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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i hate the idea of playing the game with the radio on my pipboy. I like the radio playing when I walk into places that it makes sense to be on, like bars and barracks etc. i think its weird that some people listen to the radio while playing instead of soaking in the ambient soundscape.
  2. thank god, i never believed in paying a monthly fee for mmos, that is one idea i'm glad is being killed.
  3. i killed those guys. didnt regret it. i killed every legion person i found in the game, i failed several quests because of this, yet I still had way more quests than I could manage anyway so no biggie, i will let them live next time and see what happens.
  4. yeah the final boss was a pretty big let down for me too. not nearly as awful as the last area of fo3, but still not even as cool as frank horrigan. The conversation to talk him down was 10x better than the one from fo3 though, and its more satisfying than the fight, which is actually kinda annoying. I was imagining several different end fights that were all cooler than what we got. oh well, maybe if I side with ceasar next time the end will be more fun?
  5. not a bug. if you dont have the requirements the weapon is less accurate, you can still use it.
  6. i used the geck to make it more like the movie version, a slower rate of fire but a higher dam. its not as good as This Machine, but its still a very reliable, well rounded gun that uses easy to find ammo, it was my go-to gun from ~level 11-18 which is when I found This Machine
  7. mine crashed 4 times in 53 hours. which is a lot less than fallout 3 did. I have a 9800gt, and an even older processor with only 3 gigs of ram. i'm running the game on high settings at 1680 resolution. it gets a little stuttery when i am in a casino, but no where else. am I lucky or are other people unlucky?
  8. "That Gun" is actually THIS gun: http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/io9/...eckard01_01.jpg it's from blade runner, and it is awesome.
  9. i'm super excited about undead nightmare, but won't buy it until im ready to take a break from new vegas, besides i've got those free 800 points coming my way in november, i'll spend those on it
  10. pew pew is sorta a gimmick right? a laser pistol that only shoots two shots before needing a reload? plus its dps is insanely high, im looking for something a little more mid-range in power. besides, none of those are half as cool as That Gun or This Machine or the Sequoia. The plasma defender is a really cool looking gun, and deserves to have a useful unique version of it too. I like that van graff idea, making it part of Cass' quest makes sense to me. now to find that caravan in the geck...
  11. i'm going to add a couple of unique energy weapons, it seems like guns got all the cool weapons (This Machine, That Gun, Ranger Sequoia...) A unique plasma defender seems like a good choice for a nice well rounded mid-high level pistol. the harder question for me is where to put it... any suggestions for a good npc to carry something like that? maybe the fiend leader in vault 3 or one of the fiend mini-bosses you are contracted to kill by the ncr... do they show up if you don't take that quest?
  12. i just miss the sound and music design of the first game. the visuals look totally acceptable to me in the new game and i'm sure some areas will still have a more medieval look to them. I kinda wish that tristram and its 20+ level dungeon would be a playable area in D3, i think that would be really cool (particularly if they kept all the original score for the town and dungeon areas)
  13. don't forget how the early screenshots of starcraft 2 had the units all looking blocky before they added in the final textures/meshes whatever (i dont know tech stuff) which made them much more detailed looking. the look of the units and the detail was getting tweaked for years, it will probably be the same for diablo 3
  14. to tale: i know house and the NCR both say that diplomacy is not an option with the brotherhood, however, they are lying to you. you CAN befriend the brotherhood and get their agreement to support the NCR (dont know about house) during the final battle (all you have to do is have some high speech and already be friends with elder council guy (ie do ALL his quests) and he fairly readily will agree to support the NCR instead of being wiped out), and then when you tell the NCR they say "ok thats good news" and totally pretend they never told you to wipe the brotherhood out. so even though you don't get a quest to befriend them, you can do it anyway. seems like diplomacy is always an option (except maybe with Papa Khan joining the NCR, i couldnt get him to agree so i had to kill him and then the new khan leader was more agreeable)
