depending on the board... Of course most parents don't check those and will still buy those games for their young teenagers... but that's the parents fault not the game makers. On thing that the public needs to be educated on, plus that thing of the parents not knowing is under my scrutiny. I'm sure there is part of that percent that simply lets their kids play violent games because they know they can handle it. 16 year olds aren't kids and they definitively don't need our protection.
  6. Funny considering that the average gamer is 16-30 or close to that range.
  7. Normally and with any other case I would agree with you, consolidation has made any new business enterprise impossible. But in the case of technology there are no such limitations some kid with a good idea can break into the scene and make Facebook. Because the market of technology and electronic entertainment shift constantly there is always room for innovation.
  8. For those that don't already know California is appealing a law in the Supreme Court that would make the ESBR obsolete. The law is pretty vague in terms of enforcement and chooses to leave it to each distributer. Problem is that if the distributer fails to correctly label a game then it's held liable which may deter them from carrying games with violent content at all. That's the gist of it. If you are against please join the cause. http://www.videogamevoters.org/
  9. Just as many other people have grown out of their communities and heritage, by the third generation there is hardly a sense of kinship with the motherland. Instead you grow as an American, and it's up to each family to choose to uphold their traditions or not. But despite this being a multicultural society it is not a multicultural government, each ethnicity does not have a separate code of law and government.
  10. But they are still a minority, if counted apart from the white population. Minorities are the majority in the US. What does that have to do with being an outcast? Even though they are counted as a majority their unique traditions separate them from the rest. They don't consider themselves outcast since they are their universe center and hold on to their culture, since they have always been libeled as the outcast; no country of their own. Even when they have stetted into a place their history usually makes them a very closed community to the outside.
  11. But they are still a minority, if counted apart from the white population.
  12. It involves deleting system 32 (don't do it)
  13. Death Wish: the RPG
  14. Really complicated from what I hear.
  15. I differ, they only become assimilated into the larger culture of the US. Hispanics already have an impact in the US, political representation, immigration issues, and even holidays. The support network as become the United States itself. Truly a mulit-cultural society wouldn't be able to exist without some ground rules and that means one government, otherwise it would be chaotic.
  16. Glee anyone?
  17. I am too angry to post straight.
  18. Gamers watch out the fight continues.
  19. Actually none of the trademarks of rogue where present on Diablo, it makes as much sense as calling it a dungeon crawler. Unless you are talking about Diablo 2 in which case disregard all that I've said.
  20. DMC reboot Brits are now on my **** list, nothing personal.
  21. The Hammerhead had none of the Mako's problems and it also didn't have any of it's charm. At least with the Mako you could go over vast amounts of space and watch a beautiful sky, and a recycled map. The Hammerhead is just another mini-game added to ME2, with all the chores of the Mako.
  22. You need conflict for a story and action is the easiest way to do it. Plus a game without conflict or competition would be boring.
  23. This is a very valid point that is often ignored. Which becomes murky once you consider the amount of time that you need to spend playing an MMO.
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