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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. Welcome to the forum
  2. Went to a decent gig in a ****ty location, wankered. Nite nite.
  3. Leaked audio from the E3 showcase, no revelations but you can hear the in game audio well and Todd goes into more detail. *edit* Looks like an Oblivion NPC
  4. Did you read books in Morrowind? Hm, yeah if whoever wrote Crassius Curio still works for Bethesda I could see it being amusing.
  5. Armor stuff even more dumped down. Yeah I'm slightly bummed about that, most of the other stuff sounds reasonable if unexciting. I assume the marriages will be a flavour thing like sabotaging a woodmill, god forbid Bethesda try and write a deep Argonian romance quest, could be good for the lulz though
  6. Had a bit of a scare with my dad's heath today, he was turning pale and driving a bit dangerously, last year he had a heart attack that knocked him dead so any time he gets ill we worry, he got to the doctors and they said he seems ok, I'm not satisfied but who ever is? On the bright side of things I received one of these, which is why I'm still up at 6am The best part is I only ordered the half stack, looks like they threw in an extra cabinet, possibly to make up for a shipping delay but I'm not looking a gifthorse in the mouth.
  7. Tsk, string them all up along with their puppet political class...wrong meeting?
  8. I got the bright idea of entering my old Torchlight key into Steam, it worked, I like that.
  9. Shouldn't this thread be over at the codex where it can receive the attention it deserves?
  10. Dragon Age Origins was very good but the pace started to drag a little bit due to filler combat, Dragon Age 2 is more immediately satisfying but the plot feels less coherent, I need to get around to completing it...along with The Witcher 2 and a boatload of other games.
  11. Today I feel addled by drink, smoke and tv, I sat up till 6am watching the last season of Mad Men, such a well made show, a bit fanciful with history but I can't stop watching, maybe it's those secretaries
  12. I never went there during the glory days when the gods walked among us but I'm a codex fan, I can't deny that I enjoy watching retards, racists and intellectuals tear eachother to pieces over my favourite genre
  13. Pre-DLC patches for Fallout 3 progressively made the game less stable, New Vegas seems to be following the same pattern.
  14. 19th of July "Prior to release, we will release a new title update for New Vegas. Along with adding support for Old World Blues, the update will bring improvements to performance and stability in major areas." Quake in fear my tender lumplings.
  15. I just found this interview over at the Iron Tower forums, it's Todd Howard and Notch (the Minecraft guy).
  16. I think I might have been more absorbed in Rome but I did watch the whole thing over a weekend, Game of Thrones has rocked my balls though, rocked them good.
  17. I'm playing through it at the moment and I've had a few realtime missed shots, some shots that should be dead on have missed or glanced the target, now most of my skills are over 70 and I hardly ever miss.
  18. Shots definitely can miss in Fallout 3, spread is partially determined by skill level.
  19. Apparently what's happening in Libya is definitely not 'hostilities' “If I just sort of sucker-punched someone, and they doubled over on the floor, I think we would say that I was involved in a hostile action, whether or not they were able to land a punch or a blow in response,” said Saikrishna Prakash, a law professor at the University of Virginia." Welcome to the age of kinetic military action.
  20. New interview with Todd Howard, he's quite informative in this one DLC's being less frequent but closer to expansion packs in size
  21. Moving us one step closer to stricter internet regulation every day...good work kids.
  22. Watched the remake of True Grit a few nights ago, it was very good, I didn't see Jeff Bridges once, he was *that* much in character.
  23. I've had the pleasure of going to lots of parties and raves over the years and generally it's people who've had too much to drink that cause embarrassment/trouble, something about the way it shuts down the brain I think...not that I haven't seen and done a few shameful things relating to chemical excess but alcohol is generally the one that leaves you crawling in your own vomit
  24. That should be the end of it really. I don't give two ****s about the colonial ambitions of the old British establishment, it doesn't make me swell with British pride to know that we possess a scrap of land on the other side of the world but if the islanders want to be British then nothing should obstruct that, they've lived there long enough, squatter's rights etc
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