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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Yes. They just don't have the room for cells for everyone. They have converted gyms and other large spaces into dorms. As was mentioned earlier, the entire system needs an overhaul, the death penalty is a super small problem overall, in terms of how many prisoners are put to death each year. Not that I'm making light of it, I just think that any proper overhaul will naturally render the death penalty obsolete. Maybe, but that depends on the kind of treatment that it's given in consideration to the overhaul. If it's one of those "they are still human and deserve such treatment" i'm worried that in the end we may end up compromising the effectiveness of prison as a deterrence. Actually I think that it has gone down the drain since some prison conditions are much better than what some people have on the outside. So if prisons become any nicer how are we going to convince people that we are actually punishing criminals?
  2. A depressing end game from Bioware? Never. If I put 100 hours into a game series, I expect a happy ending. I'd really be ticked off by anything else. But if you put 2 hours into a movie it's okay if it doesn't have a happy ending. I'm perfectly okay with a bad ending as long as it's done properly.
  3. Was there any confirmation of mental illness? Failing a suicide bombing does not automatically amount to crazy. We have very different views on mental illness, anyone willing to kill himself to further nothing is definitively not sane. I seriously doubt that furthering nothing was his objective. It's more of a result of his failure. If he bombs himself to kill a multitude because he believes that he will be rewarded in heaven he is literally advancing nothing on earth. If anything he is setting back Islam buy making them look like fanatics, in my book pathological fanaticism is a mental illness.
  4. Was there any confirmation of mental illness? Failing a suicide bombing does not automatically amount to crazy. We have very different views on mental illness, anyone willing to kill himself to further nothing is definitively not sane.
  5. People on life imprisonment spend their life on prison. More time, still best that they are confined. I'm not really sure where you are going with this. What do you mean by confined anyways? Stuck in a cell with little interaction with other inmates. Do you understand how difficult it is to do that in today's prison system? Small cells. BTW that's a horrible prison setting, anyone can cut someone else throat with impunity because he sharing the room with 20 other guys. Do they really do that in today's prisons?
  6. People on life imprisonment spend their life on prison. More time, still best that they are confined. I'm not really sure where you are going with this. What do you mean by confined anyways? Stuck in a cell with little interaction with other inmates.
  7. Awesome. Maybe now they will have decent fighting animations.
  8. People on life imprisonment spend their life on prison. More time, still best that they are confined.
  9. big reveal ME3 release date, big whoop.
  10. VGA big BW reveal, BW also dev of the year.
  11. I am pretty sure I nuked her in the first game. What the hell did you do? Forget about all the emotional stuff, let's talk about the big alien orgy we got coming for ME3.
  12. Well, I'd say that depends on the general prison regime and what the "alternative" for "unsocial" types is. If there's a basic prison regime where you can feel relatively safe in your incarceration (which I believe is mostly available in minsec federal prisons in the US), a medium regime where you are forced to spend time with nasty people (but only if you misbehave) and Marion USP style "small black hole with an hour of limited sunlight per day" regime, you should generally be ok. Reward good behaviour, punish bad. Not necessary to fry people to make that (further) point. You still make no mention of the fact that they are still alive and active criminal within the system. Drug peddling, killing, a week in the hole means nothing to a guy that has to stay in prison for the rest of his life. He's gonna make his bones, find a place within the existing structure and that means doing favors, the one most often asked is the killing since a guy in a life sentence has no qualms about it. Basically life imprisonment screws the whole concept of rehabilitation for both the sentenced and the others around him. Not sure how the situation would be different to somebody on death row. Doesn't last as long I guess They could basically be confined to their cells the whole time.
  13. Well, I'd say that depends on the general prison regime and what the "alternative" for "unsocial" types is. If there's a basic prison regime where you can feel relatively safe in your incarceration (which I believe is mostly available in minsec federal prisons in the US), a medium regime where you are forced to spend time with nasty people (but only if you misbehave) and Marion USP style "small black hole with an hour of limited sunlight per day" regime, you should generally be ok. Reward good behaviour, punish bad. Not necessary to fry people to make that (further) point. You still make no mention of the fact that they are still alive and active criminal within the system. Drug peddling, killing, a week in the hole means nothing to a guy that has to stay in prison for the rest of his life. He's gonna make his bones, find a place within the existing structure and that means doing favors, the one most often asked is the killing since a guy in a life sentence has no qualms about it. Basically life imprisonment screws the whole concept of rehabilitation for both the sentenced and the others around him.
