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Everything posted by Oner

  1. The "vampire chick" is a guy. Dammit, typo. A dove?
  2. A dark elf, a scientist chick, a ghost chick, a vampire guy, rainbowbear and a goathead. LAAAMEEEE.
  3. Speaking of NWN 2, are there any decent camera mods and bug fixes out there? I haven't looked at NWN 2 since a bug prevented me from finishing the prologue and starting the 1st chapter. (I don't care if OC is crap, I want the whole story.)
  4. I'm not sure Sigil would count as better than here, good luck and don't lose your mortality.
  5. I usually held the line with the PC char (wearing boots of speed) till the mage finished her spell, then outran the blast. Or played Guess the Range. Good times. Why do these surveys keep asking what I like/don't like/want to change in the damn flash game? the same as last time you asked
  6. Trying to put together a decent CV. How would you say "I don't give up easily"?
  7. I have been told there's a really funny novel (Cyberiada IIRC), and the first thing the author does is berate himself in the foreword.
  8. I wonder if you can set in that tactical scripting menu that your companions retreat when the mage starts doing his thing.
  9. Animal slaughter gameplay That fire storm-cyclone-thing looked cool, and this was only on X360. Bridge ambush Dog and bandits Heh, I'm sooo gonna tell Morrigan to piss off.
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Sameo
  11. Wasn't that the korean dub? entrerix: I guess people expected more majesty and less 20-years-old-little-snot-we-all-know-from-school. On topic: Journeys that buggy piece of flash ****, you'd think an experienced company could make a better flash game then 1-2 guys doing it for free.
  12. He should have been more specific when he told Hayden Christensen: "Act!" Before I never understood why everyone hated those movies. Then saw them with the original dub.Long live the pro dubbing actors! \o/
  13. Apparently that was the plan, they just "retconned" it.
  14. Perhaps, but hardly true of the movies quoted - for example Star Wars is one of the most obsessively detailed settings ever and is all the duller for it. We know exactly who Indiana Jones is (OK, elaborated over a lengthy story arc) and so on. Big Trouble in Little China is an old favourite of mine, though, and it is laden with ambiguity. In fact, Kurt Russell's character is an everyman wanderer type. -If it isn't true for movies, then why do you say that SW is dull because it isn't ambiguous?-SW's ambiguity lies(lied) in the background story -Ij (Ijc, Iij, what?) mentioned specifically Temple of Doom, so it's a safe bet he didn't mean Jones' persona
  15. Remember how it's never outright stated who/what the G-Man is, but is constantly hinted at? Makes up half the fun of Half-Life.
  16. Avellone writing songs? DO WANT.
  17. Hairpin? Who?
  18. www.tvtropes.org www.isitchristmas.com www.computerpowertest.com www.lmgtfy.com that site Purkake uses to picture-troll us.
  19. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...-Novel-Mogworld
  20. This reminds me, where did RPGMasterBoo disappear to? RPGCodex? Shouldn't we rescue him then?
  21. Gopher poop!
  22. DA:J Got a second sword from a group of genlocks, and when I tried to dual wield them, the old sword disappeared! When I loaded the after battle autosave, the new one disappeared! L O L
  23. This reminds me, where did RPGMasterBoo disappear to?
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