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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. anecdote time: my mom watches more movies than any person I know. Is she a hardcore movie fan? i don't know! she barely remembers what she has seen, she has average taste AT BEST, and she NEVER rewatches something she has already seen. She also reads 2-3 books a month, and will never, and has never, re-read a book. even her favorites. I imagine that there are other people like her, some of them are gamers. Are they the average gamer? I don't know. I don't have a clue what the average gamer does. I only talk to people who don't play, who barely play, and who play a LOT. Nobody seems to play "medium" amounts of games in my experience. what would be medium? i don't really know, maybe 6 games a year? hard to quantify. what is a wow gamer? amiserablepileofsecrets.
  2. wake me up when it comes out on a system not made by apple
  3. until volo shows up in the bedroom screaming R0000000FLES!!!!11!! through a megaphone. then things get little spicier.
  4. i just dont think its a big enough deal for them to really care if the details come out a bit early, the only people who care about the dlc at this point in a games shelf life are the hardest of the hardcore fans
  5. I can't find a team for the life of me. I played most of the weekend and found myself enjoying Wolverine, X-23, ammaterasu, Hulk, Haggar, Sentinal, Dante, and Storm. Putting a team together though.... there are just too many variables involved and I find myself constantly second guessing my choices. I don't want to invest a ton of time playing with a team that just doesn't work well together, but at my skill level it would probably take me a month to figure that out. I'm going to end up copying someone's team at some point, I just need to see one that looks like the most fun to use. it also sucks because I want to use some characters that I like but don't work well with my style (wesker for example). In SSF4 I would just spend a month working on someone like that (ibuki) just because I wanted to learn a new style in addition to what I had begun with (abel then guile). but in marvel i just feel overwhelmed by the choices.
  6. you have a team yet tale? I've been experimenting with wolverine but I can't find people to pair with him that I like using as well.
  7. have you ever seen the original night of the living dead? It invented the modern zombie. It has drama.
  8. i have to say, i really like that change so that more than just mages can perform some crowd control.
  9. me too, once all the dlc is out then I'll do another playthrough to hit everything, but right now i can almost play the game with my eyes closed. 6 playthroughs, and about 6 other halfway-throughs will do that. still the best game to be released in several years imo.
  10. i already did a ton of weapon tuning with my own mod.... i guess it might be worth trying the patched version to see which I like better though
  11. the combat looks bland and unsatisfying, but there arent any bioware games with combat that I love, so as long as the story is interesting and the characters amusing then I'll like the game well enough. If the weapons are better balanced this time (ie greatswords serve a purpose) then the game might be more fun to replay using a different style, and if there really is as much C&C as they are making it look like then maybe I'll actually finish a second playthrough (i never could finish a second playthrough of Origins, too many boring fights)
  12. plus they are hella silly, wills are all clowns and you can't have a scary game with clowns in it. wait...
  13. tried going from new vegas to Call of Duty World at War.... it wasn't pretty. The invisible walls in that game are so close together you can't even flank enemies in it. It's more claustrophobic than Doom.
  14. i too got tricked for a moment, that guys hair looked so real in a few of those shots... i'd love a zombie game that had a little more heft to it, left4dead is fun, but its a lightning fast action game, and dead rising is just silly. I will keep an eye on this one, but honestly I'm not expecting much from the developer, but then again, batman Arkham Asylum came from a fairly unproven developer and that game was amazing so you never know
  15. what is scary is that these boards are "super polite" when compared to the rest of the internet. bunch of savages in this town (the internet) man...
  16. i've heard good things about world in conflict, i bought it for $5 about two years ago, its still sitting around collecting dust though
  17. hahaha awesome. if you is a femhawke how many femcharacters can u romanse? edit: hmm... i need to work on my timing.
  18. if its homeworld 3 then ima be so happy... then maybe we can get bungie to make another Myth and all will be right with the world (of rts games) again
  19. whoa whoa whoa, i never go into the other areas of the forum but are the people there different than the people here? thats too weird. That's like finding out that there is a pack of hippies living in your garage, and they have been there for like two years and you just now noticed.
  20. I'm contemplating caving into popularity and buying MvC3 on my way home... upside is I will have a new game to play, downside is that for the next 3 months I will be consumed with a game that will make me angry more frequently than happy.
  21. awesome, even volourn is here to add to the love-fest for this board that the DA2 thread has blossomed into.
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