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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Even in a wasteland there is some meteorological effect, fog, dust, or at least something more than a clear yellow sky I'm okay with big open spaces but usually there is something to enrich them. Maybe it's not finished, i'm willing to give it the benefit of doubt but the screenshots do no favors to my already growing discontent with DA2. There is a haze in the screenshots. The sky is most definitely not clear. You can see that the sun is hazed out in the background. The sky is a hazy blue, with clouds that have a hint of red in them due to the hazy sunrise. The yellow you see in the sky is definitely clouds. You can see the breaks behind them. They are yellow due to the sun being so low in the sky. Closer to the horizon is a blue haze, except towards the as the sun illuminates some of the haze itself. Here's some actual real life photographs that I think are somewhat similar: (I like this one because it even shows bluer sky below the yellower sky created by the clouds and haze. Heck, after finding these pictures I'll rescind my previous statement that the DA2 screenshots probably aren't from a desert. The sun in DA2 has no glare, it basically blends with the few clouds to form a yellow sky. Maybe is the angle at which the pictures where taken but there is also no distance blur. For a big open space it actually feels constricting. Moving on to the character models; the darkspawn change is actually for the worst. I happened to love the way that the darkspawn looked on the first game, specially the Ogre. Now they look like malformed crap, whomever thought it would be a good idea should be fired.
  2. Coming from you I doubt the veracity of that statement. No offense.
  3. Even in a wasteland there is some meteorological effect, fog, dust, or at least something more than a clear yellow sky I'm okay with big open spaces but usually there is something to enrich them. Maybe it's not finished, i'm willing to give it the benefit of doubt but the screenshots do no favors to my already growing discontent with DA2.
  4. Most of the screenshots take place in a desert which has no glare, no mirage out in the distance and just a few yellow clouds. Throughly unimpressive, if they are going to do open spaces of nothing they may do them well.
  5. The color palette is hideous, the darkspawn looks like spawned crap, and the character models edges are too sharp. Plus there is that big emptiness on the background, not a tree or dune in sight. It basically feels like they are fighting in a test setting.
  6. Poor people are gonna multiply whether they have the means or not. You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.
  7. Sadly that's common in that area, one only has to look back to Sierra Leone. It seems to me that the Taliban initial purpose was to gather enough support and like many rebel groups they make friends with the populace. I may be being a cynic but since I don't know the history of the Taliban that's how it seems to me at first view. It really it's a ****ed up world these kids live in, either being molested or recruited to fight.
  8. No, DA:O was ugly. Jade Empire and Mass Effect 2 were the best looking BioWare games. BG + BG II had some great looking backgrounds, though I don't think as many as some suggest. Then again, something might be ugly and good-looking. Could the Witcher qualify? I wonder if something can be both beautiful and bad-looking, or at least pretty and bad-looking. Don't hide the point by making senseless comparisons. The new art style looks like something from a third rate game's alpha stage.
  9. So Bio releases a Liara and a Morrigan DLC. Romance is in the air
  10. Of course listening to that one would go from being the caretaker to being taken care of.
  11. Oh thank god the Mythbusters are safe. Oh goddamn! the Mythbusters are safe.
  12. I'm not saying the we run rampant arresting everyone walking with a child but this is a little known fact about Afghanistan. Attention should be brought to the problem so that solutions can be explored. Plus Afghans have no law regarding the subject since there is no age of consent.
  13. We cannot impose our own cultural morals on others just because we don't share those morals any more than we can force our religion on others just because we don't share their religion. We may not like it, but it's frankly none of our business. We may think our beliefs are the right ones, but I can guarantee that others disagree, and think their beliefs are the right ones. I agree that a culture of pedophilia is revolting to me... but there are a lot more revolting things about Afghan culture, such as their dispicable treatment of women, that bother me more. Sadly, we can't change the way they treat their women, either. Only they can do that, and only through the evolution and maturity of their culture as it has more contact with societies outside of its own. Since we're talking about a tribal nation, that's not gonna be happening any time soon. I disagree, I think that we should impose our belief on them and that we have been doing it. Are there not many movements for the emancipation for women in the area? Sometimes the only way that culture evolves is through conquest. It worked for the world before, we just need to jump start their evolution.
  14. I know that they have rules but it's a sickening thing that rules support this and that no one has been filled with enough indignation to stop this. I couldn't just stand by while this happens in front of me; rules or not rules, someone should had tried to intervene. This whole thing has been under the banner of bringing democracy to the Middle east and yet we allow primitive and barbaric practices like these. Maybe it's not politically sound, or convenient to speak against this but some things shouldn't be left to compromise.
  15. What would you have them do? I don't know, what would most people do if they saw a man fondling a little boy? and I remark that these are people used to conflict with no fear to get into a fight, so why there hasn't been any incident? I find this apathy more disgusting than support.
  16. What I find disturbing is that there is a knowledge of these practices among soldiers and there are no incidents of them trying to stop it.
  17. Get your laptop and stay up all night playing.
  18. I know, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy here. It's not like there's a lot to say about the rest apart from "This is terrible". They rationalize it as the definition of homosexuality being loving another man and they do not love the children. They just use them for their pleasure.
  19. I'm hoping that these claims are dead wrong because if they are not this is a terrible practice. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../INF21F2Q9H.DTL Could someone confirm or deny this?
  20. "Tips to kill a dragon" 1-Get a healer,stock up on potions and balms. 2-Make up of your party:ranged 3-Spread them out so that the fire won't hit more than one. 4-Hold out Ps; in before the Morrigan fanrage.
  21. Bio should really learn to keep their games separate, that Flemeth headdress looks like something out Star Wars.
  22. If the industry is really suffering so much then without doubt there is a market for another distribution chain to take the contracts. This seems to be just an isolated rant from one disgruntled developer.
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