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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Play god of war 3.
  2. It is not unhealthy, if being creative is a flaw then my friend the world calls for imperfect men. A unique brain chemistry is not cause to call a person unhealthy. I reiterate, if someone with an overly creative mind is still able to properly function within society then there is no problem.
  3. So now there is proof that all artist are insane, I could had tell you that years ago. Still they jumped to many conclusion about the future, creative people don't become insane overnight not does it happens on mass. The line between eccentric and clinically insane comes down to being maladaptive. The moment that it starts interfering with their lives on a big way.
  4. Its not your fault or the consumer's, it's Bioware's. Simply because they decided to go for bigger sales instead of doing an old-school type RPG which was kind of what was promised with DA, "the return to days of PC RPGs". I really though that this was one series dedicated to that game style, that would bring back the glory of those games. Now BW has whored to make a buck.
  5. The impact on day to day basis is mostly unnoticed even with family members, its just the nature of routine. No, the rights that are granted to married couples are those that come with uncommon situation. Such as medical decisions.
  6. Kinectimals http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Compone...t1.grid-6x2.jpg Truly, the face of horror.
  7. It's not hard. Just center the storyline around a mystery, put different kinds of puzzles with alternative approaches for different kinds of character builds. There, I just came up with the concept. Execution shouldn't be hard as there are plenty of games to go around and base the mechanics on them, the only reason I think that it wouldn't get done is lack of appeal. This is obviously not for everyone.
  8. Considering that ME sold less units than DA I don't know why is there hostility. BW eventually has to find out that you can't please everyone, probably if DA2 tanks because all the changes.
  9. A game like that should had been made a long time ago, is it so hard to mix RPG, Adventure and Puzzles to make an interesting fightless experience.
  10. So they figured let's move to the console and become more actiony
  11. Funny you want that, me and my buddies have been talking about making a game like that. Although to be fair is not entirely modern, more like 1920.
  12. I think the community is split, those that have been playing Bioware games since BG, having experienced the PC only titles, and those that started with KOTOR, and the console titles. It's sad to say, and I'm sure Bioware will enjoy alot of success, but I doubt we're going to see anything like what we've seen in the past from BIO again. Much as Bethesda with FO3, they don't need the core hardcore crowd, so f*** 'em. Out with the old in with the new. This isn't a good or bad thing mind, just means that BIO is different. Throw in those who just picked a copy of ME and believe that makes them BIOfans.
  13. You been writing ME hentai fanfic, I see.
  14. Could you cite examples, please? It is not a law, but it is cited on a document that tried to set the founding values of the new republic.That by itself makes it clear that forefathers didn't want to deprive anyone of a natural right. They are unalienable rights, self-evident and not just individual liberties. The reason you can't smoke pot (there are various reason for the legalization of drugs on the US mostly having to do with Americans not having a sense of moderation) or rob a bank is because they hurt other people, gay marriage doesn't.
  15. I always saw the 9th amendment as a way to protect minorities against a tyrannical consensus. Whilst marrying may itself not be a right the "pursuit of happiness" is listed as an unalienable right on the Declaration of Independence and as such is one of the founding ideals of the US. The argument against gay marriage has always been a theological one, made by people who supplant morality with religion. There is no legal reason to deny same sex marriage. Hopefully, it will stay this way and Democracy won't get in the way.
  16. There is already a thread dedicated to the modding of Alpha Protocol. So far it's mostly textmodding and trying to patch issues.
  17. It looks like every other generic creature from a JRPG, which is probably what DA is turning into. Maybe that's the reason they're making everything Mass Effect? Pity. What about their set goals and vision for DA being the successor of BG. I wish
  18. There is a right to the pursuit of happiness and to self direction. Also under the ninth amendment protects anyone's right from being taken away by a majority consensus. As for the judge's bias, only a gay judge will actually approve of this. It is an obvious bias but still a correct decision.
  19. Shhh, you'll make Bioware cry.
  20. Actually it should keep the hardcore fans from screaming "heresy", plus knowing Del Toro this is a perfect fit since both the story and the director are very visual.
  21. None of those are reasons to deny gays marriage.
  22. I watched a segment of "Through the Wormhole" and found it to ... and handwavey to the point of silliness. That's pretty much true of all particle physics, isn't it? No. Schr
  23. So i'm thinking this is the first time you guys seen performance art. This kind of bull has been running around for a while now and don't blame America, the rest of the world is in it too. Suffice it to say that I was an fine arts major and changed career because I didn't want to hang around with these freaks.
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