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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. yes, morrowind was a much more unique and interesting setting than oblivion. oblivions locales were too vanilla fantasy. though the shivering isles were a bit better
  2. yeah, i got really goddamn sick of seeing the same 5 darkspawn over and over again. they should have had genlocks riding on giant spiders.
  3. That would be like putting poop on a poop sandwich. double negative turns into a positive i will pretty much guarantee that putting poop on a sandwich made of poop will not turn that into a positive experience for you.
  4. the endgame only took me about an hour and a half... it was repetetive, but most everything died in one hit except a couple of bosses so it wasnt exactly time consuming that said, the game would be a lot better if fully half of all the mooks were excised from the entirety of it. imagine how much better it would be if deeproads and carta hideout and the long cavern areas were all half as monsterfilled... the game still would have taken me about 50 hours to beat, but it would have been less grindy-feeling
  5. Like Dragon Age then? *chuckle* you had combat cutscenes in your DA game?
  6. assassins creed 2 left 4 dead 2 finishing up my second playthrough of dragon age
  7. i think gromnir is right about the reasons behind the obfuscation of the system in da. i was wondering too if they left everything behind tinted windows so that when they balance patched people wouldnt notice and whine about nerfs/buffs etc. my guess is that DA 2 will be more balanced though, as I'm starting to hear more and more that mass effect 2 is. i pray to the fallout gods (which are awful and really should not be prayed to) that josh and co manage to fix the mess that is fallout 3's rpg mechanics
  8. they will charge whatever they can get away with. if diablo 3 has a required fee to play online, i wont get it. if they want to charge me 5 dollars to rename my character or something inane like that then i will just avoid said ripoff and play the game sans name changing
  9. i like acheivements in competetive games
  10. i've heard miasma is good for tanking arcane warriors. i haven't tried it though so i cant speak to it personally
  11. in my copy of baldurs gate a fireball (or lightning bolt) trap could and would wipe out my whole party (or at least the mage/s). so i needed to disarm those traps or i'd be dead. I don't know what happened in your copy of the game...
  12. trap disarming was pretty important in bg. i thought it was moderately important in dragon age too actually. mana drain does lead to mana clash. but mana drain by itself still generally sucks balls and is a poor spell, not even worth the time to cast it, and alan was asking which spells were not useful, so i named one
  13. mana drain. i tried using it several times and it's just a crap spell, for it to be of any use you need to keep their mage alive, which is a tactically terrible idea. it would have been way better if using it were just like taking a lesser lyrium potion at the enemy's expense.
  14. i agree with a lot of what gromnir is saying here, but i should add that the respec mod takes a lot of the awful guesswork out of the equation. i think good rpg balance requires your party to be an even mix of all available classes. dragon age doesnt really nail this because mages are so strong. 4th edition doesnt nail this either because it doesnt really matter what classes are in a party, they are all similar enough to eachother that it makes little difference (from my play experience, only about 15 hours)
  15. is arcane warrior that overpowered?
  16. eh, i think vol might be somewhat alone in the depth of his love of nwn oc.... i actually agree with about 70% of what he says re dragon age though
  17. ive grown to enjoy vol's tenacity and dedication. plus its nice to know what the counter argument is to whatever point a person may make. the counter argument doesnt always make sense, but it's nice to see what it would be.
  18. I was certainly able to freeze her a couple of times after a vulnerability hex... Force field lasted only 4 seconds or so, though. I'm not sure, but I don't think Hexes can be resisted... otherwise playing on Nightmare difficulty would be... a nightmare. whoa there, seriously? we should find out because if none of the bosses are immune to death hex then that spell seems to shoot pretty fast to near the top of the awesome list for the boss fights in the later half of the game.... all the revenants etc who are immune to crushing prison would be way easier if all hits were crits against them
  19. i actually wish she was a bigger part of the game since she was about ten times the warrior of loghain it seemed weird she was relegated to such a small role
  20. did death hex actually work on her? it seemed to me like she was immune to all my spells
  21. hurray! i wonder what beth is waiting for.............
  22. i second the cauthrien vote. she'd be way overpowered though. she tore through my entire party TWICE before i was able to beat her... she shrugged off all my attempts at crushing prison or cone of cold, the only way i was able to take her out was to put leliana behind her and just backstab the hell out of her while having alistair do nothing but drink potions and taunt. morrigan using the 4th level spirit healer spell was vital too.
  23. who wouldnt be happier with a yes or no answer? yes or no answers are awesome. not as good as detailed answers, like "yes there will be an expansion pack, it will be out next summer, it will be akin to tales of the sword coast in size and scope." so. will there be an expansion pack? or just these little dlc nuggets?
  24. when are you going to be able to show us stuff? 6 months? 9 months? release day?
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