  14. Neither of those necessarily means that imprisonment is bad in itself, the problem is more in the way the sentences are carried out in practice and how the society handles people who've served their sentences. Since you reasonably can't execute all criminals (unless that's what you are calling for), these problems would need to be solved both with or without death penalty. Unless the idea is to push criminals further and further from society until they commit a capital offense and can thus be justifiably executed. What i'm talking about it's the prison mentality; the alternative to capital punishment is life imprisonment which basically gives a con a reason not to care what he does to other inmates. They are the hitmen, rapists, and drug dealers on the inside and because they are still in contact with other inmates they spread their corruption further.
  15. I resent that comment humans have earned their place on the galaxy with the blood spilled on the battle with Sovereign.
  16. Their own fault for believing his promises of "labour law reforms" And their own fault for believing Castro afterwards. Communists heh?
  17. He's not angsty until he finds out the truth behind the attack and the demise of his loved one five bucks that it was engineered by the guys who gave him the arms. Or the opposing corporation. BTW, very transhumanist to use the H+ sign
  18. Kinda sounds like DA on space.
  19. 1. The correctional system fails in a lot of cases and the stigma of a prison record assures that many "reformed" criminals become repeat offenders. Moreover those still in the system also corrupt those who come into contact with, prison is the criminal school that transform minor offenders into hardcore criminals. 2. Retribution sometimes is justice, it's giving back a sense of morality and belief on life to those who are aggrieved by the crimes. Someone takes a family member from you, it's a hard to thing to live with. People need some closure, they need to see justice done and close a bad chapter of their lives. 3.The state should take upon them because they are an impartial party able to determine the right from the wrong. If you hold life as sacred then the only possible payment for taking life is life it'self whether it be by imprisonment or capital punishment. Imprisonment however allows them some measure of life.
  20. Umm, Batista was a military dictator that rose to power through a military coup. The "strawmen" he appointed as pro-forma presidents needed the backing of the US in order to get the job, until he gave up all pretenses of election and became dictator also in name. Unless of course you consider his old friends like Lucky Luciano etc. to be communists. In the end he was just a tool for US companies exploiting the Cuban economy. He led a coup remained in power, supported his "strawmen" and then led another coup and had extensive relations with the US which benefited Cuba greatly. GNP matching Italy! You know what that means for a third world country, that the middle class in Cuba lived better than the middle class in the US. His second term sucked though, but still not by the fault of the American. Most of the anti american sentiment prevalent in Communist Cuba was due to the fact that they did nothing to intervene in these affairs. BTW the Popular Socialist Party supported the first campaign of Batista, it's duly noted since the Communist party had little weight on politics.
  21. The "yell fire" clause, it has a loophole where it's only where it harms or urges to harm someone directly. Hate groups like the KKK have exploited this to promote their message and at one time they even had a legitimate shot at the presidency. Like this there are lots of groups whose message has and is not one of peace who are allowed to exist because of democracy and because of democracy they may have a shot at ending it. E.G. Hitler was elected democratically. Technically my government its ineffective and can't pass legislation that would help me because of the democratic process. A guy that makes deals with Republicans holding legislation hostage it's not the best example of strong leadership. I guess democracy it's different on socialist Sweden. China is the world's second largest economy and while not devoid of problems they have enjoyed a pretty stable rise. Chinese work better with unified direction, recent example is Jackie Chan saying; to a Chinese audience, that a free society might not be the best for China and was met with applause. When you give to much freedom you get chaos and in a land as populated as China it will be magnified tenfold, plus there is the issue of the many areas trying to split from China. They have to give up certain freedoms for the sake of stability, such as having more than one child. Historically they seem to have a series of periods of tribulation that are ended by a figure who unifies and brings direction to the people. It was this way with Qin, Confucius reforms, and the many figures that shone during the many occupations. BTW, low blow bringing up Cuba. There was a pretty successful economy before the revolution with a Gross domestic product that matched first world countries. This was also time when Batista an elected official by the Communist party (Deja Vu anyone?) had done away with electoral process. Plus we where under a American legislation and influence from which we were able to successfully exploit to reach an economic point where the Chinese where migrating to Cuba. Alas all came to a stop with the revolution which adopted Communist ideals but didn't have the economic wit of the previous regime and everything went down the drain. Our model pre-revolution, mirrored the American and that was the big thing; to bring the country out of the third world. I believe that's the same with the Chinese you have spoken to; they want the American dream but have no idea of what it would do to their country.
  22. Heh, why the hell not? I love Chinese food,women, and kung fu movies. I'm in.
  23. Human rights are considered the God given rights to every human, not a legal right. Still someone who kills certainly doesn't believe on the right to live and shouldn't be judged as such, we may try to consider ourselves above passing such judgement and opt for more "human" ways. Yet the problem remains these people should be handled, because they continue to exist and make existing worse for everyone surrounding them.
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