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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. I mostly agree, it's just the amount of bad ports that get me down about PC gaming.
  2. Fallout 3 hasn't got a single deep character, it has quite a few likeable ones but they find themselves in absolutely no interesting situations, it's shameful how it won a writing award, the gameworld however is deep, very explorable. *edit* After a few minutes thought, Point Lookout and The Pitt were an improvement, Desmond and Ashur were reasonably memorable.
  3. You must have a lot of background processes running all the time. I have 6GB ram and with a video editor, graphic editor (lots of stuff open in it), 9 browser windows, music player all running right now it's only at 1.5gb of ram being used. If I open & run FNV on top of all that, it goes up to about 2.5-3GB. Very few, if I check now, Windows reports 243MB free but with 2.5GB of cached data, essentially that's still 3GB of free RAM with a few browser windows, uTorrent, VLC and MSN messenger loaded. The advertised upside is that Windows is pre-loading your regularly used data, the impressive thing is that it actually seems to work.
  4. Bethesda are excellent at giving you lots of OCD tasks that ultimately add up to very little, I'm not complaining, hunting for Nuka Cola Quantum in Fallout 3 right now is very satisfying, even if I know it'll just get me a slightly different kind of hand grenade when I'm done. So far I've agreed with 90% of what I've heard, mechanically speaking I think Skyrim is going to be a game I'll enjoy, I do hope for another Morrowind type love affair though, when you find yourself lying in bed months later, pondering a character's nature and eventual fate; you know something deep happened, it's much like Planescape: Torment in that regard.
  5. I've been using Windows 7 for about six months and I've had very few problems, even after moving to x64 it's been pretty smooth sailing, given RPGmasterBoo's specs I'd probably stick with XP, even with 6GB of RAM I've noticed W7 using most of it at times, right now I'm on 4GB and windows reports zero free RAM. I haven't had any trouble running a few older games but as LadyCrimson said, if you run lots of old software you should stick with XP.
  6. I spent the afternoon scrubbing away rust with wire wool, my little CG125 is presentable again after winter storage messed her up, I returned home full of the satisfaction of a productive day to find one of my RAM sticks has gone kaput, it's worth a grumble but ho hum.
  7. I thought it was a clever way of establishing the lay of the land, I didn't have much trouble keeping track of the locations mentioned simply because of that, very slick.
  8. I definitely got a "been there" vibe, ha...Bean there.
  9. Yeah and in Fallout 3 it got worse, I remember using a mod to reduce gained xp by 4x and it was still too fast, I hope they use a Dragon Age type system where you can spend points retroactively, rather than being slapped in the face by a level up screen every ten minutes.
  10. Yeah but the amount of times you hear a developer cry "it's not as simple as making a button!", so this kind of thing is heartening
  11. If they can balance the perks right it won't be such a great loss, now I understand why they're choosing to speed up the levelling process (an idea I wasn't keen on), they give you less to do on each level up but you level up more often, so hopefully with a good selection of perks it should balance out. I'm anxious to see it all in action though, I'm just as interested in seeing the new menu system, Eurogamer has a bit of new info about that, though I remember a Todd quote from a while back saying he wanted to make an inventory like Apple would make it...hmm.
  12. After reading a bit more I'm seeing the sense in it, Oblivion and Morrowind's systems were messy and exploitable, but still...I enjoy spending skill points
  13. Hm, that's possibly the first bit of news I've not liked
  14. I just finished watching and I enjoyed it, it's a shame Bioware didn't use this world instead, decent grit
  15. I'm chewing through Fallout 3 whilst trying to find the will to complete Dragon Age 2, I had this problem with Origins, I burn out halfway through and end up completing it six months later.
  16. Who actually hands out these GOTY awards and when did New Vegas win? I never heard anything about it
  17. Kinda Oblivion-ish Rawr Big Improvement for the Orcs, far less derpy Khajiit also look pretty badass Bearded zombie Technovikings How many CTD's do you reckon it will take to cross those mountains?
  18. How are you guys finding the default font? When I got my 1080p screen I decided to give Baldurs Gate a try but the font size is on the uncomfortable side of small, there's a mod on Spellhold Studios but it's a bit rough and it seems the author has abandoned it. I wish Ghostdog would port his font size mod from Planescape, lovely clean fonts
  19. That's not how it works. It works similar to other distributed computing systems like folding@home. The number of users speeds up the process. It is not a total = progress system, but a total = rate system. Ahh gotcha, I was just parroting a post I read elsewhere, it's still a damn good tactic.
  20. Sneaky but magnificent bastards. *edit* Apparently 200,000 people simultaneously playing any one of those games will unlock it.
  21. Eurogamer say it's possible they might release it on Steam tonight.
  22. I got that impression, with a dash of Fable.
  23. Counter Strike has Steam achievements now and Quake Live has it's own system of leaderboards, there is no escape from them, I still think it's pretty damn cool that you can play Quake in a browser though, I'm tempted to sign up. What path are you taking in PS:T? I only ever played it once, I went with a fighter character, mostly good, I've heard that playing the game as an evil mage opens up a huge amount of extra back story.
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