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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i pity someone who doesn't ever connect emotionally with things that happen in video games. I can't imagine enjoying shadow of the colossus, for instance, if it didn't connect with my emotions, but that it did it so well is what makes it one of my favorite games of all time. oh well, my gain, malcadors loss.
  2. i have about 200 games as well, too many to put it a nice little photo without taking way too much effort i buy about 15 games a year, and have for the last 10 years or so. before that it was 3-4 a year for ten years. i sold all my genesis and nes games when i was 13, worst decision ever... my book collection... is much much bigger. particularly if you include comics. its 56 boxes of novels and comics (i know because i moved recently)
  3. i think it took me between 60-80 hours to finish the game my first playthrough.... i thought it was a tad better than the witcher, how overrated are we talking here?
  4. that would be an insanely boring announcement: "here is our NEW GAME!! Mass Effect 3: now with multiplayer!" audience reaction... "wtf i thought they announced this like 5 years ago? who the hell wanted multiplayer in mass effect?" actually, thats kinda what happened when they announced the "new IP" bioshock infinity...
  5. its not exactly a new idea, its been kicking around since that icarus myth... oops: this was in response to virumors last bit
  6. were the core fans asking for clownsuits and boring looking characters?
  7. yes, but it was one of the first games i knew of that let you play your own cd while playing the game instead of using the games soundtrack. so for me, hexen will always be remembered as the doom clone with swords and bows and the amazing soundtrack by Slayer... (i was 14 what do you expect)
  8. i loved hexen, I thought it was way cooler than quake 2.
  9. it had a ton of hype around it when it was getting released, i didn't say it was a great game...
  10. normally a sequel to dragon age would be a prepurchase for me, but this game looks significantly worse than part 1, so i'm forced into a wait and see approach (the kind of approach I normally take to games that aren't sequels to games i really like). the graphics look fine to me, i seriously don't get why people complain so much about graphics, complaints about design I get, but not graphics, maybe its because I still think fallout 1 has good graphics... but yes, that photo makes everyone look like a stupid clown. only hawkes armor doesnt make me gag, it just makes me giggle a bit. hopefully not all the character design is so bleh
  11. yes it was. when it came out it was on all the magazine covers and my friends who were only very casual gamers (ie just diablo and starcraft) bought it because it looked super cool
  12. just beat infamous last night, good game, was almost a great game but for too many flaws: too repetitive hand to hand combat has no effective place in the second half of the game, felt like a wasted opportunity trish, the "love interest" was horrible in so many ways: annoying, angry, ugly, demanding... i think the game wanted us to like this character but good lord I hated her from the moment she first started talking. absolutely atrocious writing and acting (unless they WANTED us to dislike her, in which case they did a great job, but i dont think that was the idea) mediocre voice actor for the main character, he lacked zazz. A deadly serious protagonist character can work, but its hard, clint eastwood can pull it off, so can bronson and a few others, but the guy they hired just came across as flat and unlikeable, I don't blame him, he was probably told to act that way, but I think they need a new direction for the sequel. He doesn't need to be spiderman or drake from uncharted slinging one liners etc, but a little personality would greatly improve the experience. Which is a tricky thing because in the sequel the character is supposed to be even more grim.... if thats the case then maybe a new actor is needed to lend some spice to the stone cold killa. muddled storyline. the most interesting part of the storyline seemed to be told via the "dead drops" but those took lots of searching for... you shouldnt make the fun parts of your game feel like a chore, bad design. HOWEVER (now i move onto the good bits) the ending of the game was great... its just too bad the setup wasnt stronger or it really would have been a top-notch ending) great enemies: cool designs for the 3 sets of bad guys, good bosses (bad boss fights) fun. the most important thing, most of the game is very very fun to play. not too long: this game was starting to get repetitive before it ended, thank god they knew enough not to keep dragging it out for now reason, i think i beat the game in about 15 hours, they still could have shaved 3-4 hours off the experience and had a better game for it. generally I'd rather play a short but excellent game twice, than an overstuffed overlong borefest once (ie i've played metal gear solid 10+ times, and gta 4 I only got halfway through, infamous smartly picked a shorter length rather than keep dragging things out) eh now ive written too much for no good reason, i have more thoughts but they aren't super relevant so i'll just shut my brain down now. last thought: my "reviews" are normally much shorter than this, i think because this game was very close to being excellent i found it frustrating and wanted to vent. if it had been a great game my review would have been: just played infamous, it was awesome.
