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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i played it for about 10 hours before i got bored with it. hope you get more mileage than i did!
  2. i beat trine last night, pretty neat little game, i got it for 10$ which felt about right for the money, since it took about 5 hours to play through. There was a lot of potential there that was unrealized i think, i imagine a sequel could really be quite excellent.
  3. i just want a new TIE Fighter game
  4. arkham 2: i got the impression that the sequel would not take place on arkham island at all... the name "arkham has moved" and the implications from the video that the whole city is being ravaged by loons and goons say to me that the game will take place in the streets of gotham and not on the island of the first game
  5. i loved the ending of AC2, i also just shook my head and laughed at it, it was just so ballsy and nuts and over-the-top i couldnt help but smile and enjoy it. I'm very much looking forward to part 3, here's hoping its set during the french revolution!
  6. da elves were poop da dwarves were pretty cool. i am REALLY TIRED OF ELVES AND DWARVES i want more planescape games. dark sun would be cool too. or something different, but cool, not different and lame
  7. i go physical copy as a first choice, then steam for anything else (usually to take advantage of their frequent awesome sales). plus if you have any interest in say... Portal, team fortress 2, Left4Dead, Half life, etc you might as well pick steam cause you'll need it for those titles anyway (which irks me, but i like steam so i let it slide)
  8. you know dead space, the scary resident evil 4 remake set on the Von Braun... i mean Ishimura? right well ea now says they plan on making it less scary atmosphere and more story driven action. so i guess now its going to be a remake of resident evil 5 set in Rapture... i mean Sprawl? meh http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/105/1054063p1.html oh and apologies if this has already been posted/discussed
  9. ok, now i have to ask, what exactly do you do for a living where you had to deal with this kid?
  10. holy **** you could not be more wrong. dude, seriously, what planet are you living on? Aliens is one of the best action films of all time, i personally rank it third behind 7 samurai, and yojimbo. I'm dead serious. It's one of the most critically acclaimed action movies ever made. Side note: Sigourney Weaver was nominated for best actress for her portrayal of Lt. Ellen Ripley. You might not like it if you hate excellent movies or if you like anything by michael bay (except The Rock - that was pretty good) also, aliens has been ripped off more than any other science fiction or action film barring maybe yojimbo. Don't believe me? watch the movie.
  11. erm, arent there unlimited distilling and concentrator agents for sale in your camp? or am i remembering wrong? as for mushrooms i cant help you, i ate them already and now im ten feet tall and jumping on goombas.
  12. to be honest, this is the only forum i've ever joined where the people werent all total douchebags
  13. looks like an aliens game. color me disappointed as hell it got canceled
  14. yeah for sure. nonviolence is great when fighting humans, but seriously, we all know that war is really just the training for the battle that actually matters. the battle against the zerg/protoss/combine/yautja/ dinosaurs/zombies/orcs/robots
  15. i finished assassins creed 2. i might be the only person on earth who loved the ridiculous ending. it made me laugh and smile as few game endings do. very very good game, HUGE improvement over the first one. I started and finished modern warfare 2. I have to say, the storyline completely jumped the shark, then turned around and jumped back over it to the point where I'm not sure what to think. I had a blast playing it, and some of the stuff was cool, but i was not expecting the game to be a michael bay remake of Red Dawn. i dont play shooters online usually, other than left 4 dead, but MW2 was so short i decided to try online for a little while, and surprise surprise, it was actually kinda fun, i imagine i'll play for a week or so and then move on to something else though.
  16. its funny thats exactly why i thought they were gonna do it. "spiritual successor to baldurs gate" = rehashing same storyline
  17. oh no thats not right, it only happened to me after making both...
  18. it happens after you take up too much of wades time making the drakeskin dragonebone stuff
  19. Aussies win at drinking, hands down. also croc wrangling, barbecue shrimp, and real football. americans win at american football, basketball, and writing constitutions. i have never been to australia, nor have i ever even met someone from australia. the knowledge of this post stems from the knowledge of time itself.
  20. anyone else think the real DA2 will feature the pc as the bloodritualbaby?
  21. sounds like somebody's legal system needs to download the latest patch.
  22. i loved the finale of the original bg. mass effect's was pretty decent too actually. da's was very meh though da is overall a fantastic game imo. i liked the ending cutscene stuff in da where it does the fallout recap. fallout 3's ending/finale was one of the worst endings i've ever had the misfortune of playing zelda ocarina of time had one of the best. that last fight in the rain... omg epic
  23. i loved the ghosts in space stuff. space ghosts are awesome in all forms (system shock 2 and space ghost are the superior versions though)
  24. most people dont want to be a regular army grunt in a realistic sim. they want to be arnold in true lies or predator
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