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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. when I get home I'm re-installing SS2. i did not know there was an editor... I'm assuming it's right on the disc or do i have to download it somewhere?
  2. its funny, now that i've been so spoiled getting to tweak weapon balance with the GECK all I can imagine is how much better SS2 would be if I could do the same thing. Lessen the cost of ammo by 15%, up the damage of the lower tier weapons a tad and nerf the upper tier a tad as well = better game for only 20 minutes of work.
  3. Begin Troll why are there are only two people in the party? also, a fighter and a wizard? who is going to heal them when they get hurt? who will pick locks and find traps? is this a D&D game with no traps? inquiring minds want to know! End Troll
  4. Is the point to be a ****, no matter what? Sure looks like it! *Richard. A small one. To be honest, I never actually read Gromnir's posts. I'll skim them a bit, but the edited quote stood out because it was extremely tasteless and rude. I can't even bring myself to try and decipher his gibberish response. Ha, good fun, I guess. Nepenthe, I wouldn't waste time with a guy that posts as a make believe character all the time. i think within my first week posting here I made gromnir the only person on my ignore list, the few times I have clicked to see what it was he was saying I instantly regretted it.
  5. i remember just using the wrench for most of the game until I got the assault rifle, and even that I just hoarded bullets until the last level or two when you really need to take down enemies fast
  6. 12 gigs took 2 nights to download? are you on dialup? I'm not making fun, I'm just saying that really sucks for you, I think it would take me a couple hours at most for 12 gigs
  7. looks like she dropped in age from 27 to 17, is this game a prequel?
  8. or are you just happy to see them?
  9. playing AC: Brotherhood, its actually really damn good. I was very skeptical about the game ahead of time because it's only been one year since AC2 and this felt like a cash grab, and while you can tell that they re-used a lot of assets etc they at least spent their time making the game well. It's highly polished, has a ton of fun content, and is chock full of little improvements. I paid $40 for it which feels like the price it should have been released at. I'm not finished yet, but i've spent 20 hours in it so far and haven't been bored, i'm now more than ever looking forward to AC: 3
  10. new vegas is the best modern open world game.
  11. Just finished Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Thoughts: Good/Decent game, depends on what you are after, if you want a gorgeous and gothic adventure game with cool battles and really great art design then go no further. If you want metroidvania then its a little sparse. The castle is only about 5 of the 20 hours of gameplay, which is unfortunate as it has some of the best and most castlevania-esque moments in it. I did not like god of war, but I did like this. The story is a muddle though, and its what keeps the game imo from being a Great game. Still, its well worth playing through once just to see everything. SMALL SPOILER Also, my single favorite part of the 20 hour game is the 3 minute cutscene after the credits roll, which bodes well for the sequel. I can see how it would make some people mad. Like the end of assassins creed 2... I loved it, but some people did not. END SPOILER
  12. I know I sound like a broken record but: my fingers are triple crossed for obsidian to be able to make a spinoff TES game 2 years after skyrim gets released. New Vegas was 10x better than fallout 3, and I imagine they could do the same for Skyrim. as for the news about skyrim: I'm glad they are at least trying to solve the terrible level-up system, and world leveling, I have my doubts they will truly fix it all though. dual wielding sounds good. if you can't run backwards anymore then I hope they triple the damage that bows do, because otherwise it will be impossible to be an archer in the game, every enemy will take one arrow, then have to be hacked apart with a sword for 2 minutes, resulting in three levels of swords for every one in bows. will we see limb damage in skyrim? few things are stupider than seeing a bandit running around with eleven arrows in his legs and his speed unhindered.
  13. i think the vita chambers should only have been enabled on easy difficulty. just my 2cents
  14. I didn't say no dialogue tree, I'm just not hung up on there being a huge tree where everything I say leads to a completely different conversation. It's extremely unrealistic, and it doesn't even sound that cool. Sure, some variety is great, multiple options is nice, and both ME's achieve that, but it sounds like some folks are getting hung up on this a bit too much. I think Planescape: Torment has the ideal amount of dialogue/tree/branching. so... yeah, I like lots of options in dialogue. but i do admit that I can imagine a game some day going too far with it, I just don't think that day will be arriving any time soon.
  15. i agree with what slowtrain just said, but I still really liked bioshock and appreciate it for what it did right. its not as good as SS2 or Deus ex, but its a hell of a lot better than most console games.
  16. that video was definitely better than I was expecting based off some earlier stuff I'd seen. I'm now more interested. its really going to come down to how well it sells it's story and atmosphere for me, plus if the combat turns out unbalanced or plagued with bad AI then it'll be a no-go how many people are actively doing QA on this?
  17. bioshock brought art DESIGN to the forefront of game design in the modern generation. All of a sudden jo-blo gamer cared about aesthetics and decor and not just oooh shiny
  18. the warranty expired after 3 years, my xbox lasted 4. edit: and yes hurl it is crazy not to care about giant dialogue trees. Those are the things that provide much of the "roleplaying" experience, where you actually have choices about what to say and what to talk about when interacting with NPC's. without good dialogue trees you might as well be playing diablo (not that there is anything wrong with that, its just different) also: you don't have to experience every single line, the purpose is that without those other lines existing, the dialogue is linear and you have no choices to make, it might as well be a cutscene. you can simply play the game once, but have the satisfaction of the result of the game being determined by your decisions, this has been key in roleplaying games for a very long time, Fallout 1 is considered a classic for many reasons, but one big one was the dialogue tree's and the amount of choices in dialogue you could make which would impact the game world by the ending.
  19. that wasn't a preview it was the gaming equivalent of a 12 year old girl at a justin bieber concert
  20. alright so im the reason why companies screw over customers. my xbox died a few weeks ago. i just bought a new one (from walmart...) because they offered me a $50 gift card with purchase. ok, then i used the gift card to preorder dragon age 2. despite my earlier complaints about the preordering deadline for the game so in one fell swoop I have: 1) rewarded microsoft for making a faulty console by purchasing a second one 2) bought something from walmart 3) rewarded EA by succumbing to their ridiculous pre-order mandate for DA 2. when mass effect 3 requires a 6 month preorder to get the whole game, everyone can blame me, and I won't complain. I'm going to continue being american now by eating some ice cream on my way to mcdonalds. then I will cry myself to sleep. note: god damn I have guilt issues.
  21. yeah no kidding, after 4 playthroughs I know there are still a few places I haven't seen yet. such a tremendously huge (and awesome) game.
  22. an hd update of tiefighter would be fantastic, the gameplay still holds up, the missions are still great (the ai needs a bit of re-balancing... A-wings I'm looking at you), its mostly just the graphics that are ... old.
  23. i agree with thorton. new game new skills. though to get rid of confusion maybe they should have renamed warriors "fighters", rogues "thieves", and wizards "wyzzaaardssss!!!"
  24. shale was a bit different, the game came with shale no matter what (unless you bought a used copy and someone had used the code already). DA2 is requiring you to preorder the game MONTHS in advance to get all the npc characters (not to mention they haven't even identified who or what the "bonus" character is) i was holding my tongue about this because I assumed they would provide a torrent of information about all this by the time january rolled around, so everyone would have plenty of time to make their preorder decision before the 1/11/11 preorder deadline. now that such date is rapidly approaching I'm not seeing any new information. i guess I could preorder at gamestop and cancel it if the game gets bad reviews, but the whole affair sucks imo
  25. i can't believe they are expecting people to preorder by next week if they want the full game with all the characters. i'm getting pissed off just thinking about it and if they keep up these shenanigans then i'm just going to skip the game for two years until the ultimate edition comes out with all the dlc included. /rant. sorry everyone.
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