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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I'll remember you said that when you tell us you bought something.
  2. Behavioral impulses are common to all of us, it's only those without impulse control that are ill. But by their very nature games work on reward systems on the brain that could condition us to continue to play. This is the strongest entertainment industry out there, maybe this has something to do with that. I mean take us for example, we are all gathered here precisely because we play games, so they have some weight on our lives and the choices we make.
  3. It's Volologic it doesn't need to make sense to be right.
  4. Ah, did you miss all of the advertising that the last Civ game used with the whole "Civilization Anonymous" groups? There was a batch of pseudo-jokey Gamer-Addicts and how their lives were ruined because of the amazing gameplay and addiction levels of playing it.. Mixed in stereotypes of the geek gamer, the gamer girl, the soccer mom, the business dad, all of whom had been driven to distraction due to extreme addiction levels to a single computer game.. So they actually took the fact that the Civ games are well known for a certain level of "addictiveness" and made that a key point to the marketing campaign.. And positing that since there's Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, that there should be some form of "Gamers Anonymous" for group support.. Oh, you mean civilization the game
  5. Yep all those are going in there, plus studies like the Daedalus project. "How civilization used the idea of game addiction as part of it's marketing?" not sure what you are talking about.
  6. It's a round table so it's just the general gist of it, causes, the games, who lived and died.
  7. No witch-hunts took place at the same time that Jews were expelled. That begun as part of enlightenment movement brought on with renaissance, they were also not directed by church and happened rarely in Spain. That
  8. If that was directed at me, it was (obviously) a joke playing on stereotypes directed at the claim that more than two parties would be... confusing. My joke was more about loosing track of which food/drink corresponded to which political view... I got the humor. Hence my 'huh?' I'd vote Beer and Churro party. Sugar and beer?
  9. Hey guys I have to do a presentation about gaming addiction tomorrow and I though it would be a good topic of discussion. Plus it would help me sharpen my debating skills for my presentation. Help a brother out?
  10. No witch-hunts took place at the same time that Jews were expelled. That begun as part of enlightenment movement brought on with renaissance, they were also not directed by church and happened rarely in Spain. That
  11. Orogun01


    Japan was racially motivated. In essence any western influences were to be eradicated. This does not sound correct. Anybody else able to comment? Sure, the Japanese at the time were extremely racist and xenophobic (and arguably still are in a far more peaceful manner), but I was under the impression simple brutal imperial desire was the motivation. A lot groups during the war and before it were racially motivated, extreme nationalist groups such as the Black Dragon Society. To be rid of western influence was on of their motives.
  12. Now to get Japan to stop being squeamish about dead people.
  13. This is fair enough, though it's quite a change of tune compared to accusing them of being greedy and whiny. Companies should do their best to make sure paying customers aren't caught up in the systems used to stop the thieves but unfortunately there will also be people caught in the crossfire and when it comes to PC gaming expecting otherwise is similar to expecting perfect bug free games, it's an impossibilty when there are so many different system configurations. I guess my experiences with Tages security has colored my comments a bit still some companies; in their frustration, start ranting e.g. THQ blaming piracy for every failed game they have. What you say it's the exact reason why I think that they should stop trying to directly stop piracy and look for alternate means that may prove more effective than the cycle of DRM-Crack-Upload.
  14. It will be a great victory for violent games everywhere
  15. A business discussing and attempting to stop piracy without taking the extreme measures CD projekt and Ubisoft took. I'm not saying that companies are wrong on trying to stop piracy, but they should keep me and the paying customer out of the crossfire. Again, an objective study should be done to see how the market behaves. What kind of gamers buy which games and pirate others, it would help determining exactly who your target demographic is. But even without the study a fanbase is probably the biggest guarantee that your game is going to have an audience.
  16. You mean one of those snuggle blankets with arms, don't you? No. I meant a proper, english gents sleeping gown. The full on robe, with hood, belt at the waist, heavy material that's really good at keeping you warm while wearing. Sometimes, you just have to go old school. What can I say, I was the kid who got away wearing a waistcoat and pocket watch with my school uniform. I keep a pair of two-tone patent leather shoes for formal wear.. and I face the rain and cold in a crombie greatcoat and wearing a fedora. My clothes sense is a few generations off.. Post pictures when you start wearing zumba pants.
  17. The Alpha Male doesn't need to prove that it's the alpha male; to put it in perspective I'll use an analogy. If you saw an adult fighting a child over the fact that the child threw him a cake, who would you side with? The kid did wrong but the adult being the bigger party has to act the part and behave properly (look for the parents and expect them to punish their child) Same way, a company taking on a bunch of teenagers seems like an adult taking on a child even if they are right to do so. No it's not, DRM effect is directed towards their product which in turn has an effect on anyone who consumes it. But the fact remains that it's focused on the product; which it's under their control, and not the consumer who they'll never be able to. The only customer is a paying customer, pirates are thieves and they should not be counted as a target demographic. Agreed, but the focus of the discussion was the distinction of customer and pirate. Sorry about your sister but she is irrelevant to this topic.
  18. Heavily biased but funny reviews. It's kind of sobering to see games from his perspective, specially when they are so highly acclaimed.
  19. I'll second that AC2 has one of the best DLC ever they actually add to the story so seamlessly that it's hard to know that they are in fact DLCs. Although they still had a few bugs. That's because they were planned way ahead and/or removed from the main game to sell later. Seems likely, I think that the testing had something to do with it. But still it was a great DLC, gave some background characters the chance to shine (Caterina Sforza is one of my favorites characters of the year)
  20. Pushing what issue? All the "catfight"gossip that has taken over the news. Please; people don't care, they know, they have always known and don't care. Nobody has their panties in a bunch, there isn't any juicy that's going to dramatically change domestic policy. As soon as this becomes old news we won't even remember that it happened.
  21. Their folly then. As a company they should watch what they say and "how" they say just because it's going to be scrutinized by the whole world. Like I said in my previous post, they can't control the actions of pirates only their own. What makes them consumer is that they buy the product not steal it, robbers aren't consumers. Consumers are costumers and the customer is always right (since he's paying for a service) CD Projeckt had that horrible Tages DRM for the first Witcher, caused a boatload of problems the most grave people unable to play their games and constant crashes because of Tages security. They learned their lesson, Ubisoft did the same thing with AC2 that actually screwed the ones that bought the game more than the ones that downloaded the cracked version. Agreed.
  22. Alice in Chains-Heaven beside you
  23. Sorry to hear, my condolences and that the good memories remain. On another topic: Funny thing having this argument about cars since I bought one this weekend.
  24. They decide when their comments become complaints, there is tone to writing and one can easily infer whining in a lot of anti-piracy. Companies are frustrated that they are losing money and that shows on their comments.They should not be focusing on the people who they have no control over and focus on their product and DRM that they do. But it's now that piracy has become a noticeable problem despite all the modern DRM, so they are not working. Gamers are not a corporation of whom a certain manner is expected from, one gamer whining hardly causes concern. One company whining and saying that their response to piracy is to hurt the gamer is. People change from 20 to 30 or rather their situation changes, they get jobs, leave the nest and go out into society as full members. A big change from not being able to fend for yourself, having odd jobs to pay for school/supplies, and borrowing money from family.
  25. I'll second that AC2 has one of the best DLC ever they actually add to the story so seamlessly that it's hard to know that they are in fact DLCs. Although they still had a few bugs.
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