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Everything posted by Oner

  1. http://www.mektek.net/projects/at1/index.html
  2. Finished Prey. Cliffhanger endings should be banned.
  3. nvm
  4. Isn't that Obersturmbannf
  5. http://www.members.shaw.ca/battlefields1/erwinrommel1.jpg http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/4197...mmL._SS260_.jpg ?
  6. http://acidcow.com/pics/4884-confiscated-p...ds-32-pics.html So..anyone wanna start a cartel?
  7. The most common enemies are hunters, and they hunt you. Exactly what it says on the tin indeed.
  8. Where in the world did you find that? TV Tropes:
  9. That's it's charm, bitch!
  10. I preferred everything in KotOR 2 over 1. More feats and force powers, more ways to approach situations, much better choices an consequences, better writing, better characters (HK factory is just an awesome moment), etc... Also KotOR 1 is surprisingly a terrible PC port and has crashed three times as much as KotOR 2 so far, and I'm not even halfway through the game. The problem is KotOR 2 is only really great if you have the restored content, which I tried and it frankly adds a lot to the ending. And no rak'ghouls. /facepalmDo you have an ASUS card? They didn't make the game compatible with it's drivers or something and that caused crashes.
  11. Prey Cool sci-fi horror is cool.
  12. Anti-climactic is an understatement.
  13. I prefer KotOR II's ending over I's.
  14. Too bad your soul gets to stay with your very strong, very dead corpse.
  15. http://forums.bioware.com/viewpost.html?to...59&forum=84
  16. I love you too.
  17. My dad once asked me what that 7 on Beyond Good and Evil's box means.
  18. Your lack of faith is disturbing.
  19. The question is, does this explain the fanboys or not?
  20. What are consoles to a superior AI? Cute 5 year old cousins?
  21. Antler? Is that an antlion tamer or some such? Okay okay. Maybe they're step-siblings? Mum was a dove, dad was a deer?
  23. Those wouldn't help unfortunately... Obs or SEGA really should think about hiring a talented english-german-hungarian translator.
  24. Persistent it is, thanks.
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