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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. ah, thats not QUITE as cheesy as i imagined it, but still, I like my fantasy and my cyberpunk a little more separate but thats just a matter of taste
  2. isnt shadowrun the game with trolls and dragons using laptops to cast spells at eachother?? deus ex seems a bit more william gibson based cyperpunk than fantasy
  3. Dude, that's more insulting to my intelligence than anything Volo could come up with. thats the joke................
  4. damn, you know a deal is good when it makes you spend money on something you already own just to make yourself feel like you got a deal.... steam must facilitate a ridiculous amount of transactions
  5. I kinda picture a troll who is constantly hanging troll bait out his window in hopes of landing another one and getting in a trollgument (troll argument) to occupy his day
  6. do the people who hack consoles know that computers exist? cause those usually come pre "hacked" as far as i know...
  7. whoa whoa whoa whoa. hang on. did I read that right? They are using some of the Mark Morgan tracks from fallout 1 and 2 in the game? THAT IS GOOD AWESOME NEWS. I LOVE the old tracks. LOVE THEM. The music in fallout 3 was ok, but the old music is super nostalgic for me so I am very very happy they are being reused, even if its in a smallish capacity. also: DLC's sound like an ok idea, so long as they are good. I dont mind buying a pack of lengthy and involved quests and new areas to explore for an extra 10$ the pitt and the hillbilly dlc were both good. the others I skipped cause i heard they was doodoo.
  8. wow. so much troll in only one post. There are at least 5 different trolls in a post with only 5 different punctuation marks. bravo volo, you have been levelling up ...
  9. hey i signed up with bright eyes and shiny hope. I still have a little hope left still. I also can't imagine finding a better forum to post about video games on. whatever happened to rpgmaster boo? I don't recall seeing him much after dragon age was released.
  10. geralt looks like a megadouche now. the kind of douche who dresses up at the ren-faire and thinks they are badass instead of goofy. as opposed to the douche who wears pointy leather shoes and is spray-tanned.
  11. i really hope that the higher difficulties offer more than just "enemies have millions of hp now!". I honestly don't know what other variables they should tweak to make it better, but merely pouring on hp for enemies is a poo path of stinky despair.
  12. more of the same would only bother me if the same sucked. left 4 dead 2 was great, fallout 2 was great, starcraft 2 was great etc etc there are a few series where more of the same lead to stagnation, but usually those series didn't have enough awesome material making up the core experience to warrant more of it. btw, the preview where they guy was complaining about the demo was one of the worst pieces of journalism i've suffered through. "waaaaa the demo just puts me into the wasteland and doesnt have enough actiony stuff for me to gawk at waaaaaaa" not to mention, he thought fallout 3 was a 20-30 hour game... i'm not a superfan and even I spent more like 60-100 hours exploring the capitol wasteland.
  13. maybe Relic will remake space hulk. I could see them knocking that out of the park.
  14. I feel like there is no way this game can be as good as it appears to be. I am preparing for disappoint.
  15. i am so excited for this game. sounds like there is way more stuff to do in it than in fallout:DC. also, it's really damn nice that the world is going to be more "fallout" ie farming, rebuilding, towns with people and quests etc bethfallout felt more like alice in wonderland meets fallout, the trimmings were there, but nothing made any sense.
  16. yeah man, sorophx gets what I'm talkin about. A sweet rpg, but with badass turn based combat built on a solid character system. you would have less fighting in it than in dragon age or mass effect, but the battles would be more epic, like shadow of collossus. god that could be so awesome. when I make my millions I'll come back to this idea and show the world...
  17. in soviet russia, hot cardl touches you.
  18. i mean recognition of the $$$ kind. I'd rather have a good game than indie cred. making $$$ doesnt mean you arent indie anymore. World of Goo and Braid made bank I'm pretty sure.
  19. without a doubt that was one of the very best things i've ever seen happen in a videogame. a defining moment of competitive gaming.
  20. will check out. i acknowledge that these games are coming out, but i think they are going to start getting more recognition in the coming years.
  21. i think doing as something as simple as making the ground look like a board game grid could really overcome the "you hit me i hit you" aspect, people are used to board games being turn based. chess without taking turns would just become a boxing match. people are willing to accept turn based games, you just have to make it "feel" right, ie dont make it feel clunky and slow.
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