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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. That doesn't redeem all of it's failings, looks pretty but you can't play it doesn't work for me. On visual DE doesn't seem to fail, although I'm only judging from the previews it seems to be consistent with it's design. I also love the Adam Jensen design :those mechanical arms:
  2. Hah. I'ts going to be like Bioshock except more. I hope not, from what I remember Bioshock was a mess, random crashes, can't change the settings or it crashes, big mess
  3. http://almasryalyoum.com/en/news/copts-ral...ing-upper-egypt From what I can tell this has also been going on for some time now. Edit: This is probably the most balanced recount of the situation in Egypt. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...ac7793a7257a10d
  4. Or it could be that they are Zoroastrian and decided to put their deity there, specially since everything in FF is a rip-off from someone else pantheon.
  5. And this bothers you because?
  6. It's more the opposite. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/j...bducted/?page=1 Never I believed I could hate someone just because of their faith, but it's happening.
  7. Great film.
  8. I just watched a circumcision performed on a child
  9. I'm learning Ukrainian right now! Also; pics please.
  10. I'd pay good money to see your face when you realize that Avatar is planned as a trilogy. Why? Just for the heck of it. Don't knock it, there's a great money making oppertunity buried here somewhere. 1-Tell Monte that Avatar it's going to be a trilogy 2-???????????? 3-Profit
  11. I'd pay good money to see your face when you realize that Avatar is planned as a trilogy. Why? Just for the heck of it.
  12. Because, obviously, everything revolves around math and math can be used to solve any problem! Oh wait... No, I just think literature as a form of communication is silly, and am very grumpy about this paper I'm currently writing. Welcome to college, if you don't like it start talking binary. You can practice with us
  13. Love them, prefer their original or classical renditions though
  14. Morinth > Samara - dominate is more useful and she's less annoyingly self-righteous. Please Morinth has the personality of a hedonistic eggplant. Her only appeal is that she is a ****able version of Samara Samara follows an honor code to death, can be ruthless and elegant at the same time, powerful, wisdom of age and beauty. She is the whole package. Morinth speaks in a hissing voice and her dialog is just five sentences telling you that she will be yours (when the time it's right) PS. Successful troll it's successful @Gorth: That was another thread, we haven't got to it yet on this one. Should had added Mordin on the exception list, hindsight 20/20
  15. Lies! There's at least a silenced pistol, SMG and a dart rifle. The respawns were kind of annoying, yes. MP5SD, actually.
  16. And for the record you would had kicked his arse I simply said "come find me in 7 years when I'm out of law school and making more in a year than you'll see in your lifetime" Badass exit was badass. What kind of drunk are you? ****in rationale
  17. Here is to hoping that his is an isolated event; although evidence points to the contrary.
  18. Trust me; go for it. The relationship's dynamics with an older woman is much better.
  19. And for the record you would had kicked his arse
  20. And now we get to the point where we address the fact that all of the characters and their sidequests were about "daddy issues" Edit: Garrus excluded
  21. ehh, almost every JRPG is turn based. What are you talking about? And since we are in the topic; I remember using a lot of the same strategies I use in JRPG while playing Dragon Age.
  22. Samara all the way, metaphorically speaking
  23. ... am gonna assume that da:o is NOT the first rpg orogun has played. if we is incorrect, then feel free to ignore the sarcasm we throws your direction, 'cause otherwise you would realize that you has described the realities o' virtual every pnp or crpg developed since the mid 1970's. our party o' 4-6 needs fight off a small army of goblins, orcs, darkspawn, sith, etc.? oh me, oh my. nevertheless, is da:o, and not rps as a whole, that needs to resort to an ai handicap to makes playable? *snort* am not doubting that the da gameplay needed tweaking based on game testing feedback, but the solution chosen were one of expediency rather than logic or elegance. crude. HA! Good Fun! You are right, but tweaking the AI is a much quicker fix than tweaking the gameplay. Probably why it was implemented, what I don't understand is the need to scrap something that could had been fixed for DA2 making it a more enjoyable experience. Maybe it was the Dragon Effect; feel free to disregard that last comment.
  24. Centurion- Despite of the reviews I enjoyed this film, probably the one version of the story of the 9th Legion I've liked the most.
  25. like it or not, figuring out who is the dragon age mages before they cast an offensive spell is not a matter o' metagame... is a simple matter o' observation. anybody reading this board ever have difficulty figuring out who were the magic tossers? target the tank first makes complete sense... in a world w/o mages, magic and scattershot archers. sorry, but nep logic is only logical if one ignores some very obvious realities 'bout da:o gameplay. again, the enemy ai were changed to make mages more playable. HA! Good Fun! Well I think it's only fair, since you are only allowed to have a 4 people team against a groups of over 10. There is no way to maneuver any kind of field tactics to protect your mages on the back lines. If we are talking realities the game always tips the scale against your favor, even to the point where they sarcastically refer to it on a random encounter (the one where you can choose to set an ambush for the first time) It makes no sense that a considerable portion of the warrior skills are dedicated to controlling aggro, it simply makes warriors sort of redundant.
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