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Everything posted by Oner

  1. You forgot about them, admit it. How could *anyone* forget them? Severe mental trauma.
  2. You forgot about them, admit it. I thought we weren't supposed to speak of them. Wrath of the gods, eh? I doesn't afraid of anything.
  3. You forgot about them, admit it.
  4. Weirder than the CDI games? NO WAY.
  5. Pixar
  6. ? Good ending: Bad ending: Giving me a (retarded) choice then berating me 'cause I dared to not choose the 'good' one, pah. Then there's the infamous hotel massacre massacre radio report/karma shift.
  7. Good story > no story > horrible story perhaps?
  8. Does whipping out 3 lvl 5 chars against lvl 20 enemies count as varied and interesting combat? Or using the same 3 throughout the game because the others are under leveled? Btw they did this so the player isn't stuck with a quote "dream team" and can change them when/if she wants to.
  9. No idea, I meant active as in not sitting at the camp.
  10. From what I heard, every active party member gets the full mob xp, and the camping ones get reduced xp.
  11. Iirc, it also lacks the overhead view. It does, but that still doesn't make the port rushed.
  12. Don't forget the Bethesda Moral Speeches , god was that jarring.
  13. Dragon Age could come out now, I'm mighty bored.
  14. Unrelated: Clearly, SEGA needs to hire an expert on translations to localize this stuff for my homeland. I'll send my resume momentarily. Pretty please?
  15. DA got delayed because the console version wasn't ready yet, so I don't think this port will be lacking. That only proves that it was delayed so they would have something for the consoles at all. In fact we know they're lacking since combat has been gimped. Or maybe it proves that the game was delayed to finish it properly. If they release it too soon then it's rushed, but if they don't release it 'cause it's not ready yet, then it's ...rushed too? Don't be ridiculous.How is combat gimped? Less but more powerful enemies because of console limitations?
  16. DA got delayed because the console version wasn't ready yet, so I don't think this port will be lacking. Utterly unrelated: why isn't the forum engine showing my sexy new avatar?
  17. Tenk j
  18. Is that so?
  19. "Could you suffer through immortality without a sense of humor?" Or something like that.
  20. I think this Stone Prisoner trailer wasn't linked yet.
  21. When it's business, it's business. When it's us playin' AP, then it's us playin' AP. Right now, it's business. Also, delays are overreacted.
  22. This made me sad. ):
  23. Hey, it's not my fault they didn't get born in the master race.
  24. I heard console enemies will be tougher to keep the difficulty up. Well that would make sense. But it would still be easier wouldn't it? Less chance of being swarmed and easier to herd npcs into kill zones. Unless tougher=higher attack and defense, yeah.
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