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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Oh I know that you didn't just called Cate Blanchett a "Nazi Bitch", specially when her character was Russian you dumb f***
  2. Odin usually comes as the All-knowing Sky Father rather than the mage. The reference probably comes from Gandalf's names Olorin and Stormcrow, and mostly visually being the same image as Odin the Wanderer (even acknowledged by Tolkien himself) but his character comes across as a mentor to both Frodo and Bilbo. Just like Merlin was to Arthur.
  3. Or he could develop the unifying theory of everything Sorry I couldn't help myself; at any rate I always hold scientist in high regard, right on brother! @Monte Carlo: scientist is actually a good paying job in America right now since we have so few scientists, even less that are national. It's actually a good career choice.
  4. The Classless 14% Strength, 19% Bloodlust, 33% Intelligence, 14% Spirit, 10% Vitality and 14% Agility! Somehow you completely failed at achieving a class. How in the world did you manage that!? O_o But I guess it makes you sort of unique? A jack of all trades and a master of none, you are the Classless! kind of a fun quiz
  5. But those are made on a daily basis, right? We are talking of an emergency scenario here, such as China stealing our info. Such things require some human involvement to max the response time to the possible crisis.
  6. The Tolkien's wizard seem more in touch it the general archetype of the wizard that had been popularized by ancient myths. Gandalf is a mentor/hermit figure, which kinds of puts him at the same level as Merlin from the Arthurian myth. Maybe that was the inspiration, seeing as Tolkien borrowed a lot his myths from Anglo and Nordic mythology.
  7. They probably have programs running that are able to swift through the immense amount of data and organize it so that its easier for them to analyze. Sort of having their work "pre-chewed" before they bite. Still it would take a boatload of analyst to match 15% of the internet (even without counting all that porn). Well, that's my point... there's so much that the programs have to sift through that even if they reduced the load by 90% you'd probably still be wayyy behind. It's probably made on a piece by piece basis, if the programs only released the results at the end of their analysis what you say would probably be true. More likely that data is constantly being processed for analysis so that it doesn't pile up. With priority/privileged information being at the top of the list.
  8. Not to burst your bubble but if you still think that WMD had anything to do with Iraq you must be slow in the head. No offense but the main driving force behind war has always been economics and it's the main reason why we don't attack China. That, and that it would be a strategic mess that would end on WW3.
  9. They probably have programs running that are able to swift through the immense amount of data and organize it so that its easier for them to analyze. Sort of having their work "pre-chewed" before they bite. Still it would take a boatload of analyst to match 15% of the internet (even without counting all that porn).
  10. I think he was referring to the fact that this game is going back to what make the first one great, freedom of choice, great atmosphere, and alternative solutions.
  11. Does he march with all other people who love tunnel snakes on the "tunnel snakes pride parade"?
  12. You do know that Obsidian is made up from the ex-members of Black Isle the creators of the Fallout series, right? If anything FO3 should be more like NV.
  13. Is it weird that this game gives me wood?
  14. MFW when people assume that ME devs care about continuity
  15. Or this game could be Dragon Effect with an intergalactic Hawke whose adventures are in no way related to the main story but they still take time to make this game instead of focusing on ME3
  16. ME2's plot is the "impending" doom of going on a suicide mission. Impending is just something that don't go well on games since we know we are going to win and apparently so does everybody else. ME2's plot is that horrible Reaver at the end, it's putting up with hours of cookie cutout characters' back stories. ME did great on the concept that there was novelty, every species had a whole culture's history backing them up and making them interesting. ME2 did little to add to the Mass Effect universe and the characters; who stand on their own are boorish 90% of the time. If you can describe a whole character in one sentence then your writers probably did a bad job.
  17. Cameos:every non consequential character from ME shows up and reminds you of what you did for them. "Hey Shepard, remember me. You help me stop that Hanar from talking about the Enkindlers" Fan Service: Tali's romance, every girl you helped in the first game wants to jump your bones in the second, dumb down mechanics, just keep in mind that BW listen's to it's fans a little to much. The only thing that carried over was that Shepard was now the intergalactic James Bond (aka Captain Kirk) romancing every woman he encounters. ME3 will probably be a big intergalactic orgy, Shepard just running around and making out with different species :cross my fingers for a volus romantic interest:
  18. Like the fact that they keep hoarding Jennifer Hale. When she is a treasure to be shared by everyone. And not just for people who feel content to play as a female PC in Mass Effect games. Making fun of them because of ME is still hip, right? Only if you're talking about ME1. I will square you in the nose should you unjustly slander ME2. What if I talk about the fact that ME2 is mostly cameos, fan service, and a weak plot? You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses? Would you?
  19. Like the fact that they keep hoarding Jennifer Hale. When she is a treasure to be shared by everyone. And not just for people who feel content to play as a female PC in Mass Effect games. Making fun of them because of ME is still hip, right?
  20. You should make you char do WHAM! choreographies instead. Post pics.
  21. I can get you one for $50, if you don't mind dealing with the black market.
  22. Saves them time from not having to make a gay guy for the guys and a lesbian one for the gals.
  23. Would have been better without the epilogue. I just remembered that I enjoyed the Parasite Eve 2 ending's.
  24. I cried on that scene Worst ending: Last Remnant, also my number one pick for worst game ever.
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