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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. ... ... ... ... really?????????????????????? do want!
  2. the combination of 52 in DC, and Civil War in Marvel made me stop reading superhero comics all together. I figure I will wait about 2 more years, then go back and pick up anything genuinely good that came out during my 5 year hiatus. but my days of just buying the newest big stuff because thats what's hot is over. 52 and civil war sucked. civil war particularly just showed how much better the ultimates was than the 616. ultimate cap NEVER would have given up like that.
  3. ???? wahhhhhhh!?!11?? explain! (explain me as nuts - Im not saying I disagree, I'm just curious what tipped you off... also: i have tried on 3 seperate occasions to get crusader going on dosbox with no luck. xcom works like a charm, tie fighter worked after a LOT of mucking with it, but crusader just crashes immediately every time for me. I've spent probably 6 hours of my life trying to get that game to work over the years.
  4. i seem to be the only person on earth who didnt really notice the card aspect of the game. It was only like a year after playing it did i realize that was something a lot of people payed attention to (usually complaining about it). It has ZERO impact on the game, who honestly cares if it exists or doesnt? You're never forced to sleep with anyone in the game if I remember correctly... I can't believe that so much fuss exists about such an inconsequential aspect of a game that it would actually alter someones decision about whether to get the game or not. Its a 40+hour hardcore rpg. there are also a handful of naked people in it if you choose to find them. it'd be like someone not playing fallout 2 because they heard a lot of complaints about the option to become a fluffer in the game.
  5. i will forgive them if they get baldurs gate 1 AND 2, planescape torment, system shock 1, crusader no remorse and no regret (and make them work dammit i swear these are the buggiest games on earth), and some of the other games I've been asking for which i cant remember right now
  6. i loved system shock 2, i really really like bioshock, and I kinda liked bioshock 2. if things continue on this path then i will tolerate bioshock 3, dislike bioshock 4, and hate bioshock 5. lets hope something turns this all around system shock 3? A new IP? cmon levine, i know you've got it in you!
  7. playing Blood Bowl: (got it for $10 on steam) i love this game. Now they just need to make a Space Hulk like this and a Warhammer and a WH40k version and i could happily never buy another video game again (jk) my one gripe: my old wargaming buddies dont play computer games, so they wont be getting this to play online with me my numba 2 gripe: it sounds like the new races won't be patched in and I will have to buy a whole nother game, which is ok I guess except im going to wait until its $10 also. I would pay full price but there are too many bugs and UI problems for me to want to pay $40.
  8. STALKER is how I pictured it working. It becomes another thing to balance in your inventory, another worry when you go exploring in the unknown, it makes you pay more attention to whats happening and makes the game more strategic and less "arcade".
  9. lol thats not what i meant. of course you go to work to get a paycheck. but some people choose a profession out of a passion for the profession rather than which profession will grant them the largest paycheck.
  10. i love the idea of giant robots being included. in the year 2049 i expect all first world countries to have giant robots as the backbone of their armed forces.
  11. i think browser games like farmville have shown that the most profitable method of game making is actually releasing bargain software at bargain prices to an ENORMOUS market. basically the exact opposite of the hardcore strategy game model. (not saying that model isnt viable, it just doesnt create mountains of cash to swim through. also: being WoW appears to be a good business model, but like the highlander, there can be only one...) its times like these that make me glad there are people making games because they love making games and not for the paycheck. not many of them exist, but they are indeed out there. If they weren't then we never would have gotten planescape torment.
  12. i too just replayed mass effect 2. and have now beaten it 3 times. samara is by far my least favorite npc, and morinth isnt any better. the only time I lost an npc was my first playthrough where I lost Tali. also this time I discovered how effective garrus is with a battle rifle and level 4 of his ammo power. I think he was consistently getting the most kills out of all the npcs I used.
  13. demons souls is my favorite ps3 game. and is the reason i bought a ps3. I have never met someone who didnt like it. http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/demons-souls its also extremely well liked by critics. where did you hear people hated it?
  14. if beth does fallout 4 with a greatly improved engine, I hope they give the materials needed craft its "new vegas" equivelant to obsidian even earlier so that obsidian has as much time as possible to create their version of the game. also: I really hope that new vegas does so incredibly well that obsidian gets a crack at making a "new vegas" for the next TES game too. I know obsidian would probably prefer making their own IP's, but I also like seeing them producing superior followups to big games. imagine an Elder Scrolls game with real dialogue, improved mechanics, and a good story.... would be epic!
  15. everyone i know who games is at least a little familiar with myth, but thats not important, what IS important is how goddamn good those games were and still are.
  16. that music is flat out awesome trailer music imo
  17. when i was 10 i would have loved the idea of buying the custscenes as a movie. then I would have done it and watched it and never bought one again cause it would be terriblly unfun to watch.
  18. i would say mass effect is all about the party members and dialogue. action being very secondary to the game. i guess opinions are funny like that though.
  19. I definitely agree it should be a new property or a spin off of devil may cry. this guy could be dante's nephew or something. it doesnt really matter though, the game will either be good or bad. if its good then who really gives a **** what the guy looks like, and if its bad it wont matter cause it will be forgotten shortly after release.
  20. the new dante reminds me of Withnail. http://www.amoeba.com/dynamic-images/blog/...hnail-grant.jpg
  21. I loved RDR. The controls are a bit sluggy but the atmosphere is fantastic and the storyline becomes engaging once you get to the final act (the first two acts are actually pretty bad imo) i would still put it in my top 5 games of the year though.
  22. i love metroidvania as a genre description. it makes me feel warm and tingly inside.
  23. speaking of new people, why did new people join? was it the announcement of dungeon siege 3?
  24. i agree its a good tool for quickly communicating ideas, which is also why its easier to describe to someone a game in terms of another game instead of a genre. ie "borderlands is like diablo, but a first person shooter". now the person is probably thinking, "ok so i wander around and kill monsters to get better gear so i can go kill more monsters, but they way i kill them is like in Doom", which is essentially what they are doing. now if i were to say "borderlands is a first person action roleplaying game" they could be thinking about 10 million different things because those genre terms are way too muddled nowadays to know what that means. once upon a time people were describing diablo as the first "action rpg". now it seems like every rpg is an "action rpg". am I in favor of making more clear definitions? not really, mostly because i think genres change as time progresses, so the only good way to define a genre is to wait until it is dead before labeling it. like emo music, it died in 1999.
  25. tomb raider was an action platformer. ive never heard of quest games. im pretty sure myst was not a quest game. but yes, genre discussion is a bad idea. I will withdraw from the debate after posting this (from the single most scientifically precise website known to man): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventure_game#Definition edit: oh and this http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=...77269eb79cf8370
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