I started up dark messiah of might and magic last night
its pretty fun so far, i like kicking people into spikes, but after a few times it starts feeling really silly slowly kicking someone in a circle until they are lined up for the final spikekickofdoom
I also have killed the same evil blackarmored guy about 25 times now. same voice, same armor, same guy. he has a lot of twins.
does the game get better or worse?
I imagine I'll play it a couple more hours tonight and that may be the end of my fun with it, but for a $3 purchase it certainly was worth it just for a couple nights of fun.
also, after demons souls I've been hankering for another game where I can skewer things with a spear, but other than diablo 2 and morrowind I'm having a major brain lapse thinking of fun games where you can use a spear. I tried morrowind but then remembered that I hate the combat in that game now that I've played oblivion (i know that sucks right, oblivion is a much worse game, but it totally ruined morrowind for me)
any suggestions?