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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Is there anything that doesn't give you cancer nowadays?
  2. Well, I don't have a spouse and if I had, I probably wouldn't dispose of her in the rubbish bin (nor go shopping for a new one the day after) For shame sir, there is at the very least a week long mourning period for pets. Even if you aren't really mourning.
  3. Not unless you're looking to get with a milf
  4. You realize that you are asking pears from the orange tree.
  5. Of course that's how it works, haven't you played one of them..whatchamacallit...visual novels? Bioware certainly has.
  6. I searched on the DA Nexus site per se, yet it yielded no results whatsoever. Worst of all, I don't even remember the name of the mod. The only thing I remember is that it converted the faces of 'over 1244 npcs'. Don't know what anyone can make of it. I figured since I'd created an account here, might as well ask. Since you are talking about the Nexus I assume you have an account with them. Just go to the forum portion, not the actual site and remake this thread, they are better qualified to help you and probably will give you more links. Or you could dedicate an afternoon to look trough every DA2 facemod.
  7. Its election year, so unless they can have the headline "Obama sells sex simulator to children" I doubt that Fox & friends will spend serious time with this.
  8. Even so I cannot believe that there is no censor for that.
  9. Nonsense, the writing is believable, the sex scenes actually show pixelated goodies, and the minigame its bearable.
  10. Shouldn't you be asking this question at the Nexus forums?
  11. Consolized combat mechanics which won't be a problems since you are getting it for the 360, same thing with the interface issue. Although if they haven't done anything about the inventory you won't be able to mod it (PC master race!) Great C&Q and writing, though its not a game for everyone its a very well done game.
  12. 'fraid so. The biggest problem in the world today, in every country and clime, is that humans are just not capable of leaving the other humans alone. We should bring the Internet to those places, then they would make angry posts on their Facebooks...or find the last copy of "The Anarchist Cookbook"
  13. The have a good reason to cause outcry but a local trial (if it can be called such) won't do much good. It won't stop the natives from using it as an example to fan the fires of revolution, it wouldn't be a fair trial since the judged is an outsider and held in biased view and it would just send the message to the troops that we are giving our men to be tried by the enemy. I do agree that he should be judged with the same severity as he would if he had killed american citizens.
  14. Even the article admitted to them using the word emo to identify anyone who dresses nicely. Outsiders and minorities usually have a hard time on Third World countries and face violence on those where violent acts are not only go without prosecution but are actually encouraged.
  15. I really hope that there's no protection from the US courts for this guy, it would definitively prove that there is something wrong with us for supporting this kind of behavior. That said; they shouldn't give him to Afghan authorities, it won't quell the anti-american sentiment and would only demoralize our troops to know that we will throw them to the wolves. Authority should be asserted, we should take charge of prosecuting and deal with this situation not to please the Afghans ( which may go from difficult to impossible) but to keep order in the ranks.
  16. The problem is people making mistakes and blaming the game for it e.g: "Well if that monster hadn't fought me so close to the edge I wouldn't had fell..grrrr"
  17. It's Bioware and it's dark heroic genres. Just wait until the next Sonic game with romanceable characters and a grimdark setting.
  18. Apparently there is a market for their games, people who can overlook a evident gap in quality and dish out blind praise. The reverse is also true, funny how a company can have two very polarized groups as their audience.
  19. Well, the thread's title fits this like a glove. Seriously what the hell are they doing over there?
  20. Good that the PC only guys will get to play this. Especially if your a masochist. If it gets quicksave it'll be much easier. And a trainer, but those PC graphics make it worth it.
  21. I thought she was there to please the pedophiles? Wasn't she in her own words considered a child amongst her people? So, anybody played the game (legitimately) yet? Curious minds wants to hear first hand impressions. I thought the Asari were a scale to measure perversion; the more stuff you see in them the more perverted you are.
  22. The French Revolution happened after the American one Lafayette was inspired by the Americans, a few of France's economical problems could be traced back to the expenses they made in order to help the colonists, etc. And that's why I failed history.
  23. Even if they wanted to do a high profile Revolution those damn Canadians seem to have forgot that the French had theirs before the US. It's hopeless; Ubisoft Montreal has been "americanized"
  24. I would scalp myself if I wasn't bald
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