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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. if a warhammer 40k movie were ever to be made, neil blomkamp should direct it.
  2. http://www.deusex3.com/ ahem, im not in charge of that one.
  3. ditto that. system shock 3 and deus ex 3 would be awesome.
  4. I don't get why they went with that art style, I'm not a fan of it. It's probably the main reason why I won't get it. i LOVE the art style, its the main reason i got the game. It caught my eye because it looked fun and unique, then when i learned it was a diablo style shooter with offline splitscreen coop, my fate was sealed. you probably hated windwaker too...
  5. Most modern games games don't need manuals, actually when I think about it, most games from any period didn't require manuals. fallout 1 in my opinion, required a manual. it was my first rpg so maybe that was it?
  6. i hate being logged in and online for steam, so i ALWAYS have it in offline mode, im still "logged in" to the program, but not the internet aspect of it, so their servers can shut down all they want, it wont bother me. i also only buy valve games and cheap games on steam. for a new full price game i buy the disc. i DO like that i can have all my steam games on all my computers though, its fun for my brain
  7. never played the mp portion, but i played the single player portion 3 times. tied with half life 2 for most run throughs on an fps for me. its a great game
  8. thats good because after ten hours of titan quest i put it down and wondered how i could get those ten hours back. the game was utterly unsatisfying.
  9. what a fantastic bit of marketing
  10. i didnt know that, the only dlc i've ever bought was broken steel and point lookout. i assumed those were ten dollars because they were each about 1/3 the material of a normal expansion pack. i did buy the oblivion stuff, but i bought it with shivering isles and knights of the nine or whatever, it came with a bunch of it on disc for 20$ or something i dont really remember, but i dont consider that dlc because it was packaged like an expansion pack To krezack: i didnt feel ripped off for point lookout or broken steel. if point lookout had been released as a 30$ expansion pack i would have felt ripped off, but 1/3 the content for 1/3 the price felt ok to me.
  11. so its better than titan quest?
  12. you know you had 8 weapon quickslots too right? once i started using those, switching weapons was never a hassle. I didn't. The game controls screen didn't deem it fit to inform me that they existed. its in the manual.... i know i know, modern games shouldnt need manuals... but still... its in the manual.
  13. speaking of borderlands, I for one am hoping the dlc has a LOT of content since it appears to cost 10 dollars... I hope the new area has lots to see and do, AND the main game gets some sort of extra features as well. I'd like it if it added a pile of new weapons and even a new character class (yeah right). if they do another dlc i'd like a new class and more monster types to be sprinkled into the main areas (plus a new area and more quests). my biggest grip with borderlands so far is that the mobs come in only a handful of types (each type has multiple flavors... but still, i want more types)
  14. man.... id be laughing too hard to play the german version... people exploding into balloons = me laughing till pass out
  15. you know you had 8 weapon quickslots too right? once i started using those, switching weapons was never a hassle.
  16. ive got a level 13 hunter and level 20 soldier, i'm liking the hunter a lot more so far. he's just more fun for me. plus i found a kickass 240 health 40 recharge shield on level 7 that also gives health recovery... probably my best low-level drop so far
  17. ditto for me re low level = better in f3 and in D&D.
  18. i could be wrong, but your understanding of the concept of moral relativism seems to be way off. it's been a while since college though so maybe i'm remembering it wrong
  19. thats a fun & awesome list, i'd skip nwn oc though, its the only game on there that kinda stinks. add mask of the betrayer instead mass effect is fun to play, but far from perfect and not very deep. bioshock has top notch art and sound design, but some gameplay flaws. still absolutely worth playing though EDIT: system shock 2 is a better game, so know that going into it
  20. fighting internet pirates is like fighting water. you punch it, and nothing really happens except you piss off some fish. fish = paying customers.
  21. i support the decrease in importance of degradation, constant repairing was not fun, it was work. if every time i found a new gun i could increase the condition and have it not immediately (or ever) start decreasing again i'd be happy. as for the spectrum... hmmm im torn on this. 1. on one hand i LIKE the idea of having a great difference in quality mean a great difference in weapon ability, ONLY IF there is no degradation, i dont want my awesome rifle to become a pos by the end of the day because i've been using it. This is what i liked most about mkreku's idea, the weapon, as it goes up in quality, changes names to match how good it is. then it still becomes exciting finding another chinese assault rifle, because THIS one might be that legendary "100%" weapon! and if its not, then i use it to get my own rifle one step closer to being perfect... 2. IF degradation will remain mostly the same speed, then i'd rather the weapons themselves be drastically different (and thus fewer in number to avoid needless overlap?) and keep the condition from too greatly effecting the potency of each. then when i find a better weapon i just dump my current one and keep on trucking.
  22. my plan no work-ee... the brits saw my expansion and attacked me, so did the us. spain is fighting the cherokee and slowly overwhelming them. fortunately i was able to secure the west and northern areas from the plains indians and the british, so now i have a fairly united front on my eastern border with just the strongest regions of the us and britain in my path to conquering new england. im forced to use hit and run tactics, moving a full stack to wipe out a half stack of us trooops, then retreating to repair the damage before another half stack comes to eat me. so far i've killed about ten times my own number and they just keep coming... now though i've finally unlocked my high end troops, including the awesome ojibwan warriors and horsemen, so once i have a full stack of those dudes... bye bye miss american pie!!!!!!! har.
  23. digital IS the future, but how long until thats the ONLY avenue to buying new movies/games etc? my guess is about 20+ years, or never. you can still buy new records, despite the invention of tapes, cd's, mp3's and itunes.
  24. At the same time, would you as a consumer rather play $50 for a game you outright didn't like, or $5 for a game to realize that it wasn't for you? Though for people such as yourself, assuming the business model works, you can buy all $50 of content once it's completed and it'd functionally be the same. i really just buy games that i'm 90%+ certain im going to like. if im not certain, then i wait till its a bargain title. but yeah i can definitely wait until all the content is released, and the whole product is judged for the entirety of itself, and then decide if i want it, it just seems like a hassle to break it up in the first place. then again, i'd have an easier time writing a book if i could sell it 20,000 words at a time... so i can see the appeal for the developers!
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