  15. ok so finished my first playthrough last night. thoughts: a better overall game than fallout 3 in every way. HUGE. i'm going to be playing this for months in order to see everything. When I finally decided to end the game I still had 13 active quests, and in heading toward the end game i saw at least 6 active quests get failed due to faction changes etc. a few bugs, average for a fallout game, same bugs as oblivion and fo3. I had 4 crashes in 53 hours of play, and a smattering of minor bugs here and there. nothing too annoying but I look forward to some patches to smooth some of this stuff out. lots of C&C, thank god. fairly disappointing final encounter. I was hoping for something as epic as The Master, and instead got a slightly worse frank horrigan, oh well. (also, my biggest disappointment was that I was pretty sure I figured out a big twist that would occur later in the game that would have been really awesome, and then the twist never happened, so I was let down that the really cool thing was all in my head and not actually in the game, but thats no ones fault but my own - maybe it's gonna be a dlc, or maybe it IS in the game and I just missed it...) in sum: The three things I remember asking josh for back when i first joined these boards were: good C&C, a believable world (ie one with farms and an explanation of the economy and trade etc fo3 was a total joke in this regard), and better dialogue. All of these were delivered in spades from the very beginning. it felt like the game was specifically made just for me. (i also asked for more lethal combat so i wouldnt have to mod as much, and i got this too, enemies die fairly easily, but so do i) final thoughts: absolutely awesome game. good job sawyer and co. you guys really knocked this one out of the park. A fitting followup to fallout 2 (i wont say its a proper sequel since its still a first person action rpg and not a top down turn based rpg) and a game that I am happy to consider part of the fallout canon. ps: this game really makes fo3 feel like the irrelevant sidestory that it is. I really really really hope obsidian gets to make another fallout game in a few years.
  16. dude, my monorail got blown up, but i was able to science my way onto the strip for free. i have decided that all of my future characters will max science, lockpick, and speech. leaving only my weapon choice and 1 other skill available to be maxed. this game it was repair and guns, next game probably sneak and energy weapons... though i'm worried their will not be as fun weapons in energy, maybe sneak and unarmed would be a good choice...
  17. yeah that area is crawling with giant radscorpions in my game too, definitely to be avoided at the lower levels.
  18. i dont really know what wow looks like, but this doesnt look very different from diablo 2 to me. diablo 2 had that whole desert area which was super NOT gothic. only the first diablo really had that medieval gothic feel, and a very large part of that was in the music and sound design (which was a total failure in part 2 and probably will be again in part 3) on the other hand, diablo 3 is just a more fully featured and fleshed out game than part 1, so even though the atmosphere was much better in the first game, i play part 2 more often.
  19. my guess is that someone saw you before switching/during the switch. or its a bug. did you reload an earlier save without the powder gang outfit on?
  20. making up numbers is awesome. did you know that 120% more kids do drugs today than they did in 1928? its because of soda. in 1928 the average kid drank only .4 litres of soda a fortnight, in 2021 the average child will drink .4 gallons of soda a day. the rise of soda drinking clearly is the cause of the rise of drug use!
  21. no i dont think so... were you wearing powder ganger or legion stuff? did you accidentally steal anything from them? hearing about towns going crazy and attacking reminds me of playing fallout 1 and 2. "what did i do to make you all so mad at me!!" *reloads last save*
  22. not to mention he said that fallout 1 and 2 were too "dated" to go back and play?? what a totally ridiculous statement, i play the originals every year or 2 and still love them and think the the kill animations are still leaps and bounds better than the slow-mo cam kills of 3 and NV. bah. humbug.
  23. i was more astounded that a game could be both better than fallout 1 and 2 and worse than fallout 3 at the same time. the impossibility of it is tearing my mind apart like tissue in a hurricane. edit: also, i so far have been way too busy doing quests to explore the world of new vegas, i like how the first half of the main quest kinda takes you on a loop around the south and middle of the map (its nice to know if you just follow the freeway you can avoid going into any overly dangerous areas out of order, but all the edges of the map have been totally untouched by my exploration. i intend to be much more freeform in my exploration next playthrough
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