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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. yeah well sometimes i feel ive got to get away
  2. im guessing 399 on the psp2. which means by the time it gets to a price I'm willing to pay ($150) for a handheld game system that isn't a laptop the psp4 will be out...
  3. i didnt like god of war 1 or 2 so I didnt bother with part 3. same reason why i don't bother with halo games anymore
  4. actually, if it was put in there as an easter egg piece of humor it wouldn't bother me. hidden humor in games, even serious ones, is something I enjoy.
  5. its mostly in the general region where the cyborg armor is worn by the non cyborg dragon age character. thats pretty much where the cyborg part is. you know, generally
  6. this dude looks like a cyborg to me. edit: also, is that not what everyone else is upset about? i assumed we were all talking about how cyborgs don't belong in dragon age... edit 2: or is this one of those "there are no orcs in dragon age, only genlocks" type of thing?
  7. i'm actually more in agreement with oblarq on this one. Putting cyborg armor in dragon age, even if its optional, is patently... stupid. its just a dumb, childish thing to do. I don't care that most people won't see it, it bothers me that they thought it was a good idea at all. This is how the meeting should have happened: Design Intern: "hey lets put some cyborg armor in here but make it optional!" Lead Designer: "that is a stupid idea. no."
  8. not to mention the exclusivity of the dlc was announced AFTER the title was released, making it absolutely useless from any potential marketing perspective. i can only hope that this decision is reviewed at a later time and gets thrown into the horse armor bin of "never again"
  9. yes it is, actually it kinda reminds me of the stories you here about the gimmicks movie theaters would employ to get people into the seats back in the 50's. lets hope things never get so bad that we have to play games with ... smello-vision!!!
  10. it is, but i just remember being really freaked out the first time I arrived at grandma's house, i had to force myself to proceed (its like those times when you're going to bed and you feel like something is lurking in your room or house and you know its impossible but you just can't shake the feeling)
  11. silent hill 2 is my favorite horror game, but I, like purkake, am just glad that there are people who are trying to make scary and horrific games. I actually believe that in 20 years, the best horror experiences will be in games, not film or books. oh and has anyone tried "The Path", its actually quite unnerving/scary at times.
  12. please release them on pc is there anything else to discuss at this point?
  13. oh well, i wasn't planning on using it anyway, but really thats pretty stupid, why would someone choose to play dragon age 2 on console... (please no one try to answer that, im not interested in that debate
  14. i got about 3 hours into alan wake and stopped playing, the game was horrible so far I just figured it must get better at some point, maybe it doesnt?
  15. I bought 31 games in 2010 no wonder I've been feeling a bit broke lately.
  16. currently im playing 1. baldurs gate 2 2. borderlands 3. dead space 2 4. castlevania: Circle of the Moon
  17. Ok last year I did one of these and now I'm doing it again... my top ten games of the year (and for market analysis, the system i played them on and the price I paid) 1. Fallout: New Vegas (PC) - preordered 2. Mass Effect 2 (PC) - preordered 3. Red Dead Redemption (Xbox) full price, not preordered 4. Super Street Fighter 4 (Xbox) preordered 5. Starcraft 2 (PC) - full price 6. Assassins Creed Brotherhood (PS3) - half price 7. Heavy Rain (PS3) - bargain bin 8. Civilization 5 (PC) - gift 9. Splinter Cell Conviction (Xbox) - bargain bin 10. Castlevania Lords of Shadow (ps3) - half price runners up: Battlefield Bad Company 2 (bargain bin PC), Limbo (full price, Xbox), Alpha Protocol (bargain bin, PC) still planning to play: amnesia, Bayonetta, Darksiders, Alan Wake and my favorite older game which I played this year= Red Faction: Guerilla
  18. I accept the above arguments (state of mind, time spent thinking about games et al), then again nepenthe was the one who originally was questioning how many games need to be purchased to be a hardcore gamer, i was merely throwing more fuel onto the fire (though I myself brought up the concept as a metric so i guess i'm most to blame here)
  19. wouldnt a casual gamer just play the game and not buy anything?
  20. ... im thinking no, because then they are really just trying to avoid work, not actively seeking gaming out as a hobby.
  21. I thought red faction and red faction 2 were well above average console shooters, not as good as perfect dark, and obviously (laughably) not on the same level as FPS games on PC, but for a console game they were decently fun (at the time, I imagine they would be like torture now). edit: whoa, totally random news, but right at this moment the amount of movies I have rated on netflix is 1337. I'm such a badass har har har.
  22. wow, out of that whole post the only thing that got discussed was how many games a year need to be purchased to be considered a hardcore gamer... how disappointing. oh well I'll play too, a hardcore gamer is at a minimum: someone who buys and plays at least 6 NEW (as in, released within the prior 12 month period) games every year, AND averages 20+ hours a week of gaming time. OR someone who has averaged 20+hours a week of gametime for a period lasting greater than 10 years. (so yes under this second definition, if your grandma has been playing solitaire on her pc for 16 years, at more than 20 hours a week, she's hardcore)
  23. my guess: TOR will succeed about as much as any other mmo in the past few years, and it will be micro transaction based within a year of release
  24. I can only hope that they took a look at demon's souls for ways to increase challenge without resorting to just putting a million hit points into a meatbag that ignores armor.
  25. i remember thinking my game was glitched too, it ended at what I thought was the 50% mark.
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