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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. For XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Consule\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\Dragonage.ini DisableIntroMovies=1 You can do that for other EA games also clearly that review was written by a very un-savvy gamer
  2. i AM really confused about the hype. I liked MW so i bought MW2, but i would have bought it regardless of the hype (unless it got bad reviews) somebody in an ad office somewhere is opening a bottle of champagne in celebration of his billion dollar paycheck
  3. lol! you can make anything cool sound lame when you say it like that!
  4. sounds like a crybaby whining more than a review. game too hard? play on easy then and stop complaining. i play fallout 1 on easy and i love the game. and heaven help this guy if he tried to solo his way through diablo 2 without using pull and aggro tactics and using tons of potions running into a room filled with enemies
  5. yeah cause she looks hot in it whats the str req too
  6. last night i fought that ogre dude at the top of the tower in the orgamar whatever the hell name of the camp it was called. you know, at the beginning. that boss fight was crazy awesome imo. it was more fun for me than any boss fight in nwn, or even bg1. just my party: including the nameless circle mage dude, Loki my dog, myself as swordnshield fighter and alistair as the same. on normal difficulty i needed two healing potions and almost lost my char at one point (very close call!) but no one actually died, does the game get a lot harder later or was that representative (cause i thought it was a perfectly balanced challenge) it was fun because i actually felt like i was fighting the boss, when he'd throw a rock at someone i had to actually dodge the rock by hiding behind pillars and stuff. manually aiming spells to avoid friendly fire too... it was like bg combat with a little pizzaz in there too. really really fun encounter. flaming weapons seemed insanely useful in that tower dungeon area, i never hear people talk about that spell though... does its usefulness disappear early on?
  7. i found those helpful, thanks for posting them!
  8. better or worse deal than point lookout or broken steel?
  9. i loved cod 4. I preordered mw2 but i probably wont even open it until after i finish borderlands with both my chars and dragon age with both my chars... so i guess i'll give mw 2 a go in about 3-4 weeks?
  10. so you have stamina/mana cost AND cooldown on powers? im still just starting so i hadnt really noticed this distinction yet
  11. i still dont really understand what fatigue does and how it works.......
  12. awesome thanks so much for taking the time to do the write up
  13. i had the exact same thoughts you're having now it took me 3 hours to install and configure all the shenanigans before i could actually start playing. it was like installing vista
  14. what was your rogue build, i want details, because you seem pretty happy with him and now i need to know! stats and skills plz!
  15. Maybe to get a ridiculously high defense. Since rogue isn't going to wear Dragonbone armor... right, but in theory the rogue shouldnt be getting attacked, and if he does get attacked hes got pumped con, or are you suggesting i pump dex instead of con and just rely on not getting hit instead of being able to handle a few hits?
  16. my load times are about 10-30 seconds ... so far maybe they will get worse later?
  17. i looked at the rogue skills and cant think of a good reason to raise dex over 18 31 strength to get good swords, 18 dex to get access to coup de grace, the rest in cunning (for stealth and lockpicks) and con for hp? am i missing something obvious that needs dex?
  18. DITTO!!!!!!! i'd WAY WAY WAY rather have a bonus for proving i have a legit copy than have a punishing drm scheme just to prove im not a thief. i hope those limited install securom bull **** drm schemes all burn in hell
  19. im thinking first playthrough : pc warrior, alistair, morrigan and either shale or leliana (which is more useful overall? i HATE leaving locked containers behind though...) ALSO: why is cunning good for rogues? I'm still trying to figure out the system for this game
  20. if films can be art, games can be art, thats enough for me
  21. this whole statement makes zero sense to anyone who has ever played baldurs gate or fallout or even recent games like kotor or neverwinter nights 2.
  22. maybe they just cut their 1500 worst people. like cutting cancer out of a victim. maybe not. who know? ea knows? maybe they dont?
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