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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. thats dumb, just make all qunari look awesome (ie with horns and native american tattoos) and go back and fix sten (for those who want that, don't force the patch)
  2. this redesign is awesome, they should release an optional patch to make the qunari look like that for the original game. I don't like the way sten currently looks.
  3. yeah, if you didn't like starcraft 1 you wont like starcraft 2.
  4. 12 hours after buying starcraft 2 digitally from blizzard my credit card was hijacked and now i've had to cancel it and begin the process of recovering my stolen money. go blizzard.
  5. ok so my fears were unwarranted about this game. its really awesome and feels just like a sequel should imo, better graphics, continues the story, adds tons of new units and options etc (or changes old ones to make them feel new). If they can do this with diablo 3 then i'm going to play that game for a billion hours its not as big as the leap from warcraft to warcraft 2, but thats ok with me because the game is a hell of a lot more fun than warcraft 3 was at this point. I'm only about 6 hours into the game but it really makes me feel like I did when I first played starcraft back in high school (ie excited and enthusiastic about playing it right when i get home) i never played starcraft online and I probably wont play this online either, but I am interested in the Challenges and vs AI, maybe even co-op vs AI? certainly not competetive multiplayer though, I play street fighter and I don't have time to get good at two insanely complex games
  6. romances can be ignored in most games, hardly a reason to pass a game by for me
  7. nepenthe: i was being a bit silly but even then the female market in video games is still a factor, particularly in rpg's. I don't know numbers but I would imagine it must be around 10% of rpg players are girls, it's also a fact that many guy gamers would rather look at a digital girl for 90 hours of gaming than a digital guy. as for steve jobs being a romance option in the next bioware game I fully support that, so long as they also include bill gates so we can all enjoy the awesome love triangle
  8. last time i checked women outnumber men on earth. gotta please that greater than 50% of your market.
  9. thats a very... unique.... opinion. everyone else i've talked with says: femshep>>>>>>>>>>>maleshep but still, its an honest opinion so it's all good. i think having a male and female option is required just to give two different VA options, since playing a game with a lame voice actor is torture
  10. i too was very disappointed with warcraft 3, a big letdown after part 2 was so awesome. my expectations for starcraft 2 are tempered because of it but i still plan on getting the game today after work is over
  11. yeah thats not actually sufficient to avoid a lawsuit, its designed to scare people into not filing one
  12. if steam started to charge a monthly fee you would still have access to your old games for free, maybe not playing them online, but offline mode at least. to do otherwise would rapidly deplete Valve coffers due to the legal fees of defending the class action suit
  13. i used the jetpack to get to a mountain top with good visibility and then just used the sniper rifle to kill the snipers, it was super easy because the only edf that could hope to reach me were the fliers and those don't like the nano rifle very much...
  14. the idea of drizzt being unoriginal seems laughable to be. That character has been ripped off a billion times since, but he was fairly unique on creation
  15. strangely enough I'm like that with movies. I have tons of movies that I could rewatch, but would rather see something I haven't seen yet, but not so with games or books. Ironically, movies is where all the remakes happen... and I hate them. Remaking a book is beyond idiotic, but hd-updates of older games is something that isn't really happening (except for the monkey island series) and it should be, I mean it seems like a pretty cheap endeavor, just overlay pretty graphics and maybe a less clunky UI over an old classic gem and voila! a great game! I would love an hd update of xcom instead of the abortion xcom fps joke thing they are making...
  16. ok fair enough, replaying games/re-reading books are some of my favorite pastimes so i guess im just different
  17. cmon really? the monkey island remake was awesome, particularly because of the one-button toggle between classic and remake graphics. a system shock 2 done that way would be kick ass
  18. i would prefer an hd-remake of system shock 2. same great game, new graphics. i would buy that in a second.
  19. now you can take advantage of their ridiculously awesome annual holiday sale too. steam = good prices (provided you have patience to wait for sale prices)
  20. just played red faction guerilla: wow. I was expecting a very very mediocre shooter. Boy was I surprised! A= Not a shooter, and B= totally fun game! downsides first: open world ala gta game. I just don't like this style of game much, and felt like it was holding this game back from greatness, good open level design ala deus ex but with this games physics would = top game of the year material imo. upsides: game is insanely fun. Virtually blowing stuff up has never been better. Taking a building apart beam by beam = priceless entertainment. Ironically (usage?) another upside of the game WAS the price, $5 on steam. Overall, I highly enjoyed this simplistic game for the sheer spectacle of it. The game design was a bit poop, but the actual game PLAY was excellent... if some good level designers got ahold of this gameplay then we'd be in for a real treat indeed... value = 15 hours of awesome fun for $5, well well worth it
  21. red undead redemption = awesome i have loved zombies since i was 8, i love how popular they are now
  22. Im not interested in an onlive type thing that costs more than netflix. Im not interested in an onlive type thing that has over 17ms of input latency Im not interested in any gaming solution that requires being online to play single player games I have a feeling its going to be hard for me to be a gamer in ten years
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