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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. They've shown lots of baddass looking player characters so I do wonder if they're included normal, boring faces. It'll be a bit weird if all the NPC's are seven foot tall musclemen with murder in their eyes
  2. The Bosmer have been de-pussified, I can't imagine him bitching about a lost ring.
  3. I've never been able to play a Khajiit, I don't mind having them in the world but it just feels bloody daft running around as a cat... I reckon I might try running around as a giant lizard at some point though
  4. My family have been buying the Mail for years so I quite often get a chance to read it, it either leaves me feeling enraged at their narrow mindedness or in total agreement, strange paper, probably doesn't deserve all the comedy hate it receives. Daily Mail Island *edit* I quickly did the poll beside the article and noticed that I'd inadvertently voted to call the army in... I did the poll from the bottom up and hadn't noticed they'd flipped the choices for that one question
  5. Right now I'm not playing anything, going through one of my "can't play games" phases, I'm reading a lot of books to compensate though...speaking of books, I badly need to re-play PS:T, I've nearly forgotten all the little details, if only I could forget it all and play it fresh
  6. The ones I really want them to bust are the morons who put their grinning mugshots on facebook, right next to their haul
  7. Yeah, we've got a dangerous lack of labouring and tradesman jobs, there's barely any industry left, add to that the *insane* competition for unskilled jobs, if you can't even get a job as a shelf stacker what are you going to do? Really worrying times we're heading into in my opinion, people badly...desperately want the luxuries/distractions they see on TV and even assuming they're willing to work for it, they can't find the work. As for rioters losing benefits, that's a really bad idea given that poverty is one of the root causes, once again, we have laws that cover this.
  8. If we end up calling the military and maybe introducing a few new riot laws, who's to say how the government will use them in the event of a genuine political protest in future? We already have laws that cover this and the police already have all the equipment they need, they're just not using them, yet.
  9. That's one of the more dangerous things, these morons can't even comprehend who the rich are, they're as clueless about finance as fish are about ocean water.
  10. Better quality pic.
  11. I think we all know the answer to that one Also, there's a 40 minute video of the Quakecon presentation on the Torrent sites for those who are interested.
  12. New screenshot apparently, looks legit to me.
  13. Looks like it's kicking off in Manchester tonight. *edit* That's some swanky Judge Dredd style riot gear they've got on, the Batman logo on the shoulder pad is a nice touch too.
  14. I did ponder that, it seems very odd that the police appear so impotent during this.
  15. So the poor bastard is making those kinds of movies again is he.
  16. I can handle a simple "Coca Cola" or golden arches here and there, odds are those plague bearers are going to stay with humanity for a long time, it's the idea of localised current day adverts being mindlessly rammed into the gameworld that irks me.
  17. I'm thankful that he didn't, though I have to admit that I couldn't shake the feeling that I was living out Gaider's homoerotic fantasies during DA-O, it was a post of his about writing romance that did it, how he wanted big powerful arms pushing him against a wall...or something.
  18. It's obviously a genuine expression of discontent, when every new job at Tesco has 40 applicants you know things are going to get nasty eventually, when times are bad people desperately want distractions like a big TV and a crate of booze, which is what I think this one comes down to, desperate grabbing hands trying to get free distractions. *edit* If this was political protest directed at the ruling class they'd have been marching on Downing St and the banks...not Argos.
  19. I'm not entirely sure how I'll react if this turns out to be true, for a game that's been selling itself partly by philosophising about corporate power it seems wrong, I might have to cancel my pre-order if there's no way around it
  20. I always wondered why I wasn't allowed to play with plastic nunchuks and throwing stars as a child. *edit* Well, I knew they were banned but I never knew why.
  21. And ours doesn't cause riots. Yours is just rugby, played with 40lbs of protective gear and a break every 5 minutes.
  22. I don't like how people are labelling these punks as anarchists, they don't deserve the title, they're poor, undereducated people who are so mindlessly desperate for a flatscreen TV to watch Jeremy Kyle that they'll go out and trash the shops, I think this sort of thing will be quite regular during the enforced austerity years. *edit* I have to disagree with anyone wanting the bring the military in, this isn't their job, stop being so fetishistic, the army are not a magical pill.
  23. Yeah I was well and truly sucked in by the wow factor back then, Oblivion was my first open worldy game and certainly the closest I'd gotten to a swords n sorcery RPG since the 80's.
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