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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I don't believe they were trying anything but how to spend more time polishing the romances. If they had actually decided to just create a few areas for use the least that they could had done was to make them decent looking. I think it was bad design based on comments about DA:O, I seem to recall that the reason for the big open spaces was some dev saying that spending time on things that nobody notices (he pointed to the scattered books on the Mages' tower as an example) I say that everyone noticed the absence of proper level design. That whole game looks like it was made by a student playing around with UDK, and I dare say that there is a chance that it would had come out looking better if it was true. But please, don't say that their stupidity was innovation. The game just looks lazy.
  2. I made the same search and was surprised to find that a moran isn't a moron with bad spelling.
  3. I get all that from your OP. So Indira kills Bhindranwale, Beant Singh and Satwant kill Indira, Rajiv Ghandi kills a bunch of Sikhs and Rajaratnam suicide bombs him. So what the hell did Rajoana did again?
  4. I'm not kidding, I know that he's a guy condemned to hang but I don't know the specifics of the crime. There is remarkably little info on that aspect. Okay, do you want me to tell you? I know about the murder but I can't find any detailed description of the events or the motive, from what I gathered here it has something to do with religion.
  5. And one of them has cyanide?
  6. I'm not kidding, I know that he's a guy condemned to hang but I don't know the specifics of the crime. There is remarkably little info on that aspect.
  7. F&F? I daren't assume to know what Volourn is thinking, but I'd say Fast & Furious. Should we take this discussion to another thread?
  8. Calax; bless your heart but you should know that nobody cares about Muslims, because then we would have to admit all the craziness that the US government has been up to in the post 9/11 world.
  9. Transporter, Crank(the first one) Taken, Ong-Bak(the whole trilogy) District B13, Kiss of the Dragon, Unleashed...I can keep this going you know.
  10. Meh, cynicism hurts the cynic more than anyone. Its your life so...whatever.
  11. I'm sorry but what exactly it's the issue here? OP only said that there's protests about something called the Rajoana Verdict. Some guy with a bunch of guns?
  12. Please don't argue with the contrarians, they seem to have conveniently enough forgotten that it was in the middle of combat. What did they want them to do? Build a makeshift tank and smash the insurgents. Those soldiers may have not have come up with the perfect plan, which in the middle of a firefight it's pretty damn hard to gather around and discuss. He took a chance, how big of a chance or whether or not the kids would have survived if left alone depends on specifics about the combat.
  13. You seem cheery, have you been drinking?
  14. Now the question is whether they should charge for it or not, because since the original ending was arguably broken and didn't deliver the experience which was paid for.
  15. Time to check for Alzheimer or narcissism.
  16. It's Arab sex, it will suck either way.
  17. If there is justice in the world they will be 70 nerd virgins.
  18. I'm grinning like a moron just from hearing that.
  19. Don't know about the look on his face but as soon as they get a shot they're taking it.
  20. So if fat women that are depressed because they have body image disorder stop eating red meat it's the meat that was staving off the depression. Seriously, who makes this stupid studies and more importantly who pays for them?
  21. Soon they'll be making campfire horror stories about cancer.
  22. And that its why the world of Fallout it's lush green since people can respect convections and....Oh.
  23. Unless they are going to go back to making a DA honest to god CRPG count me uninterested.
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