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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Just for clarification, your stand against same sex marriage is because of legal complication or religious freedoms?
  2. Right, our cliches are so much more better than theirs.
  3. I only tried the Steam demo, but yes. "Do not attempt to play Binary Domain without a controller. If you don
  4. Did you manage to cross the river on the whores' backs?
  5. Orogun01


    Got my glass of wine, doing some modelling and this came up in Pandora. So I felt like sharing. http://youtu.be/_1uunRdQ61M
  6. Do you have their numbers?
  7. I'm lost.
  8. I get what you say, although I still feel that the main focus of the Witcher 2 story which was the politics of the land came across shining. If that means that you don't get to experience the same atmosphere as you did in 1, i'm ok with it. Storywise they have been able to constrain their weak bits in favor of focusing the majority of the plot on a stronger story. The Wild Hunt is to the witcher what the Reapers are to ME and even less since they haven't been a central part of the plot yet,
  9. Hey... they're tax free.
  10. There's no such a thing as consistent, long-term sustainability in economics. Everything changes, and with it, politicians have to adept. This is something they completely and utterly fail. They, and their cronies and masters, just want to uphold the status-quo, and that's exactly why we don't have nice things in this world. Adapt, or be doomed to repeat history. Speak for yourself I have lots of nice things. But then again i'm not in this world.
  11. IDK but now we all really hate the Swiss.
  12. Just for my edification its there an organism dedicated to enforcing the interests of the investors, namely that the product gets done. Otherwise it seems like an honor system. Edit: I was referring to Kickstarter
  13. Maybe they shouldn't announce it like that, deterrence counts for something.
  14. Pretty much. Although I suppose they can wax on about morality or just get all ragey over some company's products It is a convenient mean, pirate groups tend to respond faster than publishers and fix their problems and they probably care more about the product than the publishers. If they actually released original content they would edge out most publishers on customer service. So instead of focusing on new ways to tap into the market, such as providing a stable, trouble free, and simple way to get games at minimal cost, publishers and their investors as usual will milk the market for all it's worth and wait until an innovator changes the product and they will move on towards the new successful gimmick.
  15. Yet this a point in the escalation of DRM and piracy that companies should really consider another mean to stop pirates. Think of it as M.A.D. and the pirates being ****roaches able to survive a nuclear strike, companies are destroying only themselves with their measures.
  16. Checkpoints ? What is this, Dragon Rising ? Don't remind me please
  17. Stock cinematic from a common whore, she's dirty.
  18. But the new film will probably won't have classic line such as "I AM...THE LAW!!!" or Rob Scheinder.
  19. Well, if we have defined copyright and intellectual property as ownership over ideas it could be a free speech case. Just with another meaning of the word "free"
  20. Buyer's beware, the new content it's only a quest per side on the main story.
  21. Well, that is part of the problem with the "publisher" model, isn't it? Being investment companies there is a constant drive to try to tap new markets (or squeeze more out of existing). Sometimes through added advertising (product placement and targeted advertising through profiling), sometimes nickling and diming (DLC) people to death, price fixing (hello EA and others), acquisitions and mergers (to prevent competition) and so on. Anything goes when trying to corner a market. One of the reasons that I like Bethesda as a publisher it's that they're a developer. Much like in the music industry producers are often musicians who had their careers, yet they bring all of their love of the art, experience, and craft to the table. To keep the comparison with the music industry, a producer who's an artist or has a love of the art will look for talent, an investor it's looking for the next hit. So investors tend to play it safe on guaranteed results because they have no idea what their product's really worth because they know next to nothing about it. So we get a 100 cloned games greenlighted because of investors, effectively stagnating the industry. I could easily equate the disco explosion of the 70's to the modern FPS phenomenon.
  22. All things considered, publishers lose more money to retail stores rather than piracy. I mostly wait for the drop on prices and lots of time buy used since the store has a system in place to encourage you to buy used. I would compare it to a drug manufacturer that gets constantly swindled by their dealers and does nothing about it. Maybe a change in the production and distribution markets would end up increasing revenue for publishers without the need for intrusive DRM.
  23. Just remember that it's a war simulation game, which means you walk 20 miles in realtime just to get your head shot off from half a mile. Oh and there are no quicksaves or manualsaves, just checkpoints after 400 miles. A great incentive not to get your head shot off at mile 399.
  24. Yes yes, and everytime someone equates copyright infringement with theft they're murdering logic, raping and pillaging reason, and cannabalising reality. They aren't the same, it's entirely an Appeal to Emotion. Copyright infringement does not involve depriving the owner of the use of and possession of something, ie the legal and actual definition of theft. If you steal a car or wallet the owner no longer has them in their possession and cannot use them. If they were duplicated the owner would still have use of them. It's also not a criminal matter (except in unusual circumstances), but a civil one, unlike theft. Ultimately you are of course free to consider piracy as theft, barratry, arson, libel, murder, DUI, terrorism, fraud or whatever but it'll only ever be copyright infringement. I also find it rather difficult to muster any outrage whatsoever that multiple years ago someone may have duplicated an infinitely reproducible virtual good that was not available for purchase at the time- I see little point to whiteknighting corporates at the best of times (frankly, corporates don't give a asterisks beyond what benefits them, so hey! reciprocal right back at 'em) and a situation where a product is arbitrarily unavailable due to geography is hardly the best of times- it's simply not anyone else's business but the copyright holder's and the infringers. So it would be more akin to counterfeit goods rather than theft.
  25. Wow, look at all the detail on those pollution clouds
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