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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I've been wondering since Lineage II what the hell this word is supposed to mean.
  2. You can't load a saved game unless you're logged in, that's what he meant I think.
  3. http://social.bioware.com/
  4. Explains your expression.
  5. Keanu Reeves IMO.
  6. I find the idea of books weird.
  7. If there is a god, it left the internet a long time ago.
  8. I was using Wynne and had her learn earthquake. Maybe I used it wrong, but it was underwhelming, or rather didn't last long enough.
  9. Drain Life, Weakness, Winter's Grasp, Cold Weapons, Lightning and spider shape shift IIRC. Or not.
  10. I demand zombie crates. And barrels. 2 smoking ones. Also.
  11. Don't get me started on Sten. If Bio puts in an annoying ****wad, at least let me insult him thoroughly. For clarification: I got the "you're not impressive enough" conversation at camp right after I came back from the mage tower.
  12. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...le-Yahtzee-Quiz
  13. The same. The question mark is what annoys me. "There's a quest left, you damn maximalist, suffeeeeeer!"
  14. Realized I left the Darkstone(?) Merc jobs unaccepted in Lothering. Joy. And now my comp's busted (again) and I can't play. Double Joy.
  15. Only ever played the demo, but damn, this game was awesome.
  16. Are you referring to the end of the game? No, the last hour of my current playing session. Canceled hold position from my party, they started running past the three enemies I was leading to them to attack someone they didn't even see, archer Leliana was hellbent on using Distraction even though I told her to attack, or she and Wynne just stop attacking when I don't control them actively. The enemies running past the meat shields even though they block the way didn't make me happier either.At least the dog's useful.
  17. Mmm, I didn't know that.
  18. The last 1 hour of combat (AI) was so pathetic, I'm left speechless.
  19. Endgame belt 106 GP, have fun.
  20. The dwarf merchant in your camp sells a backpack (5 gold pieces ), there's one in Lothering too, and I bought one in Ostagar too I think. The mage tower almost made me go mad with me being constantly overloaded. OTOH I backtracked a few times and discovered a crapload of notes and some quests.
  21. G-man...German...yeeesss, it all makes sense now. G-man is a Space Nazi! Bring out the epileptic trees! Cool vid BTW.
  22. Blood Dragon Armor, Stone Prisoner.
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