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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i agree that I dont want to do more sidequests FOR them, but I want to be able to take them with me on other types of sidequests. I like the idea of having a big team of specialists and you have to choose the right people for the task at hand (ie get info about what enemies you will face on your next quest so you can take the right people to deal with things)
  2. i'm doing my second playthrough and just hit level 20, so far I have found 8 quests that I never even saw last game. it's like quest heaven. I did 3 full playthroughs and 3 halfwaythroughs of fallout 3, i have a feeling new vegas is going to go into my fallout 1, 2, final fantasy 7, and deus ex queue of being played once every year or two for the rest of my life.
  3. i liked mass effect 2 better. i thought it looked better, played better, and had better sound and music. the plot was a little worse, and i agree with what oblarq is saying with regard to the reaper nonsense and TIM nonsense plot issues. doesnt make it a worse GAME though. i liked the characters more in ME 2. and I liked the level design more (but its still not great). the only thing i really really liked better in ME 1 was not having unified cool-down. i'm hoping that you have all your surviving crew members back for part 3, AND a new cast of 3-4 characters who can join (to fill in ranks for people who lost most of their crew, and to add some fresh faces)
  4. my last ten hours have had no crashes, so thats now 6 crashes in 70 hours, not too shabby
  5. obviously not, this is quite possibly the worst thread I have ever seen on these boards.
  6. they are practicing their close combat skills for the day they are promoted to ballistic fist user, at which point they become able to annihilate cities single-fistedly.
  7. i think FNV falls squarely between fallout 1 and 2 in the silly realm, which is exactly where I wanted it to be. The game is not as good as fallout 1 or 2, but its close enough that I'm proud to call it a fallout game. also: stalker and fallout are not the same setting and wishing fallout was more like stalker, a game that came out ten years later, is a little silly imo. fallout is great in part because it has a unique setting, stalkers setting is cool too, but i wouldnt want the two combined, people asking for such are clearly not huge fallout fans and thus should be ignored and/or burned at the stake for heresy love you guys
  8. i love left 4 dead and 2 vs mode. the only competitive game i've ever really enjoyed. it's almost required to have a regular team though, playing with randoms is the worst.
  9. my first real bug: going into the silver rush for the first time results in a scripting error where everyone just stands still after a little while.
  10. I'm not totally giving up hope yet even though the game looks terrible right now. I'm going to wait at least until more of the game is shown than just some stupid hacknslashing in a 10 minute falsely narrated prologue...
  11. not totally random, some brotherhood fellas went missing while on scouting missions... there is a quest about it later, but dont worry, you dont break anything by finding the patrols early
  12. the hookers in my game are totally non-buggy. i'm not crazy about them from a design standpoint, but they most certainly are doing what they were intended to do without sliding or clipping around the level.
  13. something tells me retailers will be scolded for such shenanigannery. If im going to preorder I'm going to do it in january after some more previews and hands on impressions are released so we know if the game is as bad as it looks. i was able to preorder dragon age 1 for $37 on amazon, hopefully I can do it again for part 2 between now and january 11.
  14. its like 75% conan and 25% anime. which is a ratio i approve of. so long as the writing falls more into the former "pulp", and less into the latter "garbage" (cowboy bebop et all aside)
  15. guild wars 2 deus ex 3, batman arkham asylum 2, Portal 2, Rage, Mass Effect 3, the last guardian, diablo 3, starcraft 2:2 in my dreams: left 4 dead 3 half life ep3 homeworld 3 bungies next Myth Total War: 40K A Shadow Over Innsmouth (from the makers of amnesia) Street Fighter 5 Red Dead Redemption 2 Baldurs Gate 3 Assassins Creed 3 (set in french revolution) Elder Scrolls 5 Fallout 4 (from obsidian) kinda sorta interested in: Dragon Age 2 Brink
  16. i'm up to 6 freezes in 60 hours, but my first 30 had no freezes. the game tends to lock up more when im doing lots of things at once, when i move slowly and methodically i get less freezes. so far the game has frozen with the same frequency that fo3 was freezing on me before it got any patches.
  17. i think the GoG ratings make sense if you call 5 stars an A 4.5=B 4 = C 3.5 = D anything 3 stars or below is not worth looking at
  18. i think this was posted on the wrong forum. ps: starcraft 2 was terrible? uh oh, somebody tell everybody!
  19. i thought it was a cool touch 10 years ago, that its still a talking point now is really strange
  20. i coudnt decide what character to do next, a brawler who plays by his own rules, or an evil energy weapon using scientist. so i made both and played each for about 2 hours, i still can't decide
  21. dual crossbows is not any sillier than a bow which shoots ten arrows in a spread pattern that freeze people solid for 2 seconds its a little lamer though. oh well, no one is forcing you to use them, and I actually like the new class, hopefully they work in a javelin weapon...
  22. you can kinda sorta not really even as much as mrs. bishop, romance the owner of The Thorn.
  23. i bet bethesda would make a killing with a twilight rpg.
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