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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i really got into street fighter 4 and super, bought two of those expensive arcade sticks, and played for something akin to 300 hours online between the two. im not super interested in MvC3 for some reason though, i'll probably pick it up for 20$, or wait till I see some tier lists, I don't want to buy a game with a hugely distinct top tier if I'm going to have to play online. also, my arcade sticks are for xbox...
  2. i want some peoples thoughts on Two Worlds 2, it looks possibly worth purchasing to me.
  3. i thought the fade section was cool, but placing it right after a horribly long and boring dungeon was a TERRIBLE decision. they should have cut the mage tower dungeon down to 20% of the mookfighting and then the Fade dungeon would have been really fun without the baggage of being saddled to a huge slog.
  4. i pretty much agree with oblarq. the endless streams of mooks are the single biggest problem with dragon age 1 in my opinion. It was a game where I felt the term dungeon "crawl" was truly appropriate, because of the pace you were forced to take to get through it. actually though, the baldurs gate games were like that too, but not as much. I wasn't super crazy about it then either though. I prefer the combat in fallout. I still really liked dragon age, but I would have liked the game WAY more if it had dungeons that were half the length. it would be ideal if they made a really big optional dungeon that people could explore if they wanted to fight mooks all day.
  5. but the success here is that obsidian has made a game which got good reviews AND sold very well, which should make it easier for them to get better contracts in the future
  6. dig those new screens. 1. I like the dragon design from what I can tell. 2. that giant looks like a giant from warhammer. 3. that autumn forest looks WAY better than any oblivion forests did. 4. fingers crossed for handplaced loot, quests with choice and consequence, no (or very limited) level scaling treasure/monsters, and a better levelup system
  7. the tavern looks a lot better imo than any interiors in oblivion, but i definitely agree that these screenshots could be trickery and the game will in fact look on par with oblivion. however, that barbarian dude facing the far away flying dragon... he looks more like a human than any model i have seen in a bethesda game before, look at his arm there, that looks like a real arm, not a smooth cylinder with some armor on it. i do agree very much that the screenshot of the fight with the yeti looks not too hot, and something is way off with the arm in first person perspective.
  8. i would just buy a wired xbox controller, you can still use it as a spare xbox pad, and you can use it easily on your pc. if you shop around you can find them on sale for good prices sometimes too
  9. video games right now have generally the sophistication of a michael bay film written by michael bay fans. not all games are like this obviously, but we have a long way to go before we have a godfather or casablanca. ouch... I just realized that there was a game based on the godfather a few years ago... so sad.
  10. I loved mass effect 2, but i am ecstatic that new vegas outsold it. I really hope the success of the game has bolstered obsidian and given them more options for future projects. edit: and more money for QA
  11. I'm very very pleased to see that we'll be getting the dlc releases on pc by the end of feb. This might be the first game in history that I buy all the dlc for. also, as a random note, I was in LA over the weekend and attended a UCB show that was being run by Matt Besser, he began by interrogating a couple of kids in the front row (turns out they were in 8th grade) about pop culture stuff music/games etc. When asked about their favorite games they said black ops and matt besser said something like "black ops? oh... but isnt that game so linear? What about fallout 4 in vegas?" the kids said "fallout is lame" MB: "Lame? why? its not lame, you get to go anywhere you want and choose what happens, its awesome. If that game is lame then why have I wasted so many hours of my life on it..." anyway, i just thought it was funny that matt besser was trying to convince a couple little turds that new vegas was awesome. One of the other performer's in the company quipped immediately after that "this is like bizzarro world if kids these days think that post apocalyptic fiction was super lame old man stuff."
  12. i also remember that IWD2 had a decent approximation of 3rd edition D&D, or is that wrong? ToEE obviously did, but that game was a dungeon crawler through and through... though I've been on a crpg binge lately so maybe I'll replay it soon and see if my feelings have changed. currently im partway through BG2, next up is icewind dale 2, and after that I might do ToEE. all that and dead space 2 should keep me busy until the end of march at least
  13. you know what REALLY pisses me off about it, they made that idiotic deadline to preorder to get all the characters in the game, and only now that the deadline is over do they reveal this DRM scheme
  14. i agree, but i thought we were just talking infinity engine games so i put that out there, but yeah, BG2 is more of a rpg/dungeon crawl, whilst planescape torment is like rpg meets interactive fiction
  15. yeah im going to cancel my preorder and buy on steam, I'll deal with steam, or disc check games, but I won't go along with anything more restrictive than that
  16. im getting pretty jazzed about skyrim, if they really take the time to make every dungeon unique ala fallout3/newvegas, and they give some real choice and consequence to it ala new vegas then this could be really awesome. hand placed loot would help things out a lot as well, i assume they are doing that this time?
  17. i'm not sure I follow here, you can use a pad or a mouse on a PC, but on a console you can only use a pad...
  18. my thoughts: 1. Torment . . . 2. BG 2 3. Icewind Dale 2
  19. that really sucks about your dead space issues tale, maybe let the game sit for a week or two and a patch will be released and you can replay it? i HATE it when console games lockup.
  20. it's one thing I don't understand about steam and pc sales in general, it seems impossible to determine what proportion of games are sold on the platform, and yet more and more games are being ported to PC, which makes me think that despite piracy concerns, there is still a significant amount of money to be made by releasing games on PC. oh well, i guess if I really wanted to know I could quit my job and aggressively pursue employment at valve...
  21. in new vegas' defense, they did so much awesome stuff with such a short dev time that I am not bothered by the weak ai for companions.
  22. i thought someone did some sleuthing and found that pc sales were more like 30% of the sales for New Vegas? or was that bogus?
  23. in response to morgoth i'm pretty sure that we will see another system shock some day, its too good a concept to just leave in the dust, maybe it will get announced if deus ex sequel makes a killing. some of what I'd want to see in a new system shock: one button ammo type switching (or was this in part 2), better balanced weapons, better balanced classes with larger differences in playstyle, more exploration in a larger ship, more Shodan than you could shake a stick at.
  24. i love getting games at bargain prices, the downside to that though is when I find a really good one, I tend to pay full price for the sequel. Well, its a downside for my wallet, an upside for the publisher.
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