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Everything posted by Oner

  1. DO not fall for their evil Rick Rolling! TURN BACK BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! Funny coming from a sith.
  2. Everyone's guess.
  3. I can't connect. There's an issue with the live streaming. I know some people have been waiting for 10 hours now trying to get a feed. Ugh, tough luck. If it's any consolation, it isn't very entertaining, just small parts.
  4. I was about to ask that, thanks.
  5. I think I see your house from here.
  6. I'm not sure if that was Shale. Fairly sure the portrait was where the PC's normally would be, so it might have been a transformation. You can specialize at level 7 (which I doubt they did but whatever), they're level 8, that means at best they have two ranks in shapeshifting, of which neither is a golem.
  7. What's keeping you?
  8. What? Are you sure? Nah, just a leader board bug.Spain dropped now too. Someone brought Shale, that golem's got some cool moves.
  9. Play Serious Sam HD in sunshine and lollipops mode.
  10. No, the terrorists will come and complain.
  11. Unforgivable, there is no "America, **** YEAH!" in dropping out. They have shamed themselves and their country. Oh, are they wearing helmets this time? My internet is crapping out today for some reason so it'd be a fruitless attempt to watch a stream. Dunno, it's trailer time for ~half an hour, they just aren't marked 'out' on the leader board anymore.
  12. US team seems to be back in action for some reason.
  13. Fantasy/abstraction vs realistic portrayal of events which actually happened in a real-world setting. Death is death, video game is not real life, and virtual death is not death.
  14. Aye aye skipper.
  15. Seems I remembered it wrong, but dunno where others got the same idea.
  16. Hun POWA \o\ /o/ \o/ Ehm..um.. So, what's the reason some teams get kicked?
  17. Oner


    I don't really prefer low level and specifically hate the first 2 levels in RPGs (especially in DnD) but the 200 HP peasant syndrome is dumb, though that's party a system's and partly the developer's fault.
  18. A new challenger appears.
  19. The Hungarians are so badass, the cameramen don't dare to film them. - _ -
  20. Torchlight and still DA:J.
  21. Playing it too, started a pistol dual wielding vanguard. Cool hack 'n' slash is cool, though my laptop barely manages to run it, have to install it on the desktop PC later. Leather tunic = cool piratess clothes. Also, Brink can keel over and die.
  22. I think it's disgusting that we have to pay for the DLC, especially considering it's $10 and was finished and ready for release before the game had even come out. 10 ****ing dollars. Where did you see that it's ready? I haven't seen any such thing, just that it's in the works and will be coming "soon". I've read somewhere that it'll be a day one (or zero) DLC.
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