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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. This actually gives me hope that they've focused on more important gameplay features. That's exactly how I feel about it, Deus Ex wasn't exactly cutting edge when it was released. That video is pure win, I feel twice as good about my pre-order now
  2. I had a half hour bash with Lucas, skipped all the dialogue because I'm too ill to care about plot, first impressions are...pretty solid, combat and movement feels a tad sluggish but not unfixable, I'm most impressed with the engine, it was smooth and very nice to look at with not a single visible glitch, I can easily imagine a fully fledged RPG rocking balls in Onyx.
  3. There's a good documentary series on the BBC at the moment called "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace", it's a decent watch and hits on a couple of related points.
  4. She's married to one of the owners of Zenimax so it's pretty likely.
  5. Today I has mostly been eatin roast chicken, and dying from AIDS by the feel of it
  6. Word going around the Bethesda forums is that the dragon shouts are Wes Johnson, I'd imagine they'll be using him for more stuff though, it's not quite TES without him.
  7. Gah, I should go to bed...300 books in game.
  8. Yay for heavy fog, that stuff is going to make the world feel sooo much bigger *edit* Btw, I've spend the last couple of days toying with the Morrowind Graphics & Sound Overhaul, very impressive, I was actually amazed at how close the mod selection is to my own, there's a few kinks they need to work out such as visible texture seams and missing files, I'll probably get around to playing it next year. *moar edit* New G4TV demo, shows off the interface...which looks great for consoles but it's going to suck balls on PC if they don't change it, also there's a Fable style breadcrumb trail spell. On the other hand I think they just showed off a Dunmer trapped in a spider web, gravelly voices appear to be back, trap spells are looking good too.
  9. As far as I know there are are no randomly generated dungeons in Skyrim, in fact I'm pretty sure there's very little random generation of anything, non scripted enemies doesn't mean a billion dragons spawning all over the map and flying in random directions. As for the Radiant Story thing, from what I can tell it's really straightforward, the game has some preset quest templates and assigns them to dungeons you've never visited, again, hardly random.
  10. Yeah I forgot to mention how much I love the snowstorm effect, I enjoyed getting lost in them on Solstheim, but I agree, mechanical and plot based derpery will make or break it for me.
  11. That's the point where I sighed a little bit, this episode had a few derp moments for me and it feels like they wanted to get a lot of stuff shown in a short time, still enjoying it all though, I rarely get into TV shows these days. It's actually a line ripped straight from the books. Some things just don't translate well to TV, I guess. I've been following this guy's reviews of each Game of Thrones episode. It's nice to see a new viewer show so much enthusiasm. I can't wait to see his reactions to episodes 9 and 10. I just think the way everyone bursts out laughing to diffuse a situation where a guy's fingers get chewed off is a bit forced, nice to know it's in the book though. The youtube reviewer is worth a watch, I like hearing regular people rant about TV shows for some reason.
  12. I just watched the HD video, I still think the LOD for the midground stuff looks really suspect in an Oblivion kind of way but actual gameplay looks quite solid I'm not so worried about the amount of dragons, you can bet that no matter what Bethesda do; the first mods will be "Moar Dragons!" and "Less Dragons!"...the first mods after nude Khajiit shlong anyway *edit* Do you reckon Todd Howard is ever going to stop pointing to the tops of mountains? I reckon he's going to have "you can go there" on his tombstone.
  13. I'm surprised by how much stuff the ConDemned party is doing that I agree with, it's good that people are being encouraged to take action themselves rather than delegating powers to some kind of ruling body, the Telegraph appears to be pushing for "teeth" but I'm of the opinion that after ten years of New Labour we've got enough laws to keep us busy for now. *cynical edit* I should add that I totally expect this to **** up or fizzle out but I'm jaded
  14. I felt quite ill all day due to an all night rave in a huge town hall building on Saturday, it was a blast but I'm still knackered from it.
  15. That's the point where I sighed a little bit, this episode had a few derp moments for me and it feels like they wanted to get a lot of stuff shown in a short time, still enjoying it all though, I rarely get into TV shows these days.
  16. Quick thoughts on the E3 demo, fights and environments look cool, the dragons move really well but the draw distance for small stuff looks pretty bad on consoles, like a moving circle of grass all around the player.
  17. Deeply tempted to install Morrowind again for the overhaul but I completed it only four months ago and I'm nuts deep in Fallout 3 right now, then it's on to New Vegas to mop up the DLC, I worry that I'll be burnt out on open worldy games by the time Skyrim gets here.
  18. I noticed these on the Bethesda forums. *edit* found another One more for good measure...oh dear, I loved those graphics at the time.
  19. To be honest I don't think many western muslims give a **** unless you go around burning qurans, the rest of the time it's hand wringing westerners who are terrified of offending people's imagined sensibilities.
  20. Maybe they found a few placeholder textures that got overlooked, either that or some moonbats kicked up a fuss
  21. Witcher 2 patch 1.2 arrives tomorrow New haircuts It's nice to see them giving away free stuff though, even if it's tat. *edit* They released the changelog early, faster menus, auto compressed savegames and, erm, all islamic textures removed or replaced?
  22. It does seem pretty random to mention that while quoting a huge ad though. While using the Elder Scrolls logo as an avatar Really though, I kind of understand, every game I've pre-ordered in the last year has been a pain in the arse, things will improve a bit now I've gone back to Nvidia but regardless I think PC gamers are being increasingly shafted by quality control.
  23. Another decent episode for me, enjoyed the skinning scene, it was a good way to introduce a character, I suppose they were going for an upper class but gets his hands dirty kind of thing, the lesbian scene was over the top but I can't say I didn't enjoy it, the guy playing Littlefinger was hamming it up a bit too much though. "OH, EVERYTHING MY DEAR.." I do like his character, it's just that line killed it for me.
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