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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. Grim stuff, my conspiratorial side suspects they'd love to pull this **** all over the place, nice to see it's getting coverage.
  2. Thanks I'll check it out Today I restored most of my files, watched a shed load of The Big Bang Theory as my PC was scanning, right now I'm eating a celebratory pizza, my stupidity only cost me the Quantum Leap series. Still can't believe I let myself click the format button, it was late and I thought I'd got my memstick selected
  3. I've definitely put 300 hours into Oblivion, verging on a similar number for Fallout 3, about 100 hours in Morrowind but I've got so much more to do in that game yet...I'm saving it for if I get down in the dumps or something, most other games I've put in the standard 30 hours and I don't play online much, I'm oddly thankful for that.
  4. As far as I can tell that article is talking ****, a quick look at the torrent sites shows an ISO but no crack, it's interesting to see lots of users trying to persuade others *not* to pirate the game, telling people not to pirate stuff on torrent sites...crazy. Reading the replies from those who feel entitled to everything under the sun is quite galling, I assume most of them are kids but holy ****, what kind of people are they going to become when they grow up? *edit* thinking about it, I probably pirated the equivalent of a small nation's economy when I was a kid but still...I wasn't an arse about it.
  5. That sounds like my cup of lava, what's the title? On the subject of what I did today...I accidentally quick formatted my 1.5TB drive full of music and video, oh god, oh god etc, so it's a night of file recovery and watching files copy, kill me.
  6. TSA fondling a baby. The boogieman is removed from the narrative but the insanity is here to stay.
  7. How many of those 300 hours were spent playing the unmodded-as shipped-vanilla game? I reckon my first game was about 90 hours, a pretty good chunk, as a first timer I loved it but the level scaling made me so I went looking and found Oscuro's mod. After becoming a bit wiser and playing better RPG's I doubt I could go back to Oblivion...that and the fact that I've truly seen everything the game has to offer including almost every copypasta dungeon.
  8. I just reconfirmed my pre-order after my old cc went invalid, pretty good considering I ordered it six months ago and nothing released so far has put me off. *edit* is it wrong to get excited over a slot based inventory?
  9. With Oblivion being the first open world RPG I played I'm absolutely biased but I just can't make myself see it as the infected scab on the beautiful face of gaming that others do I can however see all of it's glaring faults, I'm not making an argument for the game here but I must have enjoyed something in those 300 hours.
  10. I'm aware and to be honest it's what I'm banking on, people who've tried it say that it's smooth as butter so fingers crossed, also, considering the amount of languages they're covering I suppose I can live with ****ty facial anims.
  11. In future years we shall mourn the millions lost to the Valve work camps...but not that much, Portal 5 will surely have been worth it.
  12. Yeah but I get paper dolls As for the DRM, ve have vays.
  13. Yeah the facial animations suck quite badly, I also hope the game doesn't run as choppy as it appears in most preview videos, on the subject of versions, I pre-ordered from Game.co.uk as it was
  14. I remember my SB32 blowing me away at the time, especially in the Lucasarts adventures.
  15. Don't get me wrong, if it was more polished and had a well translated voiceover I could see it being really good, as it stands it's massively buggy and heinously unoptimised, I felt myself being pulled out of the game constantly.
  16. I thought Nehrim had potential but at the end of the day it sucked, it's badly coded, badly written and runs like a dog on even the best PC.
  17. Noam Chomsky talks about Bin Laden's death.
  18. Portal 2 was borderline genius, put everything on hold for it. Right now I'm playing...nothing, I can't seem to get into a gaming mood, just a bit down I suppose.
  19. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is the only mod I'd call essential, it strips out a ton of the level scaling bull**** and adds lots of handplaced items and loot, it also makes lots of lesser but sensible changes like adding female guards and lockpick skill restrictions. Beyond that you'll probably just end up adding a few smaller mods as you go along, Natural Environments is a decent mod, it makes the forests thicker, adds birds and some random insect life, some music packs wouldn't hurt either, listening to the same five to ten tracks in a game as big as Oblivion is torture. Don't forget the Unofficial Oblivion Patch too.
  20. Yeah but there's a cut off point, replaying most 8bit games ends in shattered dreams, a ton of 16bit games are still worth playing though, WinUAE or MAME on a large LCD TV with wireless pads is bliss
  21. Ten days, I'm genuinely looking forward to it, fingers crossed it will finally give my latest PC something to chew on.
  22. So it turns out the 'reaction shot' we saw in all the papers was either staged or misrepresented.
  23. That's an excellent (and bat**** crazy) example of how an agenda can transcend political ideologies, Russia wants Chechnya baaaad.
  24. Whatever they've done with the renderer I just hope it's stable this time around, their Gamebryo implementation has been broken since Morrowind, quite shameful really.
  25. Episode three was a decent watch, I'm eager for the show to get rolling.
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