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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Formal fallacy, affirming the consequent That wasn't a fallacy, he wasn't implying that the latter logically followed from the former. It was just a statement. It was a fallacy because it assumes that DA1=DA2 which is not true. No, he used the term likely. Likely still assumes similitude which DA2 has none to DA1 and that is the reason which has alienated most of us away from it.
  2. Formal fallacy, affirming the consequent That wasn't a fallacy, he wasn't implying that the latter logically followed from the former. It was just a statement. It was a fallacy because it assumes that DA1=DA2 which is not true.
  3. The movie rating system; as it was implemented back in the 60's was also very restrictive. Things like sex scenes were completely banned, and even kisses were limited to just a few seconds onscreen. This put limitations on filmmakers, the same way that any overly restrictive game legislation would make game development harder. This law in particular gives leeway for them to say which games are not fit for minors and will penalize any mistake. The problem is that they did not have any concrete definition of what constitutes a disapproved game, which makes this a make it up as you go game for them and puts distributors in a bind since they don't know which games are appropriate. Result: less distribution of mature games and the market is cornered on child's play.
  4. Why is the censor afraid of a good Richard?
  5. Formal fallacy, affirming the consequent
  6. The army has also used movies and music to motivate their troops and desentize them to war and to their enemies. Most of the army's "games" are simulators with less blood than any AAA game. This is in no way proof of games causing violence.
  7. Meh. This may sound off coming from me, but you can fight cancer. You can't fight some halfwit stabbing you for no reason. You can't shoot cancer in the face. Now I'm gonna dedicate my life to fighting cancer
  8. Really?! That's what your first post is going to be?!
  9. Small role, great series though. For some reason it got me dreaming of riding a bike underwater on formaldehyde surrounded by corpses with Julia Stiles hugging my back Do you guys think that this is something that I should mention to my psychologist?
  10. Dang it.. that made me want to dig up a copy of John Tams rendition of "Spanish Bride".. but it's not on youtube.. I guess those old regimental songs from Sharpe aren't lingering around.. Farewell and adieu to you Spanish lady Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain For we're under orders to sail home to England But I know in some time we'll return once again Spanish Lovers only sing in Spanish, se
  11. As a muy caliente Latino with direct ancestry to Andalusia I'll be the "Spanish Lover". Get ready senoritas, here I come.
  12. Well, a peace prize based on results versus one chosen with the (vain) hope of changing things. The committee has a long tradition of being activist. To me it would be a completely pointless trophy if it was only after the fact, but to each hos own I guess. Trying a lot is not the same as succeeding a lot. That's a ridiculous post. In the case of Obama there is clearly a point to be made that he didn't deserve it - assign the award for long-standing work towards peace, not potential for work towards peace. But this guy Liu, counts as much as anybody to receive this prize, Wals. He has not achieved democracy in China, but he has provided hope and determination to others to achieve it by unswervingly and peacefully defending human rights in the face of the extreme oppression of a totalitarian regime. FOR TWENTY YEARS. All of them in China, each day knowing what they might do to him at any moment. You know, it used to be that these prizes were given for a lifetime of fighting injustice. To give them out so casually only brings down the prestige of the award, I'm not against giving Liu an award for just trying to bring democracy to China but in this case there seems to be an underlying political motive. Same as when the award was given to Obama.
  13. Well, a peace prize based on results versus one chosen with the (vain) hope of changing things. The committee has a long tradition of being activist. To me it would be a completely pointless trophy if it was only after the fact, but to each hos own I guess. Trying a lot is not the same as succeeding a lot. Yeah but the Nobel prize is now for future deeds and not for what it has actually been done.
  14. This is the main problem with totalitarian regimes; the hard liners feel the need to prove a point, the people are the ones that pay and the few people in the government that actually care are afraid of joining them.
  15. Have fun!
  16. And lose the cigar.
  17. The Mexican cartels have military training and probably better funding than the Mexican government. In the effort to eradicate cartels they are winning an Pyrrhic victory, that is if they win. Part of the problem is also on our side since there is also a strong gang presence on zones close to the Mexican border. The situation does has some similitudes to Afghanistan, maybe not at the same degree of aggravation. Both are bound in the drug trade and the government can't do nothing to stop them.
  18. Dexter. . . sic them.
  19. *shrugs* It's in the same vein as the constant kidnappings in Mexico City, or the massive gunfight that erupted between gangs in Arizona along I-10 (or 19, don't remember off the top of my head) coming up from the border. Hell, even the history channel has had a few specials on the drug wars going on across the border in the south. Yeah I saw those too, they were on "GangLand". I think that they are the Zetas, IIRC. The ones with military training of course.
  20. Most of the problems is located along the border in rural areas, because of the drug trade and the fact that most druglords have the government in their pocket plus military training.
  21. There is one difference that makes Afghanistan worse and is that everyone can pull an RPG out their pocket. Seriously.
  22. I need to start more arguments over the internet... Just keep in mind that by 'catgirls' he meant 'furries'. Now, if that's your thing, great for you. Most of us avoid internet arguments for exactly that reason. What's a furry?
  23. Allow me to vent my fevered spleen: 1. How in God's name is it strange? It's a firefight we're talking about here, not a game of chess. Never mind the fact that we're all yakking about second or probably 15th hand reports. 2. The Muslim Brotherhood have been around since the 70s, and have been anti U.S. the entire time. They are also Marxist influenced and thereby dingbats. The fact that they have a big following is hardly news. So what exactly IS news about this? The article you linked to seemed more interested in provoking alarmist flapping than providing useful warning of anything. It's strange that they would go there so unprepared that they had no better recourse than a grenade. A stun, sting or flash grenade would had secured the room without killing the hostage, which was the mission. They completely failed regardless of what the situation was, whether they are responsible or not I still have to judge. There are a lot of Islamic groups around the world and I'm sorry to say that all of them are a potential threat.All that they need is to heed the call of arms that the extremist have been promoting, investigating these groups once they begin to show signs of aggression.
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