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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Borderlands was in development for a while, the STALKER guys making another PA game isn't surprising either.
  2. Elvis? Steven Segal? Q?
  3. What's new about it?
  4. I see, thanks.
  5. I don't know what pod is, but the other games deserve to be played too.
  6. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...or-to-the-Cause
  7. +1, CE please. And some ice cream to boot would be nice too.
  8. I do.
  9. I could mention how in other RPGs dwarves get minus Dex but are still masters at any job (jewel carving for example) that requires said stat.
  10. EX-KJ
  11. http://bit.ly/1H7iaZ
  12. Lol'd at the joke at the end.
  13. ?
  14. Oh.
  15. CDT?
  16. BTW Alan, do they bug you because you're working on computer games? If so, tell them that your job is debugging and if games induce violent behavior then a game full of bugs would only give them a casus belli.
  17. What.The.Fu-?
  18. There are three categories of s**t now: "s**t", "the s**t", and "the new s**t". Please be more specific. So true.
  19. I'm actively avoiding politics. BTW the pregnancy story was different from what I heard (drugs instead of hammers and the politician didn't treat it as fact). Yay for mass media.
  20. Not one. Also, rubber hamme-?...oh.
  21. Hungary - 85% of games are RTS.
  22. On the intrawebz, foo'.
  23. Looks promising.
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