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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i dont know what this means but it sounds dirty as hell. I just realized that I haven't played a PC game since the week Mass effect 2 came out and I beat it twice in row... am i missing something or has it been kinda slow for pc games this year so far?
  2. this one sentence makes me more intrigued than any 5 page preview did for the game right now i'm playing: valkyria chronicles modern warfare 2 again street fighter 4 borderlands left 4 dead 2 i just finished little big planet and the game was really jaw-dropping throughout, it wasnt the funnest game ever, but it was astounding in the design department i also just finished uncharted 1... a great game marred by too many mediocre combat scenes. it needed about twice as much puzzle/platforming and half as much shooting imo. still it was fun and well worth playing
  3. flamer was by far the most fun weapon for me in FO3, followed by the rocket launcher and minigun (i had to mod the damage on these though... rockets not one-shotting raiders = epic design flaw, miniguns don't take 10 seconds of continuous fire to kill a junkyard dog irl either....) combat in my game is modded to high hell, otherwise the game just feels strange pumping bullet after bullet into human enemies, and then killing a power armored soldier with a pool cue...
  4. my thoughts exactly, its so unlikely to be better than deus ex, but maybe it will still be a good game that uses a lot of elements from the original. i read somewhere that they were using the inventory system from deus ex 1... tetris ftw!! I'm expecting the game to be a fizzle though... simply because the devs don't appear to have enough experience to pull this off, but then again, i said the same thing about batman arkham asylum and that game was fantastic, so i'm gonna keep an eye on this one...
  5. i feel confident that the combat mechanics will be much more thought out this time around, Sawyer, from what I can tell, is interested in his games' mechanics being well designed. Hopefully that means either the different damage resistances from 1 and 2, or some other mechanic that is equally interesting to add more layers to the extremely simple somewhat brainless combat in bethfallout
  6. FF best games in order (i have not played every game - only the ones listed) 7 (best) 6 8 9 12 5 10 10-2 (worst)
  7. THIS IS GOOD! the only better news out of the valve camp would be an announcement of ep 3 coming in july, with the full length half life 3 to be released in november... surprise! instead we get this, then in 3 years we get ep 3, then in 2020 we get half life 3
  8. I was just musing about the differences between U.S. and local legal cultures at this point. Glad to see I was wrong. Looks like a pretty strong case to me, depends of course on the contract+memorandum and their contents... just out of curiosity, what were your musings? I like talking law stuff with people who arent too crazy (gromnir... lol) also: off topic = I just bought a house today! me = homeowner = even more debt!!!!
  9. eat a whole BOATLOAD of twinkies before your rampage it's worked before! EDIT: Not real legal advice.
  10. i'm assuming this is a joke? of course it matters. You ever watched a movie with a HUGE gaping plothole that made the whole movie just feel stupid? it doesnt matter in tetris where the blocks come from, but you bet your ass it matters in a game like fallout
  11. its all about making the world feel like its really lived in. fo3 utterly failed at this. whats the word, verisimilitude? fo: nv needs that! its something ive been talking about for a while actually, things like explanation of food and water sources were in fo1 and 2 but totally absent from 3. where were the farms? where did the food come from? scavenged cans of 200 year old porknbeans? feeding hundreds of people? yeah f'n right. remember the size of the farm in fo2 needed to feed modoc? that kinda **** is important for world building EDIT: sawyer i see you there! answer one question please: will there be at least some attempt at explaining food sources in your game?
  12. eh, its really more of a civil claim than a criminal one from what i remember, im sure california has some misdemeanor charge in the penal code to go along with it, but classic "false imprisonment" is a tort action (at least on the bar exam... irl i dont practice that kind of law so im far from expert on it) i really only know about employment law, estate planning, and business formation... most other areas its just what i remember from school
  13. depending on the circumstances of those interviews, some of the tearshedding underlings might consider a false imprisonment claim... 6 hours in a windowless room + tears = a pretty good start towards the tort if my fading law school memories serve
  14. vault city had ties to gecko and new reno and ncr
  15. I'm a lawyer too! but really these docs are written in layman english, don't be scared of them lol! I think this is a well written complaint (the last thing a judge wants is a 50 page complaint, this is nice and short) its maybe a tad overzealous in the beginning (save it for closing argument guys.... lol like this would ever actually go all the way through trial...) actually, on second thought, if the plaintiffs really do want full control over call of duty modern warfare.... they may be willing to spend the ~100k-3million in legal fees needed to get it, which would mean a full trial. would be pretty damn crazy. i'd love to read that mou they talk about... as a pure employment case, they seem to have a VERY strong case if there was actually a written employment agreement. I greatly look forward to reading activisions response and inevitable countersuit
  16. i cant wait until people stop using the word emo to describe things that arent a dead music genre from the 90's then again people still call blink 182 punk and im sure that dead kennedy's fans the world over cringe everytime...
  17. i actually liked the story in a kitsch way. it was like a mashup of michael bay-isms. if it was done with just a tinge of self awareness and some tongue-in-cheek humor, the story could have been genius.... as it was it was just silly, but it was silly enough to be funny and really, i think they were aware they jumped the shark from the moment "Wolverines!" popped up on screen...
  18. the guys who make modern warfare are good at what they do, regardless of one's feelings about the games, they are very well made pieces of entertainment. I hope that they form another studio, make a lucrative deal with a more reasonable publisher, and proceed to release more quality work unfettered by the limitations imposed on them by mr. satan. i feel similarly about this news that i did when i heard that bungie was beeing freed from microsoft = hopeful for future quality work on par with myth instead of 5 more halo games. ... still waiting... still hopeful for bungie of yesteryear to return of course infinity ward is nowhere near as dear to my heart as oldschool bungie, but still, i hope these guys can move on and make something really awesome under a different publisher
  19. im sure mr. satan would love more than anything to start pumping out annual starcraft and diablo sequels activision strategy = strip mining
  20. i would love if there were three endings to me3. reapers win. humans win and begin galactic purge of the other races. goodytwoshoesending would be neato. so really though, if you got all your npc's killed in me2, then who the hell is in your party for me3? are they going to make a whole nother cast of 10? or will they make 3 losers who join you because nobody else is alive to help?
  21. i hope they fixed the stealth system along with adding the reputation system fallout 3 made stealth kills really pointless, you could kill a person without anyone seeing you do it, and yet the whole town turns hostile towards you... really lame (this bug/design flaw is especially bad in paradise falls)
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