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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I heard console enemies will be tougher to keep the difficulty up.
  2. You need to play the Gothic series then. Not only will all the weird creatures beat you up, you will also have to fight innumerable bugs! JOY! I never encountered more then 4 bugs in any Gothic game.
  3. Guards in Thief 1 were supposed to be unbeatable in frontal fights. I beat 3 of them at once. When I was 10. Without a scratch. So yeah... And I'd expect nothing less of you.
  4. Ugh, I'd rather stay with the d100 Fallout PnP.
  5. Guards in Thief 1 were supposed to be unbeatable in frontal fights. I beat 3 of them at once. When I was 10. Without a scratch. So yeah... death per second instead of damage per second?
  6. Sinister. Mind you, if Modern Warfare leaves the PC platform, it's our gain You're losing me here.
  7. Sense not make does.
  8. No pwoblem.
  9. Then why make a PC port?
  10. http://www.&lt.com/;object%20width="560"%20height="340"><param%20name="movie"%20value="[b]http://www.youtube.com/v/_UWOKjfBmy4&hl=en&fs=1&[/b]"></param><param%20name="allowFullScreen"%20value="true"></param><param%20name="allowscriptaccess"%20value="always"></param><embed%20src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_UWOKjfBmy4&hl=en&fs=1&"%20type="application/x-shockwave-flash"%20allowscriptaccess="always"%20allowfullscreen="true"%20width="560"%20height="340"></embed></object> Wat?
  11. (At least) one of my old teachers would faint if she read this.
  12. Oh hy, don't mind me, I'm just making sure you soulless freaks of cyber-nature are cultured enough to be called nerds. The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny Thwomps the Movie
  13. They messed up the fluff completely! Burn the witch, burn the witch!
  14. Sounds like something I'd enjoy...then get a heart attack and die.
  15. I see you're hellbent on not liking this game.
  16. ...A foreword personally to the receiver, some base background info on quality paper (Grey Warden, Origins, etc) and an integrated DVD case.
  17. This is natural too, but
  18. Time flies fast.
  19. So, Snake killed you yet?
  20. Who wants to watch World Cup when Alpha Protocol is out?
  21. Who would you rather see at the head of the USSR following Lenin's demise: Trotsky or Bukharin? Jack Sparrow. Maybe not.
  22. Unreal 2 really hasn't aged well. Thinking about it, it was old to begin with, just masked itself as a kid. Not unlike Bud Spencer.
  23. You win 1000 internets sir.
  24. They're better off as InXile IMHO.
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