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Everything posted by Oner

  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/invad3r/48185...57594242813626/
  2. (Tropes too.) And so Harmony is achieved.
  3. So he gets even worse after the "you're not impressive" conversation? Hahahahaha
  4. The internet does not know innovation.
  5. What?
  6. So instead of looking for it, or asking if they saw it, he kills them. VERY PRO STEN, VERY PRO! (Yes, I hate him.)
  7. You're replying to the wrong thread there Volo.
  8. I wonder about his l337 reading skillz or his IQ if he really doesn't know the answer to these.
  9. Apparently, because of the "release" of MW 2's pirate version the Hungarian data traffic record has been broken.
  10. Clash of the Titans trailer
  11. So the game is bad 'cause he sucks at playing. I see. Dammit, I have Leliana in my party, no tank and no DPS mage and still have a 0 injury count. No one has the right to complain about difficulty.
  12. A dwarf at the Denerim market sells the Berserker book.
  13. Regarding combat, this may or may not be enlightening: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/designin...ragon-age/58862
  14. I like this theme. : x
  15. Sure.
  16. You can't load a saved game unless you're logged in, that's what he meant I think. I play logged out with the DLC. I always get a pop up saying I need to log in to load the premium content save if I click Resume before the auto-log in finishes.
  17. Didn't you mean "descendants", Mr. Self-Righteous-Voice?
  18. IIRC it was a Sony and not a SEGA guy.
  19. There should be a circle shaped arrow left of the online profile button at the DLC screen. If there isn't, click on online profile, alt tab back into the game and it should appear.
  20. My longest load time was ~30 sec.
  21. If they make a cool mecha MMO in a BLAME!-like setting, I won't mind.
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