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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i'd love to see his take on Hello Kitty too bad he died like a jerk instead of living forever like wolverine
  2. dude, awesome suggestion of the nameless ones practical incarnation for best villain.... so much greatness in that game comes from unraveling the trail that guy left behind. sarevok is a kingly villain, a perfect example of the "Im evil because evil is awesome" school of villains. deep gravelly voice? check. huge spiked armor? check. penchant for killing people with bare crushing hands? check. glowing eyes? check. bizarre overcomplicated scheme for a person powerful enough to wipe the floor with anyone who challenges him? check. dude was awesome. he was also the first crpg villain i got to experience, so he holds a special place in my heart... SHODAN gets my vote for best creepy villain... she's always watching you and scheming and talking to you.... so eerie and cool. (the master from fallout 1 gets my runner up vote) irenicus was a great all around villain i actually really like sephiroth as a villain too, hes definitely a style over substance character though. strong silent type to the max Big Boss is a great villain, but only because you get his whole story in Metal Gear Solid 3. who is the villain in ME 2? anything is bound to be better than the archdemon... ugh. that was an even worse villain than necron from FF9
  3. if, mechanics wise, i am able to have a pet gecko, i shall name him gordon ....
  4. sarevok and irenicus were AWESOME villains, waaaaaaaay better than any villains in dragon age. dragon age was still a great game, but lacking in the villain department for sure even that dude from mass effect was better oh yeah and if they bring back unicron for ME2 they should only use clips of orson welles' voice original transformers movie FTFW!!!
  5. bring back the geckos! how about pig rats? lounge lizards? (har har)
  6. combat xp was just way too high: cut that to about 20% of what it was and several balance problems become qausi-fixed
  7. if a game is short it better have a ton of replay value. if a game is long it better be interesting throughout and not crammed with boring filler if the game meets these requirements then i dont care whether its long or short though, im an equal opportunity gamer
  8. i play fallout 1 and 2 ~once a year, and have for the last 10 years+... maybe someone remembers the game differently, but i remember it like it was yesterday, because i actually played fallout 2 for four hours yesterday... the only things that i dont think stand up well anymore are: lack of character models and clunky interface god do i wish those were my only problems with fallout 3...
  9. i didnt like jade empire, it was the only bio game i stopped playing out of boredom
  10. exactly, presumably obsidian has heard this complaint loud and clear! " i know its a wasteland and i should be worried about crops, clean water, raiders, repopulating - but i just can't get enough of this soda!" there WAS a guy obsessed with soda in either f1 or f2, but he lived in either the blades' hangout or new reno (i cant remember), both of which were populated, protected, and stocked with enough supplies to allow him to be living well enough to worry about his damn soda not to mention he was butnuts insane and mostly just wandered around muttering cola related things
  11. i never really spent much time in the tunnels, i avoided the dc area like the plague since it didnt seem very wastelandy to me. i liked the vast stretches of radscorpion filled badlands, pockmarked with dens of raiders or bloodthirsty mutants. i liked finding little messages from people in the past or whatever, basically playing wasteland archaelogist for the first 5-10 levels. i just wish that the few settlements you did find had the kind of meatiness to them that could be found in f1 or 2. lots of people to talk to, a smattering of quests to accomplish, maybe help them with their crops or fix their well etc etc fighting in tunnels has been a weakpoint in many a game
  12. that makes sense, it was my assumption when i saw the price that the pc version would be cheaper
  13. awesome the only dialogue i remember was that ****ing godawful dj dog and those wonderful [intelligence] moments. the dialogue was a total mockery of everything fallout dialogue should be. that said, the exploration gameplay was very fun and the world was large and contained plenty of cool things to find... for the first few levels, before you became an overpowered god with 500 stimpacks and a nuke launcher.... obsidian has the chance to knock this game outta the park if they fix all the stuff that was wrong with f3. it still wont feel like a real fallout sequel, but it could be a fantastic first person rpgish sort of exploration action-sim type deal
  14. i was reading those ign articles about the improvements made to the character classes, i have to say, it sounds like they are at least really trying to make combat more fun this time around, the classes all have a unique ability now too to make them more distinct from one another - even more replay plus the prospect of fun combat! i liked the first game well enough despite a few moderate flaws (level design, combat issues, side "quests"...), but this one looks like it might be a dramatic improvement... heres to hoping i guess btw: does anyone know how they intend to not have planet visiting suck this time around? is every sidequest going to take place in the same building again?
  15. i've played fallout ~20 times, arcanum only 1.5 imo: not even close...
  16. you played every game that came out in 2009? good job!
  17. i bet we get the teaser in march. then in august the game gets pushed back to summer 2011
  18. im currently playing: left 4 dead 2 brutal legend torchlight borderlands defense grid plants v zombies fifa 2010 ... and i've got a stack of ten more that im itching to get to. i need to take a week off just to catch up on my gaming...
  19. im surprised at how many people only enjoyed a few games this year, i think i bought more games this year than any other year in my life. The combination of lots of $$$ and lots of good games released = me playing too many games... 2010 is looking ridiculous though, i think there are about 5 games i want before march is over ... last year i only bought 1 game in that same timeframe
  20. MY TOP TEN OF 2009 Dragon Age Street Fighter 4 Batman: Arkham Asylum Assassins Creed 2 Borderlands Empire: Total War Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Resident Evil 5 Plants v Zombies Trine Left 4 Dead 2: not part of the ranking: it stands alone because i actually play this with a team and thus its not so much a game as a whole separate hobby YET TO PLAY (but might make the list): FIFA 2010, Brutal Legend,
  21. my problem with gog is that i already have most of the really good games there already, and not enough "new" old stuff is arriving. I want system shock 1 and crusader: no remorse/regret
  22. man purkake, somehow you've got me more excited to play the game than the 3$ price tag did! is it like staring into the soul of Lovecraft himself? or is the madness more akin to a drunken mall santa blowing snot bubbles while shouting obscene words to the tune of jingle bells?
  23. this sounds too good to be true ergo the game wont be turn based, dont get your hopes up
  24. mirrors edge, total war medieval 2, defense grid and indigo prophecy for a grand total of 15$
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