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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. id enjoy a LITTLE more sparsity, things were a bit too close together last time.
  2. is fumito ueda the guy behind ico and shadow of collosus? cause that guy is an absolute badass awesome king of game design both artistically and in game "feel". the horse in shadow of colossus was one of the most excellent moments in gaming of the ps2 generation. it was as much a landmark in console gameplay imo as the horse in ocarina of time was when that game was released
  3. demons souls. i beat 1-1 only dying 4 times. am i just that good, does the game get way harder, or is the difficulty just over-exaggerated? call of duty 4 on the extreme difficulty was WAY WAY harder (i probably died 4 times per checkpoint ...) so far it's awesome though, spear and shield seem to be a great combo since you can block and jab simultaneously, also i think i got a really lucky drop when a random skeleton monster dropped a winged spear in 1-1.
  4. regarding the avp devs: well they did make rogue warrior.... avp can hardly be expected to be anything but a pos once that little fact came to light imo told you so!
  5. Pixar is an example of studio auteur theory in film jus sayin hideo kojima is a pretty obvious game auteur also...bioware has a certain ...stamp... which hits on their work as a studio
  6. i expect that this year and next year will still see the current consoles improving, lots of shiny games etc etc but i wouldnt be surprised if we have new consoles in 2012, at least from xbox and nintendo (nintendo might even be in 2011 with a slightly upgraded wiiHD system) i expect a new ps4 in 2013. no console announcements from M$ or sony this year though, since they will be pushing natal and glowstickdiildo to raithe: I play about 50% pc games and 50% console games, console games are only priced high for about 1 year, then they are 20$. pc games start at 50$ and after a year are 10$... not a huge price difference note: i started gaming on consoles with the NES, i didnt play pc games until warcraft 1 came out (i bought it a week after released based on word of mouth), that was my first real real pc game, then TIE fighter good times...
  7. in tali's mission and grunts mission they do eventually stop respawning. you just have to use a LOT of bullets to get to that point.
  8. No, it would be still be a relic of it's time sticking out like a sore thumb.
  9. the problem with jrpg's isn't stagnation, its that they simply stopped making good games in that genre, if final fantasy 7 were released for the first time today with better graphics, it would still be a good game. cool villain? check varied and interesting places to go? check wide open world to explore? check (world is limited in some ways, but the feeling you get flying around in your airship for the first time? priceless! 1000x better than the ****ty exploration you get in X or XII) interesting battle system? check (materia system is mega awesome) neato summons that arent overly long and ridiculous? check cool but not overdone and stupidly bombastic cg cutscenes? check (compare the cg scenes in 7 to the retarded **** that goes on in advent children) its a great game, they just lost sight of what made it (and parts 6, 8, and 9) great after sakaguchi left the company. Its a a lot like what happens comparing baldurs gate 2 to neverwinter nights OC.... seems like nobody notices the similarities between what happened with eastern rpgs and western rpgs. both got way worse. only recently have western rpgs started coming out of their slump, maybe FF 14 will be a return to form...
  10. i played civ 4 quite a bit. not a huge fan of the genre, but i probably sunk about 60+ hours into civ 4 and will happily plunk down some cash for part 5, assuming its still a quality game and not pootown
  11. fail company is fail also: epic fail. also: online single player? no thanks. also: really? someone thought a system to punish the non-pirates was the proper way to handle this? really? it honestly sounds like a joke is being played on regular folks by a bunch of pirates who thought this DRM scheme up and then managed to sell it to ubisoft as a way of mocking their stupidity
  12. thanks! the thing is, i've been playing this series since i was a little kid, so its particularly awesome for me, it's actually hard to recommend to people who dont have that history because of how damn bizarre the games are. if you are at all curious, play metal gear solid 1, the original playstation game. play it through in a day or two (its only about 6-10 hours long depending on how fast you are). if you aren't a huge fan after that, then just don't bother with the rest Metal gear solid 1 is on the same level of classic console gaming that Ocarina of Time is on, the two games are completely different, but both share that same Master Class status of quality that only rare games achieve. those two games are imo the pinnacle of console gaming. The one big problem with MGS 4 was that the most of the plot holes were closed with the brand new form of magic, NANOMACHINES! (In all the MGS games except 3 the characters communicate through nanites that are running through their bodies that stimulate the bones in the ear to receive and take sub vocalized words to transmit. They run of the human bodies power, and ultimately can do ANYTHING!) lol totally true, but still it's believable within that insane universe, 1000x better than "midichlorians"
  13. thanks! the thing is, i've been playing this series since i was a little kid, so its particularly awesome for me, it's actually hard to recommend to people who dont have that history because of how damn bizarre the games are. if you are at all curious, play metal gear solid 1, the original playstation game. play it through in a day or two (its only about 6-10 hours long depending on how fast you are). if you aren't a huge fan after that, then just don't bother with the rest Metal gear solid 1 is on the same level of classic console gaming that Ocarina of Time is on, the two games are completely different, but both share that same Master Class status of quality that only rare games achieve. those two games are imo the pinnacle of console gaming.
