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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i remember playing through DA the first time fully expecting that all my good deeds would somehow lead to harm befalling someone in the future. Like letting those bandits live at lothering, i was convinced that those bandits would later kill a family or something and I would feel bad about it. there were probably a dozen little moments like that which I kept expecting to have some consequences, but none of them did (that i can remember) so i still liked the game, but there is tons and tons of room for improvement in quest design and C&C for the sequel.
  2. im guessing free quests are those unmarked variety like in fallout 3 (plus "fetch me 20 of these" type quests too) while the 70 side quests is actually 70 of the real deal side quests with a little journal entry and earthquake music cue.
  3. i would not have thought to describe Torchlight as a fantasy shooter. have you never played diablo?
  4. yes! I would push it even further... I'd love it if civ let you play all the way to the year 40,000 imagine the horus heresy, civ style. the first invasion of the tyranids on your planets. the arrival of the orks... man, the game would take weeks to complete though
  5. i always play these types of games multiple times with different characters, so if i find i missed something on one playthrough i do it on my next one. no problemo. also, i refuse to believe anyone who has played fallout or fallout 2 would not use multiple save slots in every game ever made since then.
  6. im buying limbo and costume quest in october to get that free $10 which i will spend on RDR:undead nightmare.
  7. just played a game of civ last night. i played from 6pm until 2am and i am regretting the lack of sleep however... giant death robot! i was going for a "take over the world" civ, wherein i spread cities far and wide and basically drowned the rest of the world in my glory. I never went to war unless attacked first, and would just culture bomb areas that I wanted more land. all until I unlocked the giant death robot. at which time I decided to just wipe everyone else out. it was so easy. It was also fun watching him go to town on musketmen. must have been a real shock to them. next game will be on a higher difficulty...
  8. I'll take your word on that game and rent it. As of now, I'm playing Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. code veronica X is my second favorite resident evil game. and it had my favorite story and location of the series. .... ... thinking about it makes me want to replay it, maybe come january when i'm all civved out.
  9. 50 and 60, so $110, but its the only game i'm buying in october so its cool. i allow myself $150 "fun money" a month, the rest of my income is devoted to mortgage/studentloans/bills and saving up for my wedding in May, which is gonna be pretty expensive
  10. i preordered on steam, this way i can play right away on release while waiting for my collectors edition, which is being snail mailed. also this way i can keep the collectors edition unopened so that 400 years from now my descendants will be able to sell it to a museum for two futurenickels.
  11. So, what are you playing/collecting/painting? currently doing a death guard army while also going back and filling in the ranks of my necrons. in a few months i plan on suplementing my old dark eldar army with some of the new models... i'm very excited about all this. also: im not playing it NOW, but i cannot wait for the undead nightmare dlc for red dead redemption, it looks awesome
  12. im not playing anything right now, im painting warhammer mini's after a 6 year hiatus. "i love the smell of primer in the morning"
  13. Nope. It's a seriously fugly game. It looks worse than games much older than it. But that being said, it's still going to be the only game I buy this year. In the end, the graphics just don't matter at all. this, except i bought like 6 games already this year and am getting one more (civ)
  14. i think the hoover dam looks about right as far as size goes, but its hard to tell from one screenshot without any scale.
  15. i love dungeon keeper. such a great great game. I wish we could get a properly awesome sequel to that, and Myth
  16. i was thinking the same thing. now im imagining vol as a mod and it makes me giggle.
  17. lol @ nanomachines!!! i pretend they don't exist for the most part. one of the funniest but least good things about the storyline (which admittedly, sucks kinda hard in MGS2 and 4, but is beyond awesome in MG1-2 and MGS 1 and 3)
  18. i only like digital for games that are insanely cheap, so if something happens and i can no longer access it, then I'm not out any serious $$. I buy tons of stuff on steam during their sales for a few bucks a piece. Buying a full price game online is terrible and I only do it when the game is JUST THAT GOOD and it requires steamworks anyway. There are probably only 1-2 games a year that are good enough for me to consider paying full price for a digital version
  19. The Boss is my favorite character in the Metal Gear universe. followed very closely by Big Boss/Naked Snake. Solid Snake is a distant third, tied with psycho mantis, Liquid, and the OG ninja Gray Fox. just thought you all needed to know.
  20. wow. a 5 star post. one that is crushingly depressing as well, thanks boo!! (i actually do like mass effect 2 though, quite a bit, even after 4 playthroughs, i'm not sure what that means) this actually made me think about: characters in ME 2 whose identity did not revolve around teen/daddy issues: Garrus, legion, zaeed, Mordin those who did: Tali, Miranda, Jacob, Grunt, Thane and Samara (issue was BEING a parent lol), im not sure: Jack well, thats a pretty depressing ratio. Of course I'm not one who can bash too much, my first attempt at a novel primarily revolved around the relationship between an adopted father and a daughter... was dragon age the same? i cant remember right now any parent/child driven character arcs except morrigan and alistair,
  21. i'd rather see a return of the mom and pop than the success of the specialist retailer. neither seems likely to happen soon though. i don't know enough about economic policy to try to suggest changes which would encourage mom-n-pop shops without causing undesired effects throughout the economy though, so i will just whistle wishes on stars for utopia while the megacorp takes over, and then gets taken over by the government, which then files bankruptcy causing a catastrophic depression in which the mom and pop store can rise again and the cycle begin anew
  22. my copy from 10 years ago works just fine, but doesnt it have a disc check? i'd pay 10$ just to get rid of that so i dont have to lug discs around with my laptop if i wanted some torment or bg on the go
  23. currently playing dawn of war 2. its pretty good. I actually like that its not a traditional rts, but i feel like they could have gone a lot further with it and we're left with a product suffering a bit of an identity crisis. i've heard that chaos rising is better so thats next on my plate... hopefully keeping me busy until new vegas
  24. im super excited about this. yay team! now just add bg2 and system shock 1 and i'm out of requests!
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