  13. i did a melee build and didn't really have that much fun either, i just ran through the storyline (it was my first and only legion playthrough) to see what it was like, it was worth doing once, and i beat the game in 16 hours which is about as much of a speedrun as I'm ever going to do lol
  14. i too like the scene where you go outside for the first time too. lots of problems with fallout 3 but that isn't one of them imo my personal favorite image/moments in the series are the first sight of the Master, god what a shock that was... and the short end cinematic of fallout 1.
  15. i'll leave gaming once good games stop coming out. this year I liked/loved starcraft 2, fallout new vegas, red dead redemption, civ 5, and mass effect 2. I also really liked heavy rain and am looking forward to alan wake. how many of those is EA responsible for? 1? I think i'll be ok if they want to make multiplayer only games (even though thats not what i think they were trying to say, i think they were trying to say that all their games will have some sort of after purchase purchase potential (ie subscriptions, dlc, multiplayer etc) which is stupid imo, the CoD crowd is too busy playing CoD and halo to bother playing Mass Effect: Online. Just like the WoW crowd is too busying playing WoW to play any other paid mmo games (which is why they nearly all are dwindling/dying/switching to no subscription) it's funny, ten years ago I was guessing that games would keep getting shorter and shorter so they could sell more and more of them, instead the games stay the roughly the same length but they keep adding paid dlc (which has higher profit margins). doesnt bother me, i don't buy much dlc... but I would if it were of higher quality (ie once the profit margins are smaller because they have to spend more dev money to make dlc that's actually worth the cost)
  16. i HIGHLY recommend using the geck to change the perk requirements for those. just get rid of the melee requirements for the H2H perks and vice verse, it makes way more sense and allows you more freedom in your build. I also lowered the level requirement on jury rigging to level 8. I have more fun that way.
  17. the only game i felt did a good job with the brotherhood was fallout 1. so LC: if you're interested in the faction, play the original game. once you get the hang of how it works (READ THE MANUAL FIRST, start with 9-10 agility) the game is still very playable and enjoyable.
  18. i've never played tomb raider, but i'm casually intrigued by this reboot. an entire island to explore and survive through? if its Uncharted meets Metroidvania/arkham asylum, then i'm downright enthusiastic.
  19. if it was then it'll bump up a notch or too on my list, i have it on steam so i should be able to check the patch history
  20. i dont care either way so long as it fits the game. planescape torment for instance would still have worked imo if you couldn't mess with your npc's gear. Final fantasy 7 or baldurs gate would not. actually... im having a hard time thinking of games that would be improved if you could no longer change the npc's gear
  21. my current to-play list: keep playing New Vegas till im bored with it (130 hrs and climbing) infamous (got it for $10) alan wake (got it for $20) final fantasy 4 ds amnesia dragon quest 9 ds alpha protocol (maybe i'll keep waiting for a patch?) professor layton n the curious village
  22. the game is 10x better if you just play it in italian with english subtitles. seriously, give it a try, its awesome. Thank you, the game is much better now. Except for those parts outside of the Animus. Too bad you can't have those in english while the rest is in italian. aghhh i totally agree!! it was so weird seeing that chick from veronica mars speaking italian. but really all the gameplay in italy is so much more immersive and fun when everyone is actually speaking italian
  23. i'm on the fence regarding preordering. i almost always wait for reviews, but i have a good feeling about this one... I'll probably wait until a day or two before its released (when there is a LOT of previews and hands-on impressions going around from the people with review copies, as these often indicate overall quality of the game when you can read between the lines and avoid the potentially corrupt reviewers)
  24. my guess is that those areas (northwest) were planned to have more quests and content depth but time began running short, as it is one can hardly fault the team for lack of things to do in the game. i've played 130+ hours and i know there are a few dozen quests i haven't even seen yet
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