  14. finished metal gear solid 4 last night. as a stand alone game I CANNOT imagine what lunatic would enjoy it. as the end to a tremendously epic storyline that began back in the NES days... it was priceless. I almost cried during the ending movie at TWO different times, about 20 minutes apart from eachother. Not as good as MGS1 or 3, but probably on par with MGS 2. truly sets a new bar for the ratio's of cinematics to gameplay in a series famous for having insanely long and frequent cinematics. the final movie (including credits) was just over one hour long. not ****ting you, i was watching the clock. i would never recommend this game to someone who didnt love the series. Series thoughts now that its essentially all over: The best character in the series is still, imo, The Boss, followed closely by Big Boss. the best villain is still psycho mantis the best fight "scene" is still the final sequence in MGS 1 (rex, then liquid on top of rex) best music is still the score from the end of MGS 3. edit: oh right and now im playing it again, and little big planet still
  15. there is a mcdonalds right on the strip. but the grand lux cafe in the venetian is where its at: 24 hours of good hangover food
  16. i am currently very not interested in awakenings. i really really liked DA, but so far this is looking more like the first nwn expansion (the bad one) and less like the underdark one (the gooder one)
  17. it was hilarious the same way that watching an 8 year old quote monty python is hilarious. you can kinda see what they are saying MIGHT be funny, but the delivery ruins whatever hope may have existed for the joke
  18. most of the voice work in mass effect 2 was in the range of decent - excellent as opposed to fallout 3's abysmal - almost bearable range... moira gets my vote for worst voice of a character since the female dark elf in oblivion.
  19. oh god please yes. NO MORE OF THOSE TERRIBLE FALLOUT 3 VOICES. seriously. all new cast plz k thnx.
  20. fallout 1 and 2 you could be pretty darn neutral in those games.
  21. im a HUGE metal gear solid fan, i've played MGS 1, 2 and 3 probably about 6-8 times each. and even I can say "yes, that joke is close enough to reality its not actually offensive"
  22. i love horror games i will check that out. (oh and i intend to get heavy rain once it hits the bargain bin) metal gear solid 4 so far seems like its going to finally wrap up some of the insane storyline from MGS1 and 2. i just wish wish wish wish there were more games in the 70's where you get to finish big boss' origin. MGS1 is still my favorite, but 3 was so goddamn awesome, i just wish 3 had been titled origin or something and they made at least one sequel to it bridging the gap between the end of 3 and the beginning of the original metal gear
  23. are we talking pure rpg? or just a game with enough rpg elements to earn having a hybrid classification (action-rpg, shooter-rpg etc)? pure rpg is in my opinion: table top games only. they existed before any form of virtual rpg and really created the whole idea. so D&D is grandad. then you get crpg's, like fallout and baldurs gate then action rpgs like diablo shooter rpgs like deus ex/system shock then mixes of those two hybridgenres, like borderlands... then of course the jrpg, which goes a long way back all the way to nes dragon warrior etc common elements: diablo is primarily stat and equipment based, there are some sidequests and a main quest, but story and C&C are very light deus ex has oodles of C&C, moderate stat and equipment, moderate amount of storyline dragon warrior had essentially no story C&C or quests, it was all character and stat based, you wander around killing stuff until you level up and buy a new sword ad infinitum (actually, this is basically diablo but turn based lol) so look at the forefather: D&D - fully customizable, but ideally there is a TON of C&C and story, built on a framework of character AND equipment advancement. so any games which take some of these elements to at least a moderate amount of import in the structure of the game, earns itself the ______-RPG title call of duty? fails to earn an rpg hybrid, there is no character advancement, or C&C. there is only equipment advancement. call of duty is skirting closer to earning a hybrid title by adding "levels" but the character levels only serve to unlock more equipment, so its still just an equipment based game. but if they were to throw some serious C&C into their storyline... then yeah i'd say it was close enough to earning a hybrid title, (hell thats basically what bioshock is...) IMO.
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