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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. So it's the infantry the measure for all troops?
  2. The thing that I hate about many NPCs is that you get only superficial character, writing only goes so far I guess. You get 2 or 3 good ones and then the rest degenerate into a bunch of archetypal "every adventurer companion" where they just fall back into the basics. When I have to pay for a companion I'm expecting a little bit more than what what an experience modder could release for free, Shale was a good example of that. It easily melded into the game with it's sidequest and dialog, bonus points for being an unique character. But when you get to the ME companion's DLC; well that was just awful. One sidequest and most of the dialog invested into it, they were basically emotional disposable beings whom you helped and never took an interesting in afterward. Seeing as DA has gone the way of ME in dialog and gameplay i'm afraid that it may be so with the companion DLC.
  3. Different tastes, different flavors. You can't ask that a character be removed because you don't like it, although there are some where I may concede that they should be removed. In the end it really depends on how much depth the character has and how much of it comes out in the performance.
  4. I quite enjoyed the "tactical dismemberment" bits, coupled with the ambushes and the closed environments it made for a good experience. Plus the zero g was excellently implemented. On the weapons side I felt a little disappointed, half of what I was using wasn't meant for combat and it was painfully obvious and the weapon modding failed.
  5. Thanks a lot, will post results in about a week.
  6. Great, now i'm having nightmares of cheese tonight.
  7. I've been given permission to provide you with 3 pictures of 3 different people.. headshots, full body or whatever? I just need to do 2 still lifes from people I know, though that it would be interesting to ask you guys. If you are serious send me the pics and I will post the drawings, you can judge my talent.
  8. I just received the assignment today, it is no way related to Shryke banging that burlesque dancer. He is banging her, right? haha there were no shenanigans both of us are in relationships and were well behaved A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell. Tip of the hat to you my friend. Anyway, can someone PM pics themselves of so I can immortalize their physique for the ages. I'm a poor art student without money for a model. P.S. No nudes.
  9. Don't worry; the army issues condoms.
  10. Multilateralism only goes so far.
  11. Still I would advise against acting under those assumptions lest they become a self-fulling prophecy. Maybe what began with a socially awkward person who everyone though he was a serial killer became the latter. Not saying that is the case here but since we are talking about appearances.
  12. On the other hand they have been combat proven and doesn't seem to have any immense effect as you are making it sound.
  13. I just received the assignment today, it is no way related to Shryke banging that burlesque dancer. He is banging her, right?
  14. I need actual people.
  15. Homework for the week: Need to do 5 sketches based on RL from photographs and 2 from live models. I don't suppose anyone would be willing to pose; pretty please?
  16. I miss you, Kings. Ian Mcshane, Eamonn Walker, and a complex, realistic storyline. Great show, unfortunately too expensive and cerebral for mainstream. Plus the advertisements basically avoided the biblical connection that would have drawn in viewers. I remember that, 3 episodes then it was done. Shame though, seemed interesting.
  17. Well, I do have really big....hand
  18. I'm hoping that this will bring the two communities closer and sort out the extremists. Although they could be sneaky and pretend to care, community leaders supporting acts like this on one hand and turning a blind eye to terrorism on the other. Maybe i'm being cynical though.
  19. Ha, the nostalgia.
  20. Because if you die in a dream you go to limbo where you need to be reminded that you are in a dream. His dead wife was just a representation of the actual dead person(meaning that his subconscious filled limbo with her), although depending on what interpretation of the movie you follow the presence of the wife is subject to change.
  21. Now Now, we can't kill the loonies or else we'd be Nazis. Mental Institutions deal with the aggressive as well those without family, the distinction is made between the criminally insane and the pathological. Most people aren't prepared to care for such ailments and a lot of them don't want to carry the burden. Since the mentally ill are unable to function properly without assistance, Institutions is an alternative to having them all out on the streets or running rampant.
  22. The idea was that you could enter the subconscious through dreams and that there were levels of conscience in which time passed differently than in real time. This due to the fact that it's thoughts being processed at high speeds. In the deeper levels (limbo) years would pass while only minutes went by in the real world. Everything has a subconscious representation, in Leo's character his wife had a large space because of the guilt that he felt.
  23. Don't stand, Don't stand. Don't stand so close to me.
  24. My problem is that the overly sexual fashion from adult it's being marketed towards pubescent children. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this if our sexual views on maturity went on to admit that biologically sex life starts at an 14-15 average years of age. It's just something that seems weird to me, maybe because I was raised in another culture. Anything below that age I consider deeply depraved, and I hate those pageants you mention. I think that they should be categorized as child labor and banned.
  25. Well that's it, Bio finnally did. Lolitas. With DD breasts. 'Tis a glorious day for fanboys everywhere, right now the BW social site is bustling with reverie. So is 4chan; not that they are